Reviews for New Year, New Me
dreamthief19 chapter 36 . 8/5
Lovely story, thank you for sharing!
Bevey99 chapter 35 . 1/8
What a good read. From start to finish, excellent. I kind of expected the baby was not Edwards'.
Poor Charlotte, at least she found "herself"'. Thanks for writing and sharing.
namemeamy chapter 34 . 6/10/2018
Happy they are all safe.
namemeamy chapter 32 . 6/10/2018
I had thought that Peter was some how going to get to Renee, but this is worse. What was with the “no dog” thing, I thought her neighbor had a dog?
namemeamy chapter 30 . 6/10/2018
So sad for Charlotte.
namemeamy chapter 25 . 6/10/2018
I don’t know why, but I feel like maybe it’s not Edward’s baby?
namemeamy chapter 23 . 6/10/2018
I have to say, I respect Bella all the more because she *was* bothered after her break up with Mike. They were friends after all, even if she didn’t let him all the way in.
Peter is getting more bold, or maybe it’s just that now Jenks is letting Bella know when he’s around. Either way it seems as if he is planning something. He better leave Stella alone...( that little mention of how Edward usually lets her roam about and how he always lets her run free at the park has me worried! )
namemeamy chapter 20 . 6/10/2018
This one ran the emotional gamut! I am cautiously optimistic about Edward. Like Bella, I still don’t trust that Tanya isn’t somehow manipulating the situation; Time will tell.
After hearing the neighbor say she’s seen someone lurking about, right now I’m *glad* Mike is waiting in Bella’s apartment - and more than a little worried! -A
namemeamy chapter 13 . 6/9/2018
Something to do with the ex, I’m guessing. Pregnancy or illness?
namemeamy chapter 10 . 6/9/2018
Their exchange at the end was adorable! -A
Guest chapter 8 . 6/9/2018
He is quite perceptive, and it throwing Bella off kilter, but this is a good thing, I think. -A
debba8 chapter 36 . 6/2/2018
I loved this story so much!
ChristyWIX chapter 36 . 5/24/2018
That was a fantastic way to let the reader know that Charlotte not only survived but, she’s now thriving and blissfully happy, wherever she is, as Betsy. And, she’s smitten with Embry. Maybe he read the back of her postcard, even though he’s not supposed to, and he'll be forthcoming with a date request? I like that you had her think of Bella and Edward and their kids. They are still together and have created life, yay! I do wonder about all the their people that I mentioned in my last review. Thank you for sharing your imagination with us here. ~Christy
ChristyWIX chapter 35 . 5/24/2018
What a very lovely chapter. So sweet and carefree and fun. I loved Stella nipping at the waves the were 'out to get her'. Too cute. Them visiting the island that Edward planned to build on before he even met her and her loving it, is a very good thing. I also like that he has picked a plot of land in Seattle to move to once he builds on that too. Wonder how Jasper and Alice will feel about that, since they moved to where Bella lived just a very short time ago. Well actually, maybe they didn't? Last we heard from them they had received a date to finalize but, that could still mean that it fell through. At this point, they could've move back closer to the city and us readers wouldn't know it. Alice may have had her baby by now too. Hmmm. I would like to see that Edward offered Seth an internship with his new company. Nepotism and all that ;) He did look at his plans and they may have already broken ground on Leah and Sam's home so, it may not be nepotism at all. Edward could be really impressed with Seth's work, as we've not heard anything about that since we left them going to visit the parcel when they were in Forks. It would be wonderful if Seth got in the door like that. His hero being his mentor would blow his mind. I love that Edward presented a ring to Bella as a promise of a future. Her freaking out and him calling her on it, was quite funny. Her realization later that Edward may know her better than she does, was a wonderful internal thought she had. Very much loved this chapter.
ChristyWIX chapter 34 . 5/24/2018
Well, that was not nearly as dreadful as I had imagined it would be. I envisioned him kidnapping her and doing to her what he did to Charlotte. I did see the police getting him and him not living. I figured that would be the only way that Charlotte and Bella would ever have peace again. I do hope that Jenks' people refund Bella the money she spent on that security system that they said would work . . . knowing Peter worked in that trade . . . she deserves a refund and then some. I also mentioned several reviews back that I was worried about Stella. She knew exactly where Peter was and wanted to get the asshat for hurting her person. Very astute dog. I am so glad that Stella was not hurt worse. That she will be okay. Well, now Charlotte needs to wake up, heal and get some therapy. Then she can live her life free from worry. Bella may even benefit from a little therapy, even though she was not nearly as hurt as she could have been. She needs to get the rest of her stuff from her apartment and move the hell out of there. Yuck!
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