Reviews for Your Name: An Unofficial Afterstory
Delta chapter 18 . 9/3
spober chapter 18 . 5/11
I thought it was really cool the way you ended it and tackled the regaining vs not regaining memories topic
Rose chapter 18 . 3/8
It's so good! Thank you for writing it. 3
Oh no chapter 6 . 2/24
oh no im unsure of how t react this is unusual
hehehehe chapter 5 . 2/24
this was real LOL JK Funny ngl.
ILiekFishes chapter 18 . 7/5/2019
This was beautiful. Thank you.
aranjan1507 chapter 1 . 2/8/2019
I like it.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/29/2019
Best one I've seen I watched it a while ago and didn't think much of it, after rewatching I loved the movie but wasn't satisfied with the end. Thank you now I can sleep peacefully without wondering what the end would be like.
viktorpokeingress chapter 18 . 6/24/2018
This was a really satisfying fanfiction and the quality of writing was great! It was funny, romantic, and it considered all of the plot points from the anime and kept going with those ideas very naturally in this story. I also love that it was very nicely paced, and also the way the two of them didn't instantly remember each other but slowly had flashbacks as they spent more time together. I feel like this could have been an actual part to the anime!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/1/2018
Can you have yotsuha having dreams
hjenn chapter 18 . 4/9/2018
First off, I'm not a huge fan of Anime, I've only really watched and stuck to a select few series/movies, without venturing deeper into the genre.
I watched 'Kimi no na wa' after an eager recommendation by a friend, I can honestly say a movie has never sucked me in quite like this one did, and after I had finished watching it I couldn't help but look into it further, I didn't expect to be reading a fanfiction of all things but... well, here I am!

I browsed a good few 'After-stories' related to the film and none of them stuck to me like your one did. It is definitely unique in many ways, let me explain:

- The flow is almost perfect, the story and progression is near spot on with the film itself, therefore, as I was reading it, it felt more like a canon storyline because of this, it is not overly focused on the main characters relationship like most others are, in fact I love how you gave every character a fair dance in the spotlight, allowing them to affect the main characters and drive the story. As for Taki and Mitsuha, I do believe their relationship was well paced and portrayed in a realistic sense, given their past connection. They have a clear attraction to each other, and they both follow said attraction, but neither do they understand why for obvious reasons. Honestly, the development these characters had really made me appreciate when a storyline if given enough time to flourish, instead of being forced into a cheesy romance that does not develop outside of the physical and emotional attraction of 2 characters.

- The writing itself was good, but not perfect, my only gripe is with some of the dialogue. When there is a large back and forth conversation, I found it overwhelming and struggled to understand who was saying what, this may just be my ignorance when it comes to the *something*-chan family names, but regardless, It can be an issue, perhaps space it out and use descriptive emotions to hint at who speaks when (If you want I can perhaps find examples).

- The ending was great, in my opinion, although there was no emphasis on them finding out about their past, even if it wasn't for long. The emotion and impact of them finding out could've been worked on, as it was the main event that had pushed the story until then. Despite this, I loved how you ended it, instead of allowing their amnesia to be portrayed in a negative light, as it had been up until that point, It was instead turned into a positive thing, boasting themes of content and peace of mind. Their relationship was not going to jeopardized by what they couldn't remember, the important thing was to move on and enjoy a bright future.

Bravo, a great read!
Redeyes chapter 18 . 3/7/2018
Nice story, i'm a french guy and i discovery Your name à feu day ago and your fanfiction after this (yes i'm late the film is out in 2016)

So i just want to thanks you for the work, this afterstory was perfect !
asyam.harits09 chapter 18 . 2/17/2018
A perfect ending! although i'm hoping Taki would say "the baby's hungry you know" to Mitsuha and she says "just a little bit longer" and the scene shifts to their bedroom stand where there's a photo of their wedding. but your ending is still amazing! i can imagine this scene while listening "Nandemonaiya"!
Guest chapter 17 . 1/28/2018
Good heartwarming ending
penlume chapter 18 . 1/17/2018
It feels like the canonical closure of kimi no na wa. Beautiful work.
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