Reviews for It's Just Like Magic - HIATUS
Maui0murice chapter 46 . 1/25
AWWWW Twins!
Kaname671 chapter 46 . 1/24
Ahhh finally reunited and it's so sweet! I hope nothing will screw it up. Would love to see them just be happy. So glad Kuon is back in enough time to spoil her while pregnant. Thanks for the update! Happy writing!
Guest chapter 45 . 1/18
Aw~ please won't you update? I'm dying to know what happens to the gang and Ren afterwards, does he go back to acting is he himself again?
SpiritedRanger chapter 45 . 1/18
Hopefully now Kuon can forgive himself and live on. I wonder though will he go back to being Ren or even go back to being an actor?
ladygraywolf chapter 3 . 1/15
boy yashiro is so hypocritical. first he pushes them to be together, then when they he changes his mind now he thinks it isn't a good idea for them to be together. god make up your mind . please.
ladygraywolf chapter 20 . 10/17/2019
You know reporters wouldn't be so bad if they would just honestly tell the truth instead of making things up. It's too bad that a person couldn't just punch them for being disrespectful and down right pushy. How would they like it if some treated them and their families the way they treat celebrities and other important people.
H-Nala chapter 45 . 10/11/2019
yay for Koun
Kaname671 chapter 45 . 10/8/2019
Thank you, thank you! *hugs* You’re the best! I loved it! Lots of hope. Maybe Kuon will finally accept it and forgive himself now that he has confessed and still the law lets him go. Thanks for the quick update!
Kaname671 chapter 44 . 10/7/2019
Why Fae? Why must you torture me so with such agony? Bring back the magic...XD. Thank you for updating this fic. My heart squeezed a little, okay a lot, with Kuon’s decision. I’m still holding out hope that it will all work out.
Guest chapter 43 . 10/1/2019
Update please~~?
ladygraywolf chapter 25 . 7/15/2019
Kyoko really should stop comparing Kuon to Sho. Kuon is nothing like that loser and she should just drop him from her mind. He's not worth her thoughts or life. It's not really fair to Kuon. Her thoughts should be on him and him only.
Kaname671 chapter 43 . 6/6/2019
Well that takes care of that. Kuon didn’t have to get his hands dirty but I’m pretty sure he’ll feel cheated maybe even guilty. I hope he stays with his family now. Thanks for the update.
H-Nala chapter 43 . 6/6/2019
Koun is in the clear!
ktoll9 chapter 43 . 6/5/2019
OMG! Yes, That jerk finally gets his. Thank you! 8)
brennakai chapter 43 . 6/5/2019
oh my... well... technically he didn't order it or do or himself... but he will blame himself for Rick's death...
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