Reviews for The Summer of Ruby
bwburke94 chapter 21 . 7/31
So close to slipping on Blake's last name. (But it probably wouldn't matter, if these temporal mechanics are what I think they are.)
Guest chapter 21 . 7/22
Ruby does remember that the guy with the great abs is her father right? I know the story alludes shes births herself becoming her own mother(reminds me of a Futurama episode) but still you would think that was after years after discovering it and coming to terms she has to have sex with her dad in order to exist, even if she will be mentally scared afterwords.
helenGet chapter 21 . 7/24
I love this story, wish more stories like this were writen
Pandamexic chapter 21 . 7/23
Still one of favourite stories. The attention to detail creates a very nice depth.
hirshja chapter 21 . 7/23
I don’t know why it took me this long to realize that Ruby just loves military weaponry for the purpose of reenacting stuff. I don’t know if that’s poor characterization or me being an idiot. Likely it’s a combination of both, considering it reads more as “This is the best way to do things” even though it very clearly isn’t.

What I will say however is that the whole “I know a guy” thing is ridiculous. Like, it’s one thing for her to know Junior and vis a versa, but to have her know someone to solve pretty much every problem is a bit much. She went into the past, not the future, so even if she knows someone, the someone wouldn’t know her.
GrnDrgnzrd chapter 21 . 7/23
I have to laugh about all the times you make us wonder about Ruby cheating on Weiss while she's Summer.
Now I'm curious about Qrow's score.
See you next chapter.
destinytyrannous chapter 21 . 7/22
been reading this for the past 6 hrs. awesome story so far and I cant wait to see where you go with it
Zapper Frost chapter 21 . 7/22
I think you forgot about Neon Katt at the end of this chapter
ethan.lukkar chapter 21 . 7/22
Magnificent chapter can't wait for more please update soon
Chryseum chapter 1 . 7/12
"that's what a year of testing was for".
Are you kidding me? She literally just succeeded and is extremely sleep deprived and this is her second ever test.
hirshja chapter 18 . 4/2
Hey, so Tucson was trying to leave the White Fang when he was killed, he hadn’t been on the run before that.
hirshja chapter 14 . 4/1
Heh, so Ruby is literally a clone of herself?
ethan.lukkar chapter 20 . 3/31
Magnificent chapter can't wait for more please update soon
GrnDrgnzrd chapter 20 . 3/30
Another awesome entry. Still loving the banter between "Summer" and Raven. This also leads to a very interesting question. It's one that can only be answered by the end of this story, and I don't think I want that yet. See you next chapter.
AssassinAkame chapter 19 . 3/1
This story is Amazing! i cannot help but ship Raven and Summer/Ruby together! Makes me wonder the way Raven reacts to Summer's flirting if she is developing a crush on her. Who knows. But I ship it nonetheless!

Kudos! Please continue this story! I would really like for it to update.
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