Reviews for Miscommunication
CPAnthoni chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
Just got the Witchblade DVDs and am rewatching them, decided to browse the fanfiction and found this priceless fic. Laughed all the way through! This is so great. I'm still laughing. Thanks! :D
ThoughtCriminal chapter 1 . 12/13/2008
Wow...I was just starting to get back into Witchblade, was cruising through the fics...and stumlbed upon your story. This is possibly the greatest, most wonderful fan fiction ever! I am in awe. Thank you so very much...
Icy Flame chapter 1 . 2/2/2004
Oh my god. That was too great. I almost pissed myself while reading this. You have a wonderful sense of humor anda talented skill in writing. I felt you kept everyone in character and still made a very amusing story. I really look forward to seeing more of your work in the future. You have a spirited gift! hehehe Ian and Sara are just so cute together. Loved this! You went into so much detail, not a bad thing for this, it really explained a lot of the fic. I mean, you got to go through the steps of his "training", it was awesome. This was fantastic! *grins* *glomps author* *waves*
Later yo,
Born to Fire chapter 1 . 9/13/2003
That was the craziest story I've evr read, is there going to be a sequel? It would be great. Ian's so hott
Sandra chapter 1 . 7/21/2003
Totally Hilarious! Sara is one lucky woman to have Ian strip for her. Anymore to come?
Shauna Lee chapter 1 . 2/24/2003
Absolutely priceless! Oh, you are wicked.I laughed my a** off!
younger-than-that-now chapter 1 . 2/23/2003
That was. evil. Wicked. Hilarious.

Good job and good luck in the contest, if you haven't won it already. I've been giggling between my fingers since the second paragraph, but I must say that I still enjoyed the briefer, more somber moments as well (i.e. the reference to Danny and Irons roughness with Ian). Your pacing in syntax and diction was excellent, as was your pacing in story, from a good, fully described set-up to a good, fully considered set down.

Your original characters, Carol, Rafael and The Thong, were colorful and powerful, not to mention entirely likable. Except for The Thong; he was enviable.


DKM chapter 1 . 2/22/2003
HOLY SHIT! That has to be one of my FAVORITE fics! I want to say "poor Ian,' but after that striptease, I HAVE to say, "You go. boy!" DAMN! That was HOT! Made me salivate! :)~ Hehe. Oh, please let there be a sequel! I wanna know what happens next!

scooter1 chapter 1 . 2/21/2003
Hee! Too funny! : )
Patty chapter 1 . 2/21/2003
I'm sorry that Ian was embarrassed but tickled to death that Sara found him out! Humming the tune was such a clever way to let him know his cover was blown!
a fan of fanfiction chapter 1 . 2/20/2003
I LOVED IT! Absolutely fantastic! I look forward to reading your other writings.
orphan raven chapter 1 . 2/19/2003
Definitely the most entertaining, funny, fic I have read in ages. Wonderful imagery (hehe). Finally Ian gets daring. The end was priceless. *Drool* Gorgeous gorgeous Ian Nottingham.

Thank you Lassar.
Sandee chapter 1 . 2/19/2003
Great story! Lucky Sara to see the gorgeous Ian as we would all love to see him.
dragongrrl chapter 1 . 2/18/2003
Oh, what a delight! A genuine belated Valentine's Day treat. Thanks ever so much, Lassar!
kim chapter 1 . 2/17/2003
Another case of bad cellular. (This would have made a DELIGHTFUL Verison commercial.) Very funny and sweet.
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