Reviews for The Runaway
Guest chapter 51 . 5/26
I have been reading this since I found it and have been so wrapped into it, I’ve done little else with my time! You are an exceptional author and I truly hope we see a sequel at some point!
Guest chapter 51 . 4/20
Wow! I love all of your stories but this one is definitely my favorite, I think I’ve re read it about 5 times now! I know you mentioned writing a sequel a while ago, no pressure to do so but if you did I’d be so happy to read it!
Indianagreaser chapter 29 . 3/11
I don't usually leave comments, but this is a very good piece of writing. The author definitely understands novel structure and suspense. While keeping the basic character traits the same, a new level of depth is added to each one.

This person has some real talent and should consider writing a novel of their own. I've been glued to this since I found it.
SunshineAndOranges chapter 51 . 3/9
I wanted to say thank you for this amazing story. You are a phenomenal writer.
Toothyhogwartz chapter 8 . 8/27/2019
what's with all the slashes
JennLark chapter 51 . 8/7/2019
Great story. I was sad to be finished.
Guest chapter 51 . 1/29/2019
I love this story please write a part too it was really amazing.
CapNicholls chapter 3 . 7/22/2018
'...glad no one was around. Otherwise, I'd have to throw the kid off.' XD Nice.
weirdmixofsodapopanddallas chapter 51 . 5/5/2018
Damn. This has been one wild story. But I've really enjoyed it. It's great. Best one I've read in a while. It can be so hard to find decent writing sometimes. *shakes head* If you haven't already started a sequel, you should write one. I know I'd read it.
Whovianeverlark17 chapter 1 . 5/1/2018
this was amazing. Heartbreaking at times, but amazing
fletchley chapter 51 . 4/11/2018
I don't think I've ever read a fic this long and stuck around to enjoy it all. this was an incredible journey, and I thank you for writing such a spectacular masterpiece.
Lexi chapter 51 . 4/8/2018
I binge read the whole damn thing. Took me forever but man you had me hooked. I had to find out what happened. I definitely wouldnt say no to a follow up if you're so inclined to write one. Amazing.
LadyAvelyn chapter 50 . 4/8/2018
I really enjoyed this. Thank you
Messy Ink chapter 51 . 3/6/2018
Oh man, you really got me hooked with your writing. Loved everything about this - a well thought-out/fast-paced plot without going out of character along the way. The way everyone banded together - even poor Susie - to bring Pony home was amazing. Kinda didn't expect to feel this way at the end, but I guess Susie's chapters were in a way my favorite ones, especially since it was kinda fun to get a girl's (or a female Two-Bit's haha) perspective on the whole gang. Looking forward to the sequel, whenever you get around to it!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/4/2018
Amazing story has kept me captivated all week end! Please write a sequel
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