Reviews for Repercussions of an Earworm
Oliver2016 chapter 2 . 10/29/2017
Creepy, awesome and I'M STILL LAUGHING AT 'BLUE MORON'! Perfect Halloween-candy, thank you!
joanhello chapter 1 . 2/28/2017
Very cute. You've done a nice job with their more youthful characters.
Oliver2016 chapter 1 . 2/25/2017
This is lovely!

Agates and glass and hiding in bushes and geeky Roxanne and sneaking away from Minion... (naughty, naughty, Megs). And the disguise-watch worked! And they're fishing!

Thank you!
Elf Kid2.0 chapter 1 . 2/24/2017
This is excellent! I love how you work the lyrics I to the story!

The stuff about the fishing trip is truly truly fantadtic. I especially like the bits about Minion. You really do a good job at portraying their dynamics, and I left how you thought about the logistics of their living situation, as people and in the Alien-Specific way.

Megamind referring to Minion as his brother is a joy to read.

This is an excellent, excellent story and I am greatly enjoying it.

I hope you feel better soon, and that the medical expenses are minimal. I also hope that 's heduling-relares issues improve. Congratulations on the baby, and I hope that you and the child are both healthy and safe.

You are amazing.

Thank You for writing this.