Reviews for The Black Parade
Bored321 chapter 11 . 7/20
The part which I found the worst was the actual death of O.M.C. It feels way too distant to properly come off as horrifying or satisfying, and all I can think is "So that happened". What should be the absolute apex of twists ends up as a dud, barely being noticed or acknowledged.

The best part would be the death of O.M.C. – simply because of huge that is, whatever its execution. Assuming they actually died, of course, otherwise it'd be cheap and hollow.
Bored321 chapter 9 . 7/20
Best part was where an actual character died (Yugao) and not some faceless, nameless ANBU. Has more impact when someone real dies.

Worst part are the rants and behavior the MC delves into. The former feel completely out of place to the point where I skim them at best and skip them at worst, while the latter comes off as ridiculous when this kid isn't even two-years-old and makes little attempt to hide their own maturity from others (yet still mentions that they need to at-least pretend to act more their age).
Misty FoxTail chapter 11 . 7/20
This is so heavy...I'm loving this piece of shit that's full of angst, emo, and good ol' death. I love yoi Author-san.
Bored321 chapter 5 . 7/20
Sasuke's perspective was great. Though once he delved into his rant it felt like this wasn't a six-year-old anymore.

Not so much a dislike, but what makes me wary is the genre. Adventure/Horror don't strike me as being able to achieve symbiosis, much less function properly together.
Bored321 chapter 4 . 7/20
I enjoyed the part where MC borrowed a pair of Shinigami eyes as it appeared to be the prelude to Naruto's swift and sudden demise.

Didn't care for the interaction between Naruto and the MC, since it comes as a typical Fix-it Fic Protag leaning to become BFF's with the original Protag. Also didn't care for the fact that even before birth, the MC has coherent thoughts and can objectively react despite bearing the brain of an infant.
MOR the Divine Being chapter 11 . 7/4
wanna know my impression on this fic? I have no fucking idea what's happening

the events lack details, the pacing is just rushed, and sometimes I can't tell when and where the pov is at
Guest chapter 11 . 6/30
can't wait for the latest chapter
Awaretortoise chapter 5 . 6/6
holy fuck gonna have to read something else after this if j plan to get any sleep tonight
Guest chapter 11 . 6/5
I listened to Witcher 3 music when reading this chapter, it was very fitting haha.
Starting off the chapter with that quote really hit me in the feels or it was more like a slap to my face, I needed to read that thanks.
I wrote a lot of paragraphs for my last review so you know how much I love this unique work. But let me add more!

I really, really love how you are fleshing out the relationship between the Hideyo and Sasuke. It’s adorable and I could picture Sasuke actually saying those things if he had a brother like Hideyo.

I knew Danzo was gonna turn everything sour so I’m not surprised. I just hope Hideyo doesn’t lose the personality which he has. And his brotherly relationship with Sasuke. At least Sasuke. Honestly it would be a million times cooler if he could outsmart Danzo.

If he doesn’t and you got something better planned, don’t worry I’ll still keep reading. Your writing style is awesome. Good grammar, characterization, and really unique. Yea I got no constructive criticism I can give you right now.

I’ll be heading over to read the new chapter for “Iridescent” ! Thank you for finding time to update both stories. Stay safe, healthy, and happy.

P.S : *whispers* Don’t listen to the haters, just focus on the constructive criticism and awesome reviews okay? You’re doing great and I’m just really curious to where the story will go.

- M.C
Tyler Darkside chapter 11 . 6/3
This is freaking awesome. I usually dont like characters that are sickly or nerfed just so the story is interesting but i believe this is not the cass. Granted he might not be able to be a ninja but i fee Hideyo is like a combination of Gaara and Yakumo Kurama and he has the potential to create anything with his situation and hes got the sharigan AND he will be a jinchuriki. So in a since i feel like hes going to be awesome despite his frail body.
Tlgrimn chapter 11 . 6/1
youflesh840 chapter 11 . 5/21
Woah, this story is really good!
AMediocreWriter chapter 11 . 5/19
I like how this story is written. I feel a bit iffy on some of the story points, but that does make me wonder how you will go on whit the story. looking at the reviews it seems this story doesn't get updated too often, but hey, good things are worth the wait!
marvelfanenthusiastic chapter 11 . 5/18
Except my one complaint before. The rest of the story is really good. I'm really looking forward to the next chapter.

This is a cliffhanger is leaving a bad taste but I could guess a little.

The Yin Kurama sealed inside of him to even the playing field. I really hope either Kabuto witness the death of mother or the sinju tree samp heals the wound since it has its own mind anyways.

I don't get how Danzo has the mind control eye if Shisu isn't dead yet. I thought sharingan only put people in illusions or they needed something like kota something of Shisu evolved eyes.

Anyways. I really hope you update new chapter anytime soon.

Thanks for the thrilling fic.
marvelfanenthusiastic chapter 4 . 5/18
When the mentally ill patient told him to run and don't go home. He should have been a smart or atleast understand that was the only chance and he was just a child who doesn't need to help a mentally ill patient that's not even cared by the village.

Dude is the MC also mentally ill and what is the purpose of him living a previous life if he can't recognise danger unlike a child who doesn't until he proves his point?

If I was an Anbu watching and knowing the background of the boy, I would have left him to die and stole his eyes afterwards because he is useless anyways who can't do anything.
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