Reviews for We'll find a solution
Oldreruns chapter 1 . 8/15/2019
I like how this ends. With that resolve that it will be okay.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/14/2019
To be honest, it's not 100% sure they can't get pregnant, they say it never happen for them but then the went to the doctor and the doctor told them to keep trying, you never know. I know of a couple like them but they wound up with a kid., so it is not impossible. I really couldn't understand why they couldn't take some sperm from Chandler and implanted them into Monica and she can carry the baby like she wants to because she can carry a child, as proven by the one with the donor. I know Chandler sperm is low motility but still there must be some moving around. So I don't see them as not being able to somehow, maybe it would have cost a lot as those things can rack up your medical bills. I did read somewhere Kevin Bright said that somewhere Monica and Chandler had their own baby after adopting. Ha, that is good to know.
eldell chapter 1 . 10/6/2017
It was the worst thing finding out the two of them could've have kids together. Much like Chandler later said to Erica: It killed me. Especially after Chandler telling Monica of his fantasy of a house and their kids riding their bikes in the street.
So happy they ended up with two!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/26/2017
I love it that you got hooked on Chandler and Monica, I hope you continue to write more about them perhaps a longer story
AEM77 chapter 1 . 4/10/2017
I also binge watched Friends recently and now I can't stop writing fic. I hope you become similarly addicted because I'd love to read more from you. This was a sweet moment. Thanks for sharing!
matteney chapter 1 . 4/7/2017
That - for me - is the saddest moment of the whole show. It breaks my heart each time all over again when I watch them getting the news. And I'm thankful for writers like you who try to bridge the gap between them finding out and what comes after. I also get why the writers didn't address this topic of Mondler discussing things privately further. But that's why I love fanfic. This was very sweet in spite of the hard situation. Thanks for sharing!
Babatomyfriends chapter 1 . 4/7/2017
You're right, I've always wondered too how they dealt with it the first 24 hours. And this is written so beautifully and sounds so true. I like that Monica is okay with his smoking this special time, and Chandler's quibs are so him!