Reviews for Growing Up Jedi: Book Four: Playing Sides
Guest chapter 1 . 1/20
Man I was hoping to see all of this story through hope you decide to post the rest. Best wishes.
A huge fan of this series
Natman717 chapter 32 . 10/3/2018
So it seems I have reached the end... ah man. I really like your writing and I hope you could update again but you must have some stuff going on so I won’t pressure you. I still can’t believe how long it took me to find these stories and why not many others have seen them. I hope you still see reviews and understand just how great this overall story is. Anyway thanks for the entertainment and goodluck in what ever you are doing.
MasterLam chapter 32 . 6/4/2018
Absolutely love these books you’re the reason I even made an account! Please upload soon or even just make an announcement- is the story cancelled?:(
Canven chapter 32 . 5/4/2018
Book 4 seems to be the best yet! I love the development of all of your characters, not just because of who they are are becoming, but also because the characters are developing in a way that feels natural to each individual, which definitely adds to your story. This storyline with dooku has been pretty dang cool so far as well. I really really hope you update again soon, your series is one of my all time favourites from the masses of fanfiction I've read over the years :D
Tootsie tart chapter 32 . 4/3/2018
I love these! Please keep writing! I really like Nara, I love her sass and her attitude.
dd22 chapter 32 . 3/2/2018
please update soon
dd22 chapter 1 . 3/2/2018
TenebrisOYX chapter 32 . 12/24/2017
Amazing chapter! But this whole love story that you are cramming in is honestly kinda boring. (Just my own personal opinion.) Also wouldn't it be cool if Sascha turned to the dark side by the end of the story? Like I don't really see how else this entire story could end, besides him you know getting killed? Either before order 66 or during. But hey! I just gotta tell you man, this has to be one of the best Star Wars fanfic story that I have ever read (With the main character being an OC). Sure sometimes to me Sascha can get a little bit boring and all, but still he's an amazingly written character. Only if he could get better with his lightsaber. And maybe kinda mature more. But this entire review is my own opinion so take it with a grain of salt. Keep up the good work!
NotaYipsterGoy chapter 32 . 11/2/2017
Really love your work I think I've read all of your books in the last 2 days! Can't wait to see how Jeff's (seemingly) betrayal and tyra's capture turn out. Keep up the good work
SpeechBubbleMe chapter 32 . 10/16/2017
I really liked Sascha's response to Dooku's speech - like all Sith Lords, Dooku doesn't really like witnesses to his opposition. I look forward to their continuing debate! The rescue seems to be going well, but I can't see what Teff plans on accomplishing by fighting against Aurine and Tiplee. The game of trust is afoot... awesome chapter!
Lord Darth Yoda chapter 32 . 10/16/2017
Really enjoyed this one. Always love scenarios where the villain clearly knows what the hero is doing yet can't retaliate like they want or else they blow the cover they so finely crafted.
SpeechBubbleMe chapter 31 . 10/10/2017
I'm not sure how sound Tiplee's advice is regarding Nara and Sascha. With those two, close physical contact would lead to more attachment. I also feel like Tyra's rescue is going to be a lot harder than the Jedi plan it to be. Great chapter!
SpeechBubbleMe chapter 30 . 10/2/2017
There is no way a young Jedi padawan like Tyra could defeat a highly trained Sith Acolyte like Asajj. Just a request, could you fix the spelling of her name in this chapter? It is spelled "Asajj". Forgive me for my correction, but it was a bit distracting to read this chapter and try to not focus on the spelling. I love the action chapters!
Lord Darth Yoda chapter 30 . 10/1/2017
Yep Teff totally sold them out. Poor Tyra, she's getting the Sascha treatment it seems. He'd better hurry up and start getting knocked out or he won't be our main protagonist. You did a great job showing how Tyra was trying to get away, I think if it was one of the earlier stories she wouldn't have been so careful. She's much more focused now.
Lord Darth Yoda chapter 29 . 9/26/2017
Don't tell Obi-Wan Asajj is flirting with someone other than him. ;) Really interested to see where this is going, does Dooku paint Asajj as a Jedi assassin trying to shut him up? Actually with our mains sneaking around he'd have a good case for it.
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