Reviews for A new adventure, what else?
WarWithoutEnd chapter 13 . 2/24
I just realized that the best, in my opinion, FFXIV story in general hasn't been updated in over a year...

JohanNishigami chapter 2 . 8/29/2019
dang... I was really hoping for a monk.
tryal-leaf chapter 33 . 11/28/2018
I saw the new teaser for Shadowbringers and was reminded that I needed to catch up with your fic! You could say the ability to switch gearsets mid fight is semi-canon now ;)

Looks like Elway's getting some early Warrior of Darkness practice xD On the one hand, it's pretty satisfying seeing him go ham on the Salem faction. On the other hand, it's a bit disappointing how Elway and the gang are going to be separated. It does give him more freedom to do his own thing at least. Cinder is not going to be very happy when she wakes up though lol.

As always, looking forward to more!
Nidrog chapter 33 . 11/13/2018
So this isn't much of a review of this chapter but rather the fic as a whole. Given that I binged it in a single go basically.

So I love what you've done with Tsuyu. My favorite character of the expansion gets more screen time. Yay! I did think she deserved a happier ending so I like what you've done okay. And I love her sass.

And while I love the fact that we're only seeing remnant so far while following Elway I do feel that from this point on. Seeing what happens in remnant while Elway is back in Eorzea isn't such a bad thing given that we've now basically hoped off the cannon tracks of RWBY. Sure we bent them before with the whole Weiss arc. But Elway's interference up until now has always been to a point where the world of RWBY can still continue as it 'should'. Though that is just me and what I would do.

Speaking of our resident ice lady that isn't tear-inducing when she's brought up. (Ysayle why! T.T) Maybe it's just my way of reading things. Maybe I missed it. But where was Weiss in the fight? Maybe she didn't notice Elway running out with an unconscious Cinder. But if she did. OH BOY, that would cause issues, wouldn't it! Then again it might also be me being sleep deprived that made me miss what Weiss was doing in a chapter or two ago.

Still though great story. Love the side story chapters too. They make it all kind of come together IMO. Ironwoods three-hour seminar was great. And so has your recap of Stormblood been so far. Can't wait for Elway to exclaim something about a clown and pans much to the group's confusion. Or him refusing to take the train... Because of THAT fricking fight. Stupid Dragoon Ghosts in savage always targeting me *grumbles on about that while a mountain of salt forms in the background* No but seriously. Phantom Train was so hyped in the trailer. Only to become such an annoying fight in savage. Oh well, maybe that is just me as a dragoon? Regardless. Keep up the good work and honestly would love to see more jobs being used.
Thunder Dragon chapter 33 . 11/8/2018
Okay, so what is Elway planning? He has gotten his info but if he just takes team RWBY and NJR to Hydaelyn he can explain what is going on and what he is looking for.

Okay off topic but I heard about Midgardsormr Jr's request and a guy named Aragon365 has posted two versions of his request in one document on this sight along with King Wrym's.

Now I love Gold Diggers(the comics not the money grubbing harlots)! It is a awesome comic series. If you want to read the Gold Diggers comic you can download free PDF versions on the Antarctic Press site. Just so you know though it doesn't include their initial adventure with one of the GD worlds draconic baddies. And one story arc is only half featured in the Ninja High School spin offs. The special issues are also not included but overall I find it enjoyable. There's loads of pop culture references and parodies and a interesting world building and the series is still going strong.
unnoticed reader chapter 33 . 11/1/2018
So people tend not to take well to being betrayed and may go out of their way to spite you for it. Funny how that works. Emerald and co. really should of thought about that before they had the brilliant idea of attacking the guy that already defeated them to keep from paying him.
Blessings of Babylon chapter 32 . 9/27/2018
Now that ive finally finished the FF14 MSQ up to the end of 4.4, ive found time to come back and read the few chapters of this i missed.

Im really interested in the choice of giving Yotsuyu a happy ending. Sure, after 4.3 i felt that Tsuyu deserved a happier ending than she ended up getting, but i also felt it was inevitable. Tsuyu was dead, done, replaced by her original personality. Even if she did make the effort to not be a mass murderer on the scale of some real world dictators seen in classic states such as Soviet Russia or Communist China... she still was. Squeenix just giving her a green card to live happily ever after would have felt... unfair.

So, yeah, im conflicted over the choice to have Tsuyu live in comfort in Eorzea. On one hand, its what i wished happened to her, but on the other, i dont think she really deserves it.

(Side note, though, i was expecting them to end up on Remnant for whatever reason. Hide in plain sight? Bugger that, hide on another planet.)

Now, i bring that up because im wondering why the hell Cinder isnt dead. I mean, if Tsuyu was "conflicted", then what do we call Cinder? She is solely to blame for thousands of dead people in the fall of Beacon, personally killed second-best-girl-at-the-time Pyrrha, nearly killed "Current-Best-Girl-Until-Blake-Gets-A-Good-Character-Arc" Weiss, and is completely unrepentant in planning on murdering millions, all for her god of death.

Only character in canon RWBY that i can think of that is worse than Cinder is Emerald. She killed Best-Girl-At-The-Time-Penny.

Shenanigans aside, im glad to see more of this. I like that Elway is using his soul stones more often, even if it is just because hes currently falling down a hole and DRGs are good at that. Hope to see more, soon.
Vesuvius chapter 31 . 9/12/2018
Awesome! Excited to see Elway back with team RWBY - it was starting to get slow and feel like a recap of the quests, and despite me still liking your writing, I'm full well glad that they're back again.
Guest chapter 31 . 9/10/2018
I heard you were given a challenge by Midgardsormr Jr but, I have checked the reviews and I do not see it. But if you do decide to do Midgardsormr Jr's request just understand that their is more to Midgardsormr than patience and stoicism.

Midgardsormr is patient and enigmatic. He speaks in a slow, deliberate monotone and uses archaic speech patterns. While the original Japanese dialogue unquestionably portrays him as an ally, the English localization characterizes him more ambiguously through the use of Dravanian dialect developed specifically for the English release.

Midgardsormr discretely travels with the Warrior of Light, observing their deeds and accomplishments throughout their adventures in Ishgard. Midgardsormr is impressed when the Warrior regains their Blessing of the Light, convinced that they are the Light Mother's chosen.

The Father of Dragons becomes more involved in the Dragonsong War, agreeing in the Warrior of Light's efforts to end it. He will not fight, but lends his wings as he believes in the prospect of peace between the dragons and Ishgard. Though Midgardsormr is saddened upon witnessing Nidhogg's wrath, he concludes that his son was replaced with a vengeful shade and the war could only end with Nidhogg's death. Midgardsormr appears before Hraesvelgr and convinces him to stand with the Warrior of Light and Ishgard against Nidhogg.

As the sire to the First Brood Midgardsormr cares deeply for his children and laments on the tragic fate that befell most of them. From Bahamut's death and "resurrection" as a primal, Tiamat's
sorrowful imprisonment by the Allagans, Ratatoskr's murder to Nidhogg's endless hate.

Okay time to work, I am sure if Elway talked about why he is taking Cinder this whole thing could have been avoided.
Midgardsormr Jr chapter 31 . 9/9/2018
I just found this story and I have to say this. Oh yeah! Elway is the man! I love it! He is an actual person with his strength's and faults and is willing to help out but when he makes a promise he keeps it. Now seeing as you are such a fan of Final Fantasy XIV I have a challenge for you that was put up by a friend of mine named Aragon326.

It is a Final Fantasy XIV and Gold Diggers Crossover with the genre being Adventure and Friendship with some elements of tragedy and Romance. Now if you do not know Gold Diggers is a comic by Antarctic Press that has a free PDF download document of the first 199 issues, although their is something missing from the first series with Gina meeting the first bad guy of the series.

Aether Dragons and Golden Dragons Part 1: Midgardsormr's powers and abilities. Midgardsormr has to gain all the powers from all his incarnations across the Final Fantasy Franchise and have the powers he had in his prime before going to Hydaelyn and making the pact with Mother Crystal and all the abilities the pact provided him and the near infinite power and strength he had in his prime before coming to Eorzea and Hydaelyn and gets even stronger in his second life.

Midgardsormr has to obtain all the powers of all his incarnations across the Final Fantasy Franchise including the ones Midgardsormr teaches the player in his Final Fantasy VI incarnation as an Esper and all the incarnations of Jormungand in Final Fantasy tying back to Norse Mythology but also all the ones from the Gold Digger Comics species of Dragons, the powers of the Dragon's of the Type Moon Universe and all the powers of Bahamut's incarnations from all across the Final Fantasy Franchise and non Final Fantasy appearance's, The powers of the Dragon Hordes of Final Fantasy XIV, and finally he masters all the skills of the Final Fantasy XIV Job system first then all the Job Classes from all the games with all the skills of all the classes from all the games and Midgardsormr gets all the powers of his mythological counter part in Norse Mythology and various other interpretations of the Midgard Serpent of Norse Mythology in Popular Culture. Midgardsormr can also take a human form, and change his size and eventually gains all the powers dragons have in traditional Dragon stories from all across the world.

However Midgardsormr still has the weaknesses of the Dragon's of Final Fantasy XIV aka his eyes and he has to train and work hard to obtain the powers of all his incarnations in the Final Fantasy series, and master the classes of the Final Fantasy XIV Job System and the ones across the entire Final Fantasy franchise, and the near infinite godlike powers and strength he had in his prime before coming to Eorzea and Hydaelyn.

Aether Dragons and Golden Dragons Part 2: The Beginning of the Story. This story should take place after Final Fantasy XIV Storm Blood and Heavens Ward. Midgardsormr is offered a chance to be reborn in the ancient past of another World by Hydaelyn as a reward for his services to the world of Hydaelyn which he takes and Midgardsormr is reborn and placed into an egg. Midgardsormr's egg is found out side of the city of Civ-Alpha and is taken in by Exthilion himself after wondering how a dragon egg that is not one of the creation's of the Saurian's or a modified clone of Exthilion(like the First Generation of Dragons)is outside of Civ-Alpha or how it even exists. After the Dragons take control over Civ-Alpha Midgardsormr grows up alongside Tm'at and Dreadwing and they grow to be close friends before Dreadwing turns evil and learns how to use his new powers and relearn his old ones. Midgardsormr has to be more powerful than a Platinum Dragon and eventually Exthillion himself.

Aether Dragons and Golden Dragons Part 3: Midgardsormr's Primary Adventures. After The Great Cataclysm occurs and when the dragon Arkanaton created the "Sleep of Stone" to put the entire draconic race into hibernation until the crisis had passed. Many did not survive and Arkanaton himself has never awoken. But after the Cataclysm Midgardsormr using his powers resurrects all of the Dragons who did not survive the Cataclysm and finds and awakens Arkanaton himself, and others who were never awakened and he along with his old friend T'mat speak to the spirit of the Earth and learns that they have to migrate to another world as this is not their world anymore as the spirit of the Earth wants them gone and sees them as unnatural monsters and threatens to cause another natural disaster to wipe out the draconic race if they do not leave.

Midgardsormr, T'mat, and Exthilion make the rest of the Dragon Race migrate to Jade where Midgardsormr makes a covenant with the spirit of the Jade Realm to allow the draconic race to stay in the Jade Realm which the spirit of the Jade Realm allows and lets Midgardsormr have his freedom and restores his memories of his previous life and the knowledge of his past life and gives him the powers of the Dragon's of the Type Moon Universe to act as one of the Jade Realm's protectors and the powers of Bahamut's incarnations from all across the Final Fantasy Franchise and the powers of all Midgardsormr's and Jormungadr's incarnations across the Final Fantasy Franchise and the various interpretations of the Midgard Serpent in popular culture and in Norse mythology.

Aether Dragons and Golden Dragons Part 4: Midgardsormr's Secondary Adventures.
Midgardsormr has to become a Primogenitor of two entire races of Dragons by offering many Wurms and Drakes the opportunity to become the species of Dragons of both his lives which he is a hybrid of. The Dragon Hordes of Final Fantasy XIV, and The Gold Aether Dragons which he is the biological father of and also creating his own empire of Dragons that merges science and technology with magic and other mystical practices but his nation is an outlier unlike with the rest of the Jade Realm who do not adapt this cultural synthesis and all members of Dragon Kind are equal citizens in his kingdom.

Midgardsormr must also be the one to become The Father of Magic and has spread his knowledge to the mortal races and all of dragon kind after learning and discovering all that their is to know about magic and has gotten even stronger over the centuries and over the years he spread the knowledge of the Final Fantasy XIV system of Magic, The Final Fantasy series system of Magic, the Gold Diggers System of Magic and the arts of combat of Hydaelyn and the combat arts of the Final Fantasy Multiverse in the Gold Digger universe across Earth and the Jade Realm.

Aether Dragons and Golden Dragons Part 5: Midgardsormr's personality. Midgardsormr in his new life must be mischievous, care free, but also curious, compassionate, and rather mature for his age as a hatchling, but as he grows older he obtains the values of a mature man and becomes a more heroic character similar to Optimus Prime from the Transformers series(specifically Optimus Prime's incarnation in Transformers Prime). However when Midgardsormr get's back the memories of his past life from the pact with the Jade Realms spirit and the powers of all of Bahamut's incarnations, the powers he obtained from the Pact with Hydaelyn, all the powers of his various incarnations in Final Fantasy and Jormungand and the powers of the Dragons of Type Moon; Midgardsormr regains his patient and enigmatic traits while also regaining his old personality being perfectly fused with his new such as regaining his trademark patience and stoicism from Final Fantasy XIV and he speaks in a slow, deliberate monotone and exhibits archaic speech patterns that he uses in his position as Emperor of The Gold Aether Dragons and is once again the father of the dragon species of Final Fantasy XIV but this time in the Gold Digger Universe of which he is the once again the progenitor of and which he is King while also being a noble and loving father to his kids and a father figure to his subjects like in Final Fantasy XIV as the Progenitor of The First Brood.

Aether Dragons and Golden Dragons Part 6: Parings. Midgardsormr has to eventually fall in love and mate with a female Dragon. Either an OC or one of the Female Dragons from the Gold Digger comics like Jane or Sue and eventually has a son named Arthus who is his heir and Arthus falls in love and hooks up with D'bra, T'mat's daughter and they eventually get married. Now if you go into a sequel The Digger Sisters find their cannon love interests.

Aether Dragons and Golden Dragons Part 7: Midgardsormr's impact on the Gold Digger's world.
Midgardsormr's impact of the Gold Digger world must be massive both in this story and in a possible sequel when you go into cannon such as events that take place in the Jade Realm or circle around magic, the Dragon Race, and Dreadwing Midgardsormr's legacy and impact must be felt throughout the sequel.

To emphasis the legacy of Midgardsormr, Midgardsormr in the Gold Digger universe was the inspiration for the actual Midgard Serpent of Norse Mythology and for the inspiration of the legends and mythologies of dragons on Earth across the globe. Midgardsormr when he hatched out of his egg in the early ages of Civ-Alpha brought the Final Fantasy Aether in the Gold Digger Universe, The Final Fantasy Mist(term), The Final Fantasy Miasma(term), The Final Fantasy Lifestream, The Final Fantasy, Pyreflies, The Final Fantasy Phantoma or Soul(Fabula Nova Crystallis)world to both Earth and the Gold Digger Universe because of Midgardsormr's Hatching releasing all that mystic energy into the Gold Digger universe.

Midgardsormr also taught Merlin, The Savior of Dragon Kind, and Merlin The Wizard of Camelot everything they knew, and has fought The Umbra, an eldritch abomination that seeks to devour all reality and due to Midgardsormr's arrival in the Gold Digger Universe The Umbra also sees the Final Fantasy Multiverse as a tasty meal and has fought Midgardsormr for the fate of the Final Fantasy Multiverse on more than one occasion. However in response to this Midgardsormr acts as one of the main defenders of both the Gold Digger and the Final Fantasy universes and helped found Agency Zero and their predecessors the Wonder Friends to fight crime on earth and act as a legion of defenders of both worlds and be where he cannot due to his immense responsibilities.

In a potential sequel Midgardsormr must play an active part in the arcs surrounding Dreadwing, The Dragon Race, Hydaelyn and Eorzea, Magic, and the Jade Realm. Midgardsormr's impact, legacy, and power is so massive that the mortal villains of the Gold Digger franchise are scared shitless of him to the point they do everything possible to not get his attention! Midgardsormr must play an active part in the arcs surrounding Dreadwing, The Dragon Race, Hydaelyn and Eorzea, Magic, and the Jade Realm.

Midgardsormr's impact, legacy, and power is so massive that the mortal villains of the Gold Digger franchise are scared shitless of him and do everything in their power to not get on his bad side! The only exceptions are Dreadwing as he took T'mat and Midgardsormr's decision to take the Dragons to the Jade Realm as an act of personal betrayal and Dreadwing is the only dragon who has the guts to constantly challenge Midgardsormr for his title of The Greatest Dragon of All Time and to try and take what he thinks as well deserved revenge for this supposed betrayal and The Umbra who is so arrogant that it considers Midgardsormr an annoying lizard at the least and a fun distraction at the very most.

In those arcs as Midgardsormr has to become the expert and main authority of Magic and Dragon kind and a massive obstacle to the forces of evil as he has become a Godlike Dragon and is hailed as The Greatest Dragon Of All Time in both universes at the end of the story.
Chris Ganale chapter 31 . 8/6/2018
A new duty can now be accessed via the Duty Finder: Vault of the Maidens (Extreme).

Good luck, kids. Only Qrow stands a chance here, and that's without the great OP button that is the Echo.
tryal-leaf chapter 31 . 7/27/2018
Lmao, Elway, you're supposed to be a nuisance to the baddies not the goodies! Interesting circumstances aside, glad to finally see Elway back on Remnant.

Quick question, having not watched all of RWBY season 5, is Cinder losing an arm canon?

Short set up chapter as you said, so as always:

Looking forward to more!
Chris Ganale chapter 30 . 6/17/2018
Such a tragic ending SE gave us for Yotsuyu. Even I, who spent the entirety of the Doman arc hating her guts and even outright declaring "a shit life ain't gonna spare her from this spear when we catch up to her", sat there at the end of Fluminus regretting that her chance to peacefully atone had been stolen from her.

It's good to see her get a happy ending, and humorous that I wasn't the only one to entertain thoughts of altering canon for 4.3. Admittedly, I won't be taking it nearly as far off the rails, but I'll be leaving it just a wee bit brighter.

That said, long time lurker, first time reviewer. Been following along with Elway's adventures since the beginning and I greatly enjoy how he's a full character in his own right. It's never any fun to read a story where the WoL(s) is no more a character than they are in the game. So now let's see what he gets up to in the downtime until the next patch.
Diavolo chapter 30 . 6/13/2018
Thank you so very much for saving Tsuyu. The way you write Is brilliant, no grammar mistakes from what I can see either. Keep up the great work!
tryal-leaf chapter 29 . 6/9/2018
That was quite the roller coaster of emotions! Elway is a beast for soloing Shinryu though.

I hope Yugiri gets to be reunited with her parents in game. Though with the Doma storyline finished, it looks like we won't be seeing that anytime soon :( It will probably be a short side thing at the end of the expansion if anything.

Hehe, Elway finally asked the Question. About time ;)

Looking forward to more!
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