Reviews for Fate Decides
Guest chapter 51 . 8/14
Volví otra vez.. se me olvidó decirte, excelente representación de Erza con baco y con jellal, lo llevaste tan bien que era demasiado natural :D ahora si, me despido, nos vemos en tu siguiente historia *-* ya me tiene intrigada, 47 cap x.x que emoción! Creo que pasaré más días y noches sin dormir mucho XD pero vale la pena :3
Atentamente: Bosque
Guest chapter 51 . 8/14
OMG! amé esta historia!
Me enamoré de cobra/nola 3
Me gustó ver a sorano feliz, me gustó mucho la interacción de Farron, casi no tiene protagonismo pero me gustó mucho cuando conoce a Hisui (me encantaría ver un poco más de esa pareja, pero algo así como un capítulo especial d esta historia sólo para ellos, tengo curiosidad de ver a farron con pareja y viceversa.
Nola, esa mujer zorro me emocionó demasiado con cobra 3
Gracias gracias por toda la historia dragon slayer, es lo máximo como esa línea se mantiene durante todos los capítulos con los eventos entretejidos de una forma que no aburre, más bien incita a seguir leyendo más y más rápido, lograste un equilibrio perfecto entre las aventuras, las parejas, el sexo, la historia y las descripciones *-*
Y el emparejamiento de Enzadi con Rogue *-* es simplemente glorioso!
También me gustó muchísimo la descripción de Wendy, es una descripción más madura, ya no tan infantil como la suelen poner, me gustó, de verdad la Vi como una orgullosa mujer dragon slayer en lugar de una niña tímida e insegura dragón slayer.
Como lo prometí, una opinión totalmente sincera sobre tus historias.. no te conozco pero creo que podría llevarme demasiado bien contigo... y repito... cada vez estoy más segura que sería muy feliz en Bosco, amo todo de allá 3
Atentamente: Bosque :D
Onix21502 chapter 15 . 6/21/2019
Um correct me if im wrong but wasn't lucy's distraction and rush to be with her lover venus's fault so why punish her for what they did
LadyofLemons chapter 51 . 12/13/2018
Quite enjoyable
theFaint4f.e.a.r chapter 23 . 9/17/2018
I’m not reading ahead before commenting on this chapter purposefully bc of how you chose “The Overlook” as a hotel name. I hope to god that this was done for a reason and will be so thankful you brought in a Steven King reference. You King my kind of heaven
im ur misconception chapter 51 . 9/13/2018
That was a neat little wrap up. Using Layla turning 6 to end this. And then Cana at the end, reminescing that it was her cards that set this all in motion.
im ur misconception chapter 50 . 9/13/2018
lol... that was a nice battle. Well, throughout and cunning played a part. Submitting to one's instincts, where Rogue would not under normally do it because of the loss of control of his powers, dangerous like Vander... Now that is a pairing. Ryos and Vander... tee hee...

But that last little tidbit of having to extend his vacation.. yeah that shit was hilarious.
im ur misconception chapter 49 . 9/13/2018
Oh... Devious and delightful in all its fucking GLORY! I approve...
im ur misconception chapter 48 . 9/13/2018
So, in this... there is no Zen? And handy skills of a princess... "Clothes Theif!" deft fingers at getting into the fortress of clothes and to the delicious prize inside.

And I think that is a fitting way for Hisui to get some loving and a nice redeeming light.

Of course, I live by the saying, "The path to hell is paved with good intentions!"

She was a prime example of that.
im ur misconception chapter 47 . 9/13/2018
*bounces like an excited Fox Kit ready to make mischief happen* FUCK YES! and Farror gets the princess of Fiore.. it is all good and well. I knew it! KNEW IT!

And... you cannot keep the pradesh boys away from one of your stories... it they belong... their a family.
im ur misconception chapter 46 . 9/13/2018
Yes, politics. But I know Laxus would support this marriage contract... but a part of me would think he'd rather Kaleb be happy... And what happened to Farron?
im ur misconception chapter 45 . 9/13/2018
AH the hunt was fun to read. And Laxus loosing because he doesn't give into his instincts... all about that control. Good points. Gajeel had to be run to the ground before doubling back and getting her. Even then it took two or three tries (not sure which). and now Kaleb.. AH!

I think Cris is right and Sorano just needs to hear it again from Kaleb.
im ur misconception chapter 44 . 9/13/2018
Oh, but sometimes that is what someone in a position of power needs, is someone who isn't like them. That one person to balance them out. Make them break from the strict mold they popped out of. She was/is his freedom. Love is a harsh mistress... to bad cana learned her lesson about using the magic of Venus w/o proper rights or thanks.
im ur misconception chapter 43 . 9/13/2018
hahaha... I teared up... I can so see Arman adopting Cobra/erik so that he had a family and a name to give his beautiful mate and two children... and at least he was honest about what the fuck he got outta it.

And that was an interesting way to make a contract. Love the rivialry that goes on between Loke and Draco. So dramatic.
im ur misconception chapter 42 . 9/13/2018
oh, so Sorano and kaleb in this one... and i am really glad that there is the use of other character that need that little bit of loving. Sorano and Sawyer (Racer) are definitely two of them. Though, yeah... making love in water is not fun.. rather abrasive even when drunk.
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