Reviews for Road to Nowhere
Megan chapter 1 . 10/4/2017
I honestly like Ezra being depressed and the crew trying to make him feel happy again so I can't wait for more chapters.
EmpireEmpress chapter 1 . 5/9/2017
Interesting. Please write more!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/21/2017
It is awesome! OMG, I'm a really big fan of Rebels and its quite of hard to find a story that I like, yours is amazing! Please write more
Midnight Luna chapter 1 . 2/20/2017
Oh Blueberry... Please don't be like me... CAN SOMEONE SAVE THE POOR THING?!

Inner Fangirl: So THAT'S why he cut his hair! Darn, I'm with Kanan, I like it long!

Ezra is depressed and all you care out is his hair?! *Sighs*
This was well written! It made me die a little inside but it was wondeful!

You have the best author name ever!

May the LORD be with you, always! ~Midnight Luna
GreyWolf93 chapter 1 . 2/21/2017
My advice to him at this stage; if you think you are so worthless and stupid, take a sharp knife, step into a hot bath, slit your wrists, and end it. But know that in doing that, all you are doing is further harming the ones you love. You tell yourself that you don't care, but you do.

Soldiers know what that kind of guilt feels like, and it HURTS, so badly at times that men I know often spend hours thinking about putting a gun to their head and ending their life. Why was it me who lived and not him? Why did God chose me to live, a worthless nobody, and not him, who was a better man than me in every aspect? We don't know. Perhaps we'll never know. What does it matter? You go on, and you fight for as long as you can, and clean up as much shit as you can. So you failed...good, now go fail again.
springfieldbluebird chapter 1 . 2/21/2017
Wow! I really like this! Very angsty and the last bit about cutting his hair, no more laughs, and the painting tore up my heart a little. Is more of this on the way? :)