Reviews for Ragna the Dragonborn: 1st arc Skyrim
BANKAIZEN chapter 2 . 8/27/2017
Astrefernal chapter 2 . 5/31/2017
Just to know, will you include M'rissi and inigo in there ? If you don't know, they're two follower from fan mod with a good story and personality behind them and I think they would fit in your story.

P.S. : Got a impatient reader here !
Strange Observer chapter 2 . 5/17/2017
This idea isn't bad so good job! I'm just sitting here think what would happen in his run ins with the factions of Skyrim
coduss chapter 2 . 4/23/2017
lol, just love how he's already had enough of skyrims shit.

one thing always confused me, lucan and camilla say that the claws been in their family for generations, but i also remember camilla saying its something lucan just went out and found somewhere one day...i dont think bethesda got the story straight
Bunny153539 chapter 2 . 4/23/2017
Great chapter, the little differences with Ragna dicking off are hillarious :D
Dread Grim Reaper chapter 2 . 4/22/2017
"Just a first day of work. Man, things just getting a little... Crazy" thank you for chapter~ good luck and take care~
Stabr OpSihg chapter 2 . 4/22/2017
That was a rather fun and light-hearted chapter. the side story events with the Love triangle was amusing, especially with Ragna's blunt honesty solution to the whole thing; then the girl of said love triangle falls for our anti-hero.

I never would have thought that Ragna was one to constantly throw weapons that frequently; though I'm not complaining, it's fun way to show how overpowered Ragna is. (Him catching that arrow then "returning" it reminds me of a scene where Azrael did the same thing with a bullet.)

On the topic of a usually unmatched Ragna in Skyrim, as fun as it is to see Ragna curbstomping things while going along his grumpy way, not much actually happened to truly advance and bring detail the story. A story cannot survive and keep interest if it's only the hero having(relatively) easy moments and processes. There need to be credible and awesome threats and situations that challenge our hero to keep interest. Ragna being off-balanced by the Thuum-using Draugr near the end was a great example of what to do for staving of this "curbstomp monotony" as well as advancing the story in it's own small way.

With Ragna's game "destined" showdown and slaying of his first Dragon that attacks near Whiterun, you seem to be going for the 'Ragna is actually the Dragonborn' route, based on his reaction to the Word Wall. I'm really curious on how that fits and works with Ragna being a possible Black Beast (that's technically a dragon...? But soo much worse)? I'm also curious as to how Ragna's time-screwy Cauldron-like Azure Grimoire is going to interact with the Time flow attuned Dragons? How does the Boundary, the timey-wimey shenanigans that happen in Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and Ragna appearing on Nirn come together?! So many (technical) questions?!

Looking forward to more, and hopefully your story and you DON'T drop dead.

P.S. Winterhold College
Azure Legacy chapter 1 . 3/10/2017
Thanks to Blazblue: Variable Heart, we learned that Ragna has fought a dragon before... well at least a Bone Dragon(like the one in the Labyrinthian). So Ragna could muse and compare his performance in fighting the Bone Dragon that was summoned by a small, sadistic, vampire trap named Fuzzy(no I am not making this shit up) and Alduin.

P.S. When Ragna fought the Bone Dragon, he needed help and couldn't fight it alone. Without possibly activating the Blazblue.
ArmantusCumPinnae chapter 1 . 3/6/2017
make sure you dont drop this then... lookin forward to the next chap
Gilgamesh chapter 1 . 3/1/2017
I like it
Guest chapter 1 . 2/28/2017
Not a good start it was an amazing start keep updating please.
Stabr OpSihg chapter 1 . 2/25/2017
It's a bit rough, and there a handful spelling errors that remind me of someone using the English language as their second language.

Other than that this is an interesting, if basic idea for a fanfic. Just so there's no misunderstanding I'm excited for what could happen and I'm now following the story. What interests me is the idea I get from this premise that Ragna is considered the Dragonborn only because he's insanely powerful by many standards, and his BlazBlue's Soul Eater 'Drive' allows him to permanently slay a Dragon more or less like a Dragonborn; the complication that this could lead to is that the actual Dragonborn might still be roaming about, and the Elder Scroll for this "destiny" is now suffering the screwy timey-wimey stuff of a "Continuum Shift".

One thing I would like to note concerning Magic is that NOL Soldiers, and in fact many if not all the fighters within BlazBlue can be considered Battlemages by Elder Scrolls standards; especially with Ragna who theoretically uses various Ars-Magus using his Azure Grimoire. It would be interesting if Ragna gets involved with the Winterhold College, it would be a goldmine for magi-technobabble exposition on comparing and contrasting BlazBlue Ars-Magus/Magic and Eldar Scrolls magic.

Looking forward to more, as well as the story will be refined, made more lively and how it hopefully have more BlazBlue elements mixed and added in.

P.S. I would think Ragna would dwell more on the fact that a mook/minion was able to knock him out. With how he's usually a horrifying one-man army on a rather regular basis, this has never happened, ever. At the very least I would think it would take two wacks to take him down because he endures the first with his setting-related endurance, though a bit groggy for comedic effect.
ultima-owner chapter 1 . 2/25/2017
Ranga got a free ride out of town
Bunny153539 chapter 1 . 2/24/2017
I think it's a great begining. You inserted ragna, and then had him throw everything off rails. Can't wait for the next chapter :D
Zangetsu Ossan chapter 1 . 2/24/2017
Very good
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