Reviews for Legend of Willowa Lake
Shilpa chapter 20 . 1/12
Good, well written mystery! It read totally like an actual HB book! Thanks for writing and sharing it! :)
TheRavenAndBear chapter 1 . 8/6/2019
I read this story of yours last week and really enjoyed it! You did a really good job of deepening the mystery, but not rushing through it too fast. I really liked your involvement of Tony in this fic, he was there when the Hardys needed him, but he wasn't too eager to investigate. I think the way you involved him was just right! A lot of people can incorporate other characters and make them just as into mystery solving as the Hardy brothers, but I don't feel like that's quite right. Friends are there for their friends, but don't have to take up the same enjoyments that they do.

On the other hand, people also tend to leave out the friends altogether. Those stories often end up fine, but I always appreciate the link to the books and the Hardys' childhood.

I really hope to find time to read some of your other stories. Thanks for your support on my latest fic, "More Than Just the Fun Uncle." Good reviews always make my heart happy!

Keep finding inspiration! -TheRavenAndBear
Guest chapter 20 . 9/22/2017
Tamzi.k chapter 1 . 7/19/2017
A good mystery and also writen appropriately
Enjoyed reading it
Cherylann Rivers chapter 20 . 4/7/2017
Execellent wrap-up to the case. It was really interesting to see Hoelt's backstory, and I like how you framed it that Frank just wanted to know how everything tied together. I also enjoyed the quip by Tony whether Joe would live or not, and Joe's attitude that it takes more than a little trap to take him down! I also liked the little details, like the boys' griping about an early flight- so true that the FBI could have done better. Great, true closing line as well
Your stories are a pleasure to read; you're a real talent. Excellent! Now- hmmm- can I get you to write a Frank and Callie story?! LOL. Looking forward to the next one!
Peyton chapter 20 . 4/6/2017
Great wrap up and great resolution to the mystery. I'd love to see more from you on the Hardys. Perhaps something with Chet and Biff?
Caranath chapter 20 . 4/7/2017
heheh. Tony knows them soooo well.

nice story. looking forward to your next one.
max2013 chapter 19 . 4/6/2017
Way to go guys-job well done!
Caranath chapter 19 . 4/6/2017
typical Joe. inappropriate comments once the immediate danger is past. hopefully Frank insists he get on the Bird with Agent Clarke to get that ankle taken care of.
Cherylann Rivers chapter 19 . 4/6/2017
When I read your stories, it's as though I am reading a real HB book, and that is hard to accomplish. Your style is crisp and you move the action very well. In this chapter, can I just say "Yay!" Finally, things appear okay. I loved the scene where Frank was reasoning out what to do and how to stall for time, knowing that disarming Walt was his only real option. The analytical side is completely Frank! The puppet seems like quite a masterpiece, and the idea that its mobile is pretty clever. You also show Hoelt's strengths and weaknesses well- she maybe couldn't murder, but could order someone to do it, among other things. Joe's little quip at the end was very "him" as well, and it's nice to see that finally there may be some hope now that the case is coming to a close. Nicely done!
max2013 chapter 18 . 4/4/2017
A mechanical monster-how original Dr.-Frank you're in trouble now.
max2013 chapter 17 . 4/4/2017
Famous last words-emphasis on so far!
Cherylann Rivers chapter 18 . 4/4/2017
Yes! Another wonderful chapter. When Joe dove under the tarp, I thought for sure he was a goner. You really played off expectation there when it turned out to be Tony. I enjoyed the realism of Tony asking about the contraption that got Joe's ankle, and Joe's usual humorous response. Joe made a lot of great points about how people know his name and I liked that he gave Tony credit for his help. You also clearly hit on the fact that Joe can solve a mystery!

I hope Meg gets help and gets away. I like how Frank did not answer right away and tried to think of an appropriate response before answering- very Frank-like. Good job showing the stressed dynamic with Dr. Hoelt and Walt- perhaps they're not as solid as they initially appeared.

Heck of an ending. Now help Frank! ;)
Caranath chapter 18 . 4/4/2017
really big dog? trained gorilla? amateur robot aficionado?

I had it narrowed down to the two ladies, and I figured the native American wouldn't be so crass.

and well, college profs do not earn whole lotta money.
Caranath chapter 17 . 4/4/2017
typical guy. not knowing what he packed.

LOVE the shout out to the Shaun Cassidy Era Joe.

not convinced its Danvers. he seems too much like your average small town LEO, talks big but really is only in it cuz there actual work that needs doing is minimal.
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