Reviews for The Alolan Dream
TheShapeH31 chapter 10 . 5/1/2017
Thanks for the shoutout! Glad to see you're working on the paragraphing as well. Now we're off to Akala Island for the rest of Ash's Island Challenge and Gary's research. I love the Gary x Lillie moment when he saved Snowball from Team Rocket (I don't know if we'll get that in the anime but I could definitely see myself getting behind GaryxLillie). Another good chapter!
Amourshipper35 chapter 10 . 4/22/2017
Yea ash won his battle and I liked how Gary saved Lilles vulpix for team rocket
TheShapeH31 chapter 9 . 4/21/2017
Good chapter! Glad to see it's been updated feels like it's a been a while. Also glad to see you considered my advice about the story structuring. I like that Ilima made an appearance in the story, I don't think he done so in the anime so far (Don't spoil it for me if he has, I thin the series is on Ep.23 but subs are at ep. 20 or 21). Anyway, cute scene with Serena & Ash's Pikachu. I can't think of any good names for Serena's Pikachu: The best I could come up with are:

- Electra
- Pika-Chan
- Peeka
- Pucka
- Puckachu
Amourshipper35 chapter 9 . 4/14/2017
Good chapter I liked how ash took care of team skull and I hope the pokemon are okay
tantanxiaokeai chapter 2 . 4/10/2017
TheShapeH31 chapter 8 . 4/7/2017
I have some constructive criticism if I may. However before that, I have to say for starters I really am enjoying this story. I'm a picky reader, I'm always scavenging for good Amourshipping stories. I have a ton of one shots and a few "Short Stories" as I like to call them (Stories with 4 or 5 to 7 or 8 maybe 9 chapters). But I don't have too many stories, and the ones I do have are either completed (very few), ongoing, or the author just stopped updating them. Anyway regardless I haven't that many Amourshipping stories that I really like, so I'm happy to have found yours! Keep it up!

Now on to the constructive criticism. While I am enjoying the story, that isn't the "Irksome" thing, but rather the wording structure (The paragraphing). I think it'd be more beneficial to the reader to put paragraphs or the make it clearer when a character is talking or an event is happening (Basically how you see other authors generally write their stories). As for the whole thing with Serena's Pikachu I think it probably would be better for her to have a nickname to make her more distinguishable from Ash's Pikachu.

Aside from that, there's nothing to complain about. The group has been set up, like you said in an earlier chapter "You're a fan of wishful thinking", I am too. I heard about that calendar (or leak I'm not sure) saying the traveling party for the Sun & Moon anime was supposed to be: Ash, Serena, Gary, & Lillie and I wouldn't mind that if we got more Ash x Serena and some Gary x Lillie. Plus Serena could stay in the anime. Serena in the story has a female Pikachu which I wish she would catch during her time away from Ash. I normally don't ship characters with other characters if I already ship them with someone else (I hardly ever ship characters in general really) so with that said I already ship Lillie x Elio/Sun but I could honestly see myself shipping Gary x Lillie. Either good story overall!
Amourshipper35 chapter 8 . 4/7/2017
Yea ash won his battle and Rowett evolved and Gary knows about seranas fellings for ash and i hope she tells him soon
Amourshipper35 chapter 7 . 3/31/2017
Yea serena is staying with ash in ahola and I loved how he stood up for her and I loved the female pikchu sereana has notice touch and I hope ash wins his battle
cjthepinoy chapter 3 . 3/23/2017
Good chapter :) Can't wait for more.