Reviews for Thorne in the Side
rahulkulkarni575 chapter 1 . 10/13/2018
I like how Dean gets irritated by Lucy
Willow Edmond chapter 26 . 9/30/2018
Wow, so, I'm at the end of this part of the journey. Again, I know I sent this in private message, but I think the best thing you did for yourself as a writer was to decide to stop asking for and taking advice, and just saying hang it. You know how to write, you do a great job of it, when you trust yourself to write what you feel is best.

Interesting how different it is when you're a public figure and you get into a relationship, especially with another public figure. There were times when I was thinking "Stop all this BS, and just tell the world, who cares?" And I realized that too many folks WOULD care and you did an excellent job of showing the fears and that people are likely to be noisy and to spend way too much time minding the business of other people.

This was an excellent story and I am looking forward to reading more of the series.
Willow Edmond chapter 24 . 9/30/2018
Oh, poor Bayley, getting stuck with that job. And of course Emma had to play the game of, "I shouldn't tell anyone, so let me run and tell everyone, and tell them all not to tell anyone!" I've been both a player and a victim of that game.

Since there are so many stories already written in this series, I am not going to make the mistake of making predictions. Actually, I'd like to stop that habit all together, because I don't think it's fair to a writer to start to tell them what they want to see, the writer needs to write what feels best to them. So, yeah, I'm sorry about saying I wanted to see a tag team between the two of them.
Willow Edmond chapter 23 . 9/30/2018
You do a good job writing sex. No, I'm not saying you're a great porn writer. :D But your sex scenes have a natural feeling to them, they come across realistic. Not too flowery, not too nasty.

And Seth was totally and utterly Seth when he was asking about the dirty pictures.

I wonder if as I go further into the series, if you will have a tag team of Lucy and Sasha? I think they'd be awesome and you'd do a fantastic job of writing them so the readers could see.
Willow Edmond chapter 22 . 9/30/2018
I love how Hunter is in this chapter. He's like the patient father who is dealing with a couple of kids who cannot get it through their heads that things aren't good or bad, that there is a neutral in there. Lucy and Sasha want to be vindicated, they want to be told, "You are right! You are perfect in every way, and the Other One is entirely to blame!"

It's funny how even as adults we want to see things so clearly defined when we should know better.

But Hunter was just... perfect. The way you wrote him was perfect too. I could visualize him being exactly like this, patient, but not yielding. He has a job to do, and he is going to do it, and if they have to sit there for a week, they will do it. But he sure hopes it won't take a week, because he's an important guy who's got important sh*t to do.

But Lucy's final line was perfect, if they did form a tag team, the way you've written Lucy, they would be way too good.
Willow Edmond chapter 19 . 9/30/2018
"The rooms were almost clinically clean and furnished in a manner that made them look like they had been lifted straight from the pages of some lame interior design magazine and placed into the house without any regard for the comfort of the people that lived there."
-end quote-
That has to be one of the most brilliant descriptions I've ever read. It tells a reader exactly what they need to know, without over fluffing it. Were I to write about that same house I would say something like, "A mixture of chrome and glass and the latest trends." And that would suck completely in comparison. What you did was give your readers a way for them to imagine the room all by themselves. The moment I read it, I saw those rooms in my mind, as clearly as if I were looking at that "lame magazine" myself. The scene is set up perfectly, giving the reader a very vivid picture, without clobbering them over the head with it.

I know it's probably foolish for me to keep going on about one paragraph, but that was done just too well to be ignored. There are professional writers who would not do nearly as well, were they trying to give the reader the same feeling.

Okay, I'll shut up about the paragraph now.
Willow Edmond chapter 16 . 9/30/2018
It's interesting how Lucy went out of her way to dress in a way that would turn Seth on, then she's upset at first that Roman and Dean figure it out. She completely forgot that these guys have worked together, stayed in the same hotel room, rode in the same car, of course they will figure out that Seth and Lucy are seeing each other!

I'm enjoying the banter between Lucy and Dean and Lucy and Roman. There is an authentic quality to it.

And thank you for giving me the mental image of Roman Reigns eating cucumber sandwiches. Preferably wearing a ruffled shirt. And looking very uncomfortable.
Willow Edmond chapter 15 . 9/30/2018
One of the coolest things about you writing fanfiction is that you're a guy. I know, that sounds simple, but it gives your dialog between the guys a refreshing realism that i think is difficult to achieve by a woman (and I include myself in that group) Not that women can't write dialog between guys, or vice versa, it's been going on since people started telling stories, but when I read your stuff, I just find that I'm going, "Yeah, I've got to remember some of this. Guys act like this."

And, as I told you once in a message, I really hated Lucy when I first started reading, but you did an excellent job of taking someone who comes across as a nasty b*tch and letting us see the vulnerability underneath.

I do get why Shield would find the plot that's being thrown at them to have the potential to backfire, but I think they can pull it off. I suspect it's a case of, "You guys don't know how good you really are." I don't know if that was your intention, but that's the impression I get.
Willow Edmond chapter 14 . 9/30/2018
I know that I've sent you messages about this story, so you know how I feel about it, how much I like it, and I know this is a reread, but I have to put this out there.

This is a fantastic idea. it so fits in with what the original Shield was about. It's something they'd do. And it isn't such a complex plot that it would turn into a "Can you guys just STFU and wrestle?" that some folks complain about. It's a plot that allows for a lot of what people love in wrestling (the actual wrestling) and yet still works as something to draw in the viewer, to make them not want to miss a moment.

Honestly, creative at WWE could take a few lessons from you.
The Ladder chapter 26 . 8/21/2018
Amazing. Truly amazing.

I never thought I'd ever read a WWE fic with an OC that I would enjoy, but Lucy Thorne might just be the greatest character I've ever seen in one - including the actual characters from TV.

I felt like I could really connect with her character, and the way she battled her tormented soul throughout was really believable. I loved the slow build to her repenting and actually taking heed of the advice of her teammates. I definitely got emotional at times, as she fought her natural tendency to dislike people and her relationship with Seth blossomed.

Then there's the best part. Her coarse nature, especially her excessive use of profanity. As somebody from England, it had me smiling throughout. (especially fucking norah - I haven't heard that since my mum used to say it when I was a kid!)

I started reading your story this morning and it was a case of one more chapter... ok just one more... I couldn't stop reading. The layers to all of the characters, the way you construct your sentences, the seamless transisitions between the thoughts of each person, the depth to their dialogue. Fantastically well written. I loved every single chapter from start to finish. No lulls, no skipping blocks of text, engrossing stuff.

Well done on putting together a fantastic story, you're a fine author and should be really proud of this story. I cannot wait to read your other Lucy Thorne fics.
ThatWrestlingFanWrites chapter 1 . 4/22/2018
Goddammit I just found out Lucy Thorne is an Assassin's Creed character. 10/10 I had no idea until this afternoon
Guest chapter 1 . 10/25/2017
You actually think Roman is only getting booed because he's on his own?
AmbroseLover01 chapter 26 . 8/3/2017
Ok, I finally got here. Haha, took me long enough. Well at least some people are being nice about it. It's nice the locker room are supportive. Yes, being nice definitely goes a long way! Well Seth has given her some good advice and the thing is, being great on fan interaction only makes them like you more. And she has improved, being a lot nicer now. I'm surprised she took the question about Seth that well and not bit that fan's head off. Haha.

A phone call to England? Who does he know there apart from Lucy's family? Hmm, i'm envisioning a ring in his pocket somewhere. Well I think they just exploded Instagram. Lol. I knew it! He's going to propose! You always leave people hanging off like this Dan, totally unfair. I can't believe you've ended the story though. It's been great! :D
AmbroseLover01 chapter 25 . 8/1/2017
They shouldn't care what other people think, not if those people don't matter and they're happy together. But then again, it's annoying when people are talking about you. Haha, I liked her thoughts about the fangirls. Yeah, they'd lose their shit. You included Dan. But this was going to happen eventually as soon as people would find out. It's not something that they can avoid. That's actually not a bad idea on Seth's part. Mania is more talked about than anything else. No! They have to turn heel! It's a must! No McMahon's means she'll have to give a reasonable argument for what she wants for once. How about that? If she keeps using that card others will still hold it against her. They're going to Smackdown! The land of opportunity. Although, not how they wanted to since they wanted to be heel. Hmm, they're all giving convincing arguments. I wonder if it's enough for Hunter to change his mind about things? Haha. Seth is such a dork with that comment he came out with after they left the office. It's cute though :D
Guest chapter 26 . 7/28/2017
Awe don't leave us hanging like that lol
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