Reviews for Dragon Knight
Chris chapter 2 . 11/22/2019
Female skeletons really aren't that different from males. Especially not in the shoulders, arms, and hands. The bones tendons and musculature might be smaller, but that's about it. I can't see a woman's fist being different from a man's in that case. That just doesn't make a lot of sense. Kicks would be different, as there is a significant difference in the pelvis of females. Whether they would be better or worse I couldn't tell you. Women do have a greater percentage of their muscle mass in their legs than men do, however the weight of said mass is still around 10 pounds less than men. A hand to hand fight between a man and a woman, even if you adapt martial arts properly for women, still wouldn't be a fair match up at all. The gap only widens when both parties are highly trained. Give both guns though, and there's an even playing field. Women even have the advantage because they're generally smaller targets. Other weapons might suit women better than men as well. But hand to hand? No.
Libatis chapter 29 . 11/16/2018
I loved this story. I do hope there will be a sequel.
Strangelove.MD chapter 29 . 9/3/2018
I enjoyed this story. Hope you'll write something against soon.
Riniko22 chapter 29 . 7/2/2018
Thank you, I very much enjoyed this story. And, poor Buffy, no one ever thinks about the shoes she must lose just doing her job.
Riniko22 chapter 25 . 7/2/2018
Angel should have been dusted in season one.
Rakizael chapter 26 . 7/1/2018
*Skips a chapter* Mary Sue spell. Ah.
Rakizael chapter 25 . 7/1/2018
Are we missing chapters somewhere because the addition of Jonathan was so jarring and out of no where it seems like a lead character from another story was put into this one. What happened to him? How did they get to where he's a friend to call when you need a heavy hitter? I've been enjoying this fic but this was as if there's another level to the story you forgot to write.
Guest chapter 29 . 6/30/2018
Her first name wouldn't happen to be Sarah would it, with an MoS of MP? In which case she ought to have better luck in ... Was it Boston or the Big Apple? *shrugs*


* You know, we have a saying around here. ‘Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with catchup.*

Shouldn't that be "ketchup"?

* My disciples here are burdened with a glorious purpose: to take the word of my coming out into the world ...*

Little bit too much Iskander there. Too hammy to be fully taken serious.

* Faith jumped out of the pit and attacked Adam with her ax before he could get a bead on her again.*

And this seems to be a consistent issue, as I counted at least three other examples of this.

The Oz bit was a tad mean, even if understandable. Oz reaction to it couldn't be called unreasonable either.

As for the new Slayer.
So Vi gets the nod. Still has potential, even if less amusing than Dawn the Slayer.

Buffy's whining about that would've been... wait for it... Legendary. *vbeg*

Questions then becomes.
Sequel dealing with Glory and will Vi pitch in? And no Dracula episode? Son of the Dragon vs an actual one.. Aaaaah.

Wait and see I suppose.
Ah well..

- Kudou Shinichi
Faith died briefly due to Adam stabbing her. Alex healed her and thus brought her back.

Yes, he's gone from twinning to tripling the line.
Kudou Shinichi chapter 29 . 6/30/2018
What! More Slayers? How does that happen?
ShaiGar chapter 29 . 6/29/2018
That was a good negotiation scene. Loved Oz, almost always, and the Kamehameha.
DRAGONDAVE45 chapter 29 . 6/29/2018
Appropriately epic conclusion! and so very 'Buffy'! Please do a sequel and include Dracula!
The Sinful chapter 29 . 6/29/2018
Oh goodie. I was hoping it wouldn't be Kennedy. Really don't like her.
fireball900 chapter 29 . 6/29/2018
I loved the negotiation, very well done with that. From the G-man's reactions - from 'never' to laughter, to 'that's actually reasonable so I could swing that.' Also the 'we are the bullies here' line. And of course the whole idea of back-and-forth negotiations, which is how such things normally work when not in fiction.
Guest chapter 28 . 6/28/2018
* Spike asked himself if he really believed Adam when he said he would remove his chip “just as soon as (he has) the Slayer where (he wants) her.” *

You seem to have a bit of a formatting/editing issue there.
As the ( ) don't add anything to the sentence and actually only cause a grammatical issue.

Just nuke them and the quoted bit becomes fine.

Must be because of the episode you took this from. It's rather jumpy from one scene to the next without any transitions.

Least when compared to previous chapters, which were far smoother in comparison.

Am wondering how you'll swing this, as an "enjoining" spell seems unlikely. What with Giles missing, Faith present and Alex a dragon.
The Sinful chapter 28 . 6/27/2018
You got a scene separating line that's a line late. Adam asking Giles if he's a man of the book then the scene change to them.
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