Reviews for To Grow Is To Shrink
DeadThisAccountIs chapter 1 . 4/27/2019
God, I love this fic. I just do. Jack’s perspective was interesting, absolutely, poor bastard’s so in denial and lashing out at the world (And it was nice seeing him able to admit that to Scion) but what I really loved about this fic was in the background, Skitter and Bonesaw being saved, redeemed, helped by Legend. You perfectly captured Legend, I cannot stress that enough. There was just something so nice and pure and wholesome about Skitter and Bonesaw having a redemption in the background, and if you ever did a story centered around that, I’d read it in a heartbeat. It was nice seeing Taylor grow so much, being able to forgive a man who simply wouldn’t be able to understand it. And her desperately pleading for Legend to save her, hardly able to brought some tears to my eyes, I’ll admit. Anyway, Legend is great, and it was nice seeing Bonesaw able to find her own peace to.

And finally, I appreciate the irony that Jack’s attempts to create “Masterpieces” only caused Skitter and Bonesaw to better themselves, likely becoming heroes and benefiting the entire planet with their powers. Skitter fought off Leviathan, right? That’s pretty amazing. And Jack also managed to unintentionally stop Scion from destroying the world by lashing out at him. So in a strange, funny way, Jack saves the world and made it a better place. I wonder what he’d think of that.

Could there ever be hope for Jack being redeemed, or is he just too psychopathic to truly redeem himself? And what was all the weird stuff at the end? Feel free to DM, if you wish. I’m too dumb to understand the finer nuances of descriptive writing.
kardod chapter 1 . 3/10/2019
I love this story.
Aetherium21 chapter 1 . 2/5/2019
Hidden gem
Slenderbrine chapter 1 . 3/30/2017
A: Oh my god, Jack figured it out. He knows, and Scion knows he knows, and that doesn't matter because Jack is dead.
B: What does "logic" and "fran" mean at the end of the fic?
Greatazuredragon chapter 1 . 3/12/2017
Very interesting work.
This was a very enjoyable read, and the idea that at the end Jack himself could have unknowingly stopped Scion from rampaging by sending him away was a very nice ending.
Good work.

Ps:what does the 'fran' at the ending means?
Edale chapter 1 . 3/9/2017
Nice fic... but really don't get how the title/description relates to the fic...
PhantomStranger chapter 1 . 3/7/2017
Who'd have thought that Jack Slash of all people would inadvertently end up saving the world with just a few words. Guess Cauldron should have just been trying to get him to deal with Scion from the start.
Forsaken139 chapter 1 . 3/7/2017
Poor psychopathic, murderous Jack.

Well that is one way to get rid of Scion.