Reviews for Kitsune Curse
Guest chapter 19 . 7/26
i have no criticism to be honest. i love this book so much! please continue making some awesome chapters! UwU
izzy chapter 19 . 7/26
i love this book. i hope you are well and sane.(you might have lost your sanity while writing this though)Every part of it is cute! I was looking around on the wonderful world of THE INTERNET , when i came across this wonderful book. I am glad that you splurged your brain guts in this site! Dont catch corona, HECKING SOCIAL DISTANCE! and dont forget to always hide the body. i love your work!
Gaymer chapter 12 . 3/17
I noticed that in your writing, you tend to say "could of" and "shouldn't of", but it's supposed to be "could've"/"could have" or "shouldn't've"/"shouldn't have". I know "shouldn't've looks wrong, but there is nothing grammatically wrong with it and it's useful in conversations to make them flow in a more casual manner.
Guest chapter 19 . 7/2/2018
I don't understand why you're getting rid of your authors notes.
Guest chapter 19 . 4/7/2018
Aller! La suite s’il vous plaît !
Guest chapter 19 . 4/1/2018
Vite la suite ! Je veux continuer l’histoire
Tsukimine12 chapter 19 . 3/27/2018
Loved the chapter! Poor Mario, poor Luigi, hopefully they will find the cure soon xD
Rockster chapter 19 . 3/26/2018
Ok... I had been very busy past few days ago, with life and Mario Amino stuff like that. And I still don't really had much mood to write a review... but I do promise to write a review.

When I see a fox that can fly, I usually think of Tails... but I guess with Luigi it kinda make sense that he can hover a bit like a small propeller since it only has one tail.
Tails... remind me how did he rotate his 2 tails like an actual propeller without getting tangled eh... wait are Tails' tails attached to the end of his spine? You know what, screw Sonic game logic. I don't even know what the heck am I saying anymore...

I am not surprise that it is that easy to escape from that dungeon. I guess something good did come out at the end, so I am not gonna complain much about it.

Hello random minor characters that we will never care and see ever again. Bye and I will never miss ya two. Sayonara.

Although to be blunt, I think a lot of people will be self-conscious when they suddenly got mess up by someone or something. I mean if I suddenly got scratch by an ink pen, I will definitely try to wipe it off and be worried if there is any marks left on my skin.

And of course there is no easy way out. There is no way that you wanna end this story that early. Gonna get that McGuffin plot up and running.

Well, at least Luigi got some place in Sarasaland in the future. I guess it is quite lucky for him for this event to have happen.

Also, you need to put a double inverted comma at the beginning of the dialogue when the character's dialogues have more than one paragraph and continued immediately on the second paragraph as a dialogue. This is just for neatness and it is to show that the character from the first paragraph is the same guy talking at the second paragraph.
For example:
(He bowed in front of the girl and spoke, "I am very grateful for your assistance, my good friend.

"It has been a great time working with you. I had so much fun working with the daughter of the popular game company.

"But I unfortunately must leave now. It is pretty late and I have to rush back home to feed my pet." He turned around and walked away.)

Anyway, nice chapter. I am still tired with life and stuff, so I don't exactly had the mood to type a review. Kinda been grumpy as my head hurts and I typed this at late at night. Joy...
Guest chapter 19 . 3/25/2018
That's one shard down. Now just to find the rest. Poor Mario. I would be self conscious to if I were in his situation. Wonder where they'll go next...
Oh, and good luck with reconstruction on the story!
(And thanks for the clarification on the ambush on Kamek in the previous chapter.)
Colorful and Free chapter 19 . 3/22/2018
Yay...My green baby gets to date his princess. And he's happy, even if only for a moment. Now to find the rest of that Prism Star! Though I can't help but think that bit earlier about Kamek making some magical "forget everything and take on the memories of an animal" potion will come into play later on...
Mariogeek chapter 19 . 3/22/2018
Yaaaaaay! Yay for Luigi!
Ha, yeah the Benny and Charles thing was clearly a joke and I also thought it was super funny. Whoo! Lots happened in this chapter and I really liked it a lot! Your description of Mario cracked me up, I can see his fat belly right now. I actually have nothing to say as far as a critique, you did a really good job!
Pikminfan chapter 19 . 3/22/2018
Great job! I'm happy for Luigi!
Kai Anderson chapter 3 . 3/19/2018
First, when I clicked on Ch 3. I thought, "Holy Block of text! "You have goooooooot to do something about those blocks of text, man. It really makes the story feel a lot messier and cluttered. Im sorry to be harsh if you think i am.

Also... Saying things in parenthesis like (its a big castle) or (he cant remove his gloves right now) is almost an insult to the reader's comprehension. It like you are worried that we wont understand something so you put those little things in there. I wouldnt do that. It interrupts the story and happens a little little too often.

About the blocks of text, i am assuming that chapter one had them too? But u got feedback and fixed just chapter 1? Because that chapter is pretty much perfect.

Through this story, In a way, i feel like you are talking to me a lot , rather than telling a story.

kinda like how you wrote something along the lines of "if there wasnt enough space in the seat, he'd be sitting on his tail. "

Ya know... I feel like im talking to my 18 (8 years ago) year old self. I remember when i wrote fanfiction with blocks of text too. Reviewers taught e how to properly space things and it made e such a better writer. I also used to throw in random parenthesis and ANs. I havent peeked at your latest chaps. But i want to believe you fixed a lot of this?

Now then... On to the content.

Loved the transformation explanations. I even went to google image to verify u were explaining something correctly and u were! Question, though... Why is he becoming a fox instead of a full on tanooki instead or racoon thingy?

Also... Im not a fan of this whole "hiding a dramatic change" concept. I see it too often and i dont find that its realistic. I feel that if any normal person was experiencing this sort of change, they would immediately seek help from family and friends rather than running away

That said, i knew that his voice would be taken and i hate that, not as in u did something bad, i just knew it was coming and it did and i hate it. Its going to be a lot harder to get help for him now. Thats what i was worried about.

Loved imagining him clawing WL in the face. Not sure why but it was cute. Ive always wanted to become something like a fox boy if i am to be honest, so yeah! I like the story and i have always found luigi to be more adorable than mario, so fox adds to that.

So luigi is not going to get to hear the speech :( that's how it seems.

All in all.. I can see that you are trying and its paying off.

If i have to rate, story so far gets a 7, grammar and writing nuances get a 5.

Hope this wasnt to harsh!
Kai Anderson chapter 2 . 3/18/2018
Okay, so this chapter I was less impressed by.

1. I kinda didnt like the whole lugi's mansions flashback. It seems too soon to have something like that. This chapter was 80% flashback.

It made me want to scroll past it all to get to the good stuff. You already mentioned the paragraphs, soso u wont. I will say this though. New paragraphs are easy to make. Jsut wait until u finish related thoughts on something, the next.

Imagining a naked luigi was... Awesome. Hahaha

Try to avoid using words like "actually" or "literally " as emphasizers btw and i guess thats it.

Other than that... Like where story is going.

Kai Anderson chapter 1 . 3/17/2018
Well Well. This is an interesting start to the story. As far as grammar, nothing really jumped out at me except the time you wrote 2 words twice, one after another. I forgot which ones, but you will see it.

I like the idea you are going with and I'm curious how you will write animal Luigi and Mario (maybe) I'm a bit surprised you didn't write this using Kammy Koopa. Is it because you think she is dumb? lol

I also hope that Luigi get's to hear Mario's speech so he doesnt feel bad again. Nice job, dude! Keep it up !
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