Reviews for Argument Interrupted
justinegraham chapter 1 . 5/6/2017
This is a great take on the South passage scene. I'm sorry to have missed it until now! So hot, and perfectly in character. It killed me when Leia said "nothing has changed", because face it, this changes EVERYTHING. Nice work!
Jaina Durron chapter 1 . 3/5/2017
I really enjoyed this! I love the idea of Han pausing their fight to REALLY call Leia out on her feelings. Even if she does go back to keeping her walls high and strong. And when Han takes Leia's arm and starts dragging her- and Leia has no idea what he's thinking- I don't even know what to say!
I'm not much of one for smut, but I did like the idea behind this and you did very well with it. Nice job!
erindarroch chapter 1 . 3/4/2017
"Did she get his point?" ha! I should hope so! Only...she doesn't really get it, and I love that. Despite the heat of the encounter and the release of some tension, Leia emerges from it just as rational and reserved as ever, still fixated on her responsibilities to everyone else and neglecting the responsibility she has to herself (to love and be loved; to claim some personal happiness, despite all her losses). I think this chapter needs a follow-up...
Guest chapter 1 . 3/2/2017
Bummer that Leia won't give Han the chance he wants, even after this. I suppose she's still scared of how she'll feel once he leaves.
Claire1976 chapter 1 . 3/1/2017
Wow...I know you posted this at Zyra's blog but rereading it I realised that it's even more brilliant than I remember it to be. In an alternate reality this would blend seamlessly into the onscreen action, it fits right in there and Han and Leia are perfectly in character. I loved the South Passage argument but I think I'd love your take on it even more. And did I mention the hotness?

Reading this just reinforces my belief that we need more from you...much more ;) Fabulous stuff.
Shub20 chapter 1 . 3/1/2017
Really enjoyed this!
knitzkampf chapter 1 . 3/1/2017
What a fun challenge, and you know, why couldn't it go that way? And then you finished it with the status quo, so the show goes on. But the trip to Bespin would sure be fun :)
Bon chapter 1 . 3/1/2017
Wonderful story.
Sofie.C chapter 1 . 3/1/2017
First of all let me tell you, I enjoyed reading this thoroughly. In fact I have been hanging on your every word and found myself absolutely captivated by the happenings of this amazing what-if-scenario. I want to quote your first reviewer, you have done a wonderful job in describing "something explicit without getting too explicit". Your wonderful description gave us an enthralling insight in regards to the
intense emotions transpiring between these two, having them carefully and thoughtfully transformed into passionate love making, discharging all the UST - such a great way to hash things out between them indeed.

But then, as we are nearing the storys end, you caught me completely by surprise, because I could not believe Leias "So from where I stand, nothing has changed," and her dismissing Han the way she did. So I had to re-read the story two or three times to finally get it. Also Leias earlier question:"What did you do that for," after Han had kissed her, helped me to understand her POV aka her stubbornness: Leia has been raised to be a leader, a queen one day. So she has practically has inhaled conscientiousness and responsibility from an early age on. Then everything about her life did end up in catastrophe and trauma, which made her the embodiment of conscientiousness, because she needed something to hold on and something to hide behind or better something to seek behind. Shelter rom getting hurt again and shelter from losing something or someone again. I think she very much became estranged from her own feelings in order to survive her trauma. She built up walls so high to shield herself from any emotional "disturbances" ("... no amount of wanting in the galaxy is going to change that.").
So, after she allowed these walls to let Han in, because she became overwhelmed with her physical response to his as well as her own feelings, she is eager to put that guard on again and Han can literally observe this:"He could see it instantly in her eyes, the walls she kept so tightly around her already going up again." And Leia knows, she knows out of instinct, this dangerous and she has know down this all along:"Had knowing somehow and what she had been afraid of all was no way she could ... let him see how easily she could give into him again."

And by thinking this through, my surprise vanished and Leias behavior made sense to and I fully came to understand, you really have gotten under the skins of Han ("There was too much resignation and guilt flooding through him to look at her ... There was a softness, almost sadness in his eyes as he stared at her.") and Leia and you did an amazing sketch of their characters ("She needed to get back to work and that was her main goal and purpose as always.").
I think, on a subconscious level Leia has gotten Hans point all too well, thats why she "had to move" and to get away from him.

About all my re-reading and reflecting I came to not only enjoy your story, but to love it. Also I think your scenario adds even more depth to the scene in the command center, when Leias and Hans eyes connect and he tells her "Come on, thats it" and she finally lets him drag her away from a life threatening situation.

Do you know Birdys "All You Never Say"? Though the lyrics do not cover Han and Leias dynamics absolutely literally, to me it is a great Han/Leia/Hoth song from Hans POV. Also I think it matches the general tune of "Argument interrupted".

Wonderful story, great writing and excellent character work! Thank you for sharing!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/1/2017
Oh wow l loved this. Had to leave a review. I liked how you described something explicit without being too explicit. Also totally in character. Thank you