Reviews for For a Long Time Looking at Stars
Purr chapter 41 . 4/3
I don't know what to say, other than thank you for writing this. It's been a long time since I was inti fanfiction or games like I have been and it's solely because of Shane's character. My husband is 4 days shy of being a year sober from hard drugs and alcohol. When we met he was a struggling alcoholic whi had custody of his 5 year old son. We are married now and have 3 kids but it didn't come without it's ups and downs and everything written in this so far has all been something I have personally experienced or watched him go through. This is so beautiful and sometimes it really helps to see that others out there know exactly what this is like from both sides. Thank you.
Kartos chapter 46 . 3/24
Thank you so much for writing this well. It was obvious you understand the subject and treated it respectfully and realistically. There's no way he would just magically be okay, not when it's clearly a clinical thing. Also everything with her, too. So much going on, just like real life.
Kartos chapter 43 . 3/24
The stuffed panda made me burst into tears. I guess in a good way? lol
Kartos chapter 13 . 3/22
This is so well done.
NoxPrincess chapter 1 . 1/20
Just started playing stardew valley a few days ago and the first thing I did after playing was search for fanfics! Can’t wait to read more of this - I’m super curious about Shane as I haven’t delved far enough into all the character’s stories. Loved this first chapter. I’m excited to read more.
NeonTheGreen chapter 46 . 12/30/2019
I absolutely loved this! Thank you so much for writing this story.
Coccineus chapter 46 . 11/27/2019
Perfect ending. A beautiful work and I'm sad there's not more to read :)
Coccineus chapter 35 . 11/26/2019
This is fantastic and so incredibly good. One of the best stories I've read. Shane and Sophia feels so real.
Coccineus chapter 14 . 11/24/2019
This is a beautiful story :)
FelledandFallow chapter 46 . 8/6/2019
Is there a possibility of this ever getting a sequel? Ive read this 8 or 9 times over the last few years and I'm always so hopeful
lukeskywalkeer chapter 25 . 7/27/2019
Oh please dont let her ex be at her moms house when she gets there
GreenBanshee chapter 46 . 6/18/2019
I have to admit that it was just a joke when I'm looking for some Stardew Valley FFs. I never meant to really read one because I couldn't imagine how someone could manage an actual good and gripping plot around this game. Don't mistake me: I love the game but it's not kind of game I fantasize about after turn my computer down. But hell that was kind of an awesome fiction. I never expected this. Thank you.
TheNinjaStarfish123 chapter 24 . 3/5/2019
Thus story flowed naturally even with so many jump cuts. it's like fitting together a puzzle where each piece is so good. thank you for writing this story.
Guest chapter 46 . 1/17/2019
I just finished this after a night of binging, there is no better option for a shane fanfic craving mood. This is the peak of some great shit, sad it ended.
smileplease91 chapter 19 . 12/7/2018
Egyptian War is what I know it as! My best friend and I get violent when we play it. My husband won't play it with me because I scare him! haha!
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