Reviews for Nature's Chosen Child
Richard chapter 19 . 7/24
Flenners fanfics chapter 19 . 6/30
will you update again?
Flenners fanfics chapter 10 . 6/30
maybe you could do leone x tatsumi? raina or leone seem like good shipping material for this scenario
Flenners fanfics chapter 8 . 6/30
#tatsumi x raina
jamthacreator chapter 19 . 6/22
This story is amazing please continue it!
Angryhenry chapter 19 . 5/2
Will we get another chapter?
HamClad chapter 3 . 2/6
Give Tatsumi the power to heal...a brilliant solution to counteract the deaths in the series, if you are going to do that. Pure genius.
HamClad chapter 3 . 2/6
The shift between first and third perspective is kinda jarring. Also, why would he defend a girl that tried to kill him? Is there something I'm missing here?
HamClad chapter 1 . 2/6
Honestly one of the most creative teigus I have seen anywhere.
arga101 chapter 18 . 10/30/2018
Liking it so far. I'm glad that Tatsumi's back size-wise. It's weird to see a humungous Tatsumi.
arga101 chapter 12 . 10/21/2018
This chapter's a bit cruel actually. Tatsumi lost someone dear and released his anger along with his power. Which in turn made Esdeath interested. I really don't think Tatsumi would be fine with Esdeath being interested in his power because (indirectly) of Raina's death.
hi again chapter 2 . 9/4/2018
ok, now that i've been an absolute cunt how about some ''construtive'' criticism that's more opinionated than anything
unless my first review doesn't go though in that case i am a good samaritan and you should respec tme
*cough cough*
if you want to make a good fanfic, you need to know how to flesh out in-universe years. make your use of time skips
minimal. they ruin the flow of the story. time skips are convenient to get you started off, but if you ever want
to rewrite this i'd suggest taking them out. you'd be surprised how many people enjoy a few extra chapters detailing
the childhood of a main character and all that jazz. it adds to the word count too, which is probably one of the
biggest things people look at when finding a fanfic they want to read(i actually checked it myself when i clicked on
the fic). anything above 50k is generally considered credible, even if it hasn't been updated in a year or even a few.
don't try it if you don't think you have a good enough imagination to keep things interesting though. basically tskips are
amateur-esque and you should rid your future fics of them when you're confident in yourself.
here's an idea i came up with on the spot: TRAINING MONTAGE! FUCK YEAH BOIIIIIIIII

okay that's all i'm bored now
hi chapter 1 . 9/4/2018
but i'm easily bored so-
i mean i'll still read this since it's the first agk fanfic i've clicked on, but...ugh, nature, amirite?
nothing against you, just nature powers and shit. not my cuppa.
i'm always this crude in my reviews so :)
QrROe chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
Veri n1c3TZVst0riD8
Thicc Jesus chapter 1 . 7/27/2018
I think I read the update wrong. I feel stupid now.
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