Reviews for They Didn't Know We Were Seeds
Midge Evans chapter 27 . 5/25
Well. WELL. It'll be interesting to see what comes of that.
Midge Evans chapter 26 . 5/25
I'm worried about Sage. I have a guess, but... I hope it doesn't end up being the thing that breaks him when his mother finds out.
Midge Evans chapter 25 . 5/25
People better be watching. Snape should better watch out for himself even more. He's shaping up to be a leader of sorts and the purebloods won't like that. Not if he isn't singing to their tune.
Midge Evans chapter 24 . 5/25
A good chapter. Snape is a sad man.
Midge Evans chapter 23 . 5/24
Ugh, hormones.
Midge Evans chapter 22 . 5/24
More allies! More allies! How's it going on Lily's side?
Midge Evans chapter 21 . 5/24
A transition chapter? Still interesting. What was Montague's name before she married?
Midge Evans chapter 20 . 5/24
I had to take another walk at the start of the chapter and by the end of it I'm chained to my seat. I don't know what to do with myself! This isn't at all what I was expecting and it's great!
Midge Evans chapter 19 . 5/24
Do you know, I had to stand up and take a walk when she said "how did I not see before?" and not scream? Because Plot and Emotions and FEELINGS. We're barelling towards canon divergence now and the adrenaline from rushing down that cliff is making my head light.
Midge Evans chapter 18 . 5/24
Does Boyd let his brother boss him around? Because that's cute.
Midge Evans chapter 17 . 5/24
Slowly building up his reputation and allies and he doesn't even know it! How surprised he must be when it hits him! Or that's what it's looking like to me. I wonder how Lily is doing over at Gryffindor. Will we ever get to see her side?
Midge Evans chapter 16 . 5/24
Does that mean Blaise isn't going to be conceived then? Also, I somehow feel like I'm celebrating a little too early. The tin does say Mystery. Hopefully, she doesn't go gunning for Snape.
Midge Evans chapter 15 . 5/24
Zabini? That's interesting. Does that mean the mystery will end soon?
Midge Evans chapter 14 . 5/24
I really should've seen the snow ball fight happening. I'm still a bit surprised. Dumbledore seems stressed by this, like, a bit more than I thought but he might be worried about another Tom Riddle happening.
Midge Evans chapter 13 . 5/24
Were they used for a spell or something? That much death... this is really interesting. I've no idea what this could mean and how much of it you're going to explain some plot that happened in canon. I'm a bit concerned for Sage and Snape. People might accuse them.
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