Reviews for Fools
Miss Ivy Kitten Wonder chapter 1 . 6/16/2018
This is just sooo adorable! I love it! Thank you
Goedele chapter 1 . 6/11/2018
This is, ah, absolutely lovely! A very good alternative Evelyn/Cullen romance. I really enjoyed reading it! Often with Fanfiction, I find myself skimming paragraphs, looking for the essential storyline/the interesting parts, but that wasn't necessary with your story. Every single word/scene/paragraph works towards the goal of telling a compact, specific and focused story. There's nothing superfluous here, it's really well done.

I like your characterisation of both Cullen and Evelyn. :) There is always a bit of leeway with the Inquisitor, of course, it all seems very right. I love the snippets of her backstory that you've interwoven throughout the story. I haven't been playing Dragon Age very long (and have only played Inquisition) but you've created an interesting and compelling history at the Circle that interacts smoothly with the apprehension that accompanies Cullen and Evelyn's feelings for each other. i think that's why I love the notion of a mage human inquisitor and Cullen so much - it's such an interesting take on falling for the person you would never have expected yourself to fall for only a few years earlier! And that creates these dynamics that you have expressed so well in Evelyn's bewilderment at the mere *notion* that Cullen could have feelings for her.

I love how you've integrated Bull and Cole into this, the final push that gives Evelyn the courage to own up to her feelings. :) I also love that you call the Inquisitor Evelyn - it allows me to identify her with my own Inquisitor. So thank you for that.

Anyway, I'm rambling now. I'd love to share this on Tumblr - don't know if you're on there, but if you are, I'd love to tag you. People need to know about this!
marinawings chapter 1 . 8/10/2017
This is so sweet! And the characters are pitch-perfect. :)
toobsessedwitheverything3 chapter 1 . 5/6/2017
Super cute! I just love Cullen!
Eslyn chapter 1 . 4/9/2017
Adorable and the characters were well portrayed. Very sweet.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/9/2017
This was wonderful!
I love it, more please.
I keep rereading it, thank you so much :)