Reviews for Aftermath
weberma2020 chapter 16 . 5/9
Please keep going
lolyncut chapter 16 . 2/1
I was really loving the story until this chapter. This is the English side of Fan fiction. If I had wanted Italian, I would have gone to the Italian section. What a total let down. I am so disappointed. I'm not even going to try to filter through this mess of a translation. You've lost a very loyal reader
lolyncut chapter 15 . 2/1
So, somehow, she escaped. I hope she'll be in good enough shape to help find Reid.
lolyncut chapter 14 . 2/1
I REALLY hope you are planning on completing this story. It is now 2-1-20. It's been just a little over 2 years. I truly want to know how this story end. I want Cramer hung by his "man parts" until they fall off, and then hung by his neck until he's dead. He's all but admitted to harming Reid. Please, give the reader (us) some justice and complete this story.
lolyncut chapter 12 . 2/1
Sounds like more back stabbing is coming our way.
lolyncut chapter 9 . 2/1
Well, I for one, will not be the one who gives JJ any symphony. I simply don't like her. She deserved every bit of "mouth" that Morgan gave her. And to this day, 2-1-20, JJ is the same way.
lolyncut chapter 8 . 2/1
Oh, now that doesn't sound good
lolyncut chapter 6 . 2/1
I'm glad Swann is protecting her agent. If I were her, I'd keep JJ and Ashley as far apart as possible.
lolyncut chapter 4 . 2/1
I wonder who took him? I know I've already read this at least once , but I vowed I wouldn't look ahead to see how took him.. I'm thinking Gideon, but I can't remember if he's still alive at this stage of the series.
lolyncut chapter 3 . 2/1
I'm wondering it if's Gideon? I hated Gideon, or at least I hated the guy who played Gideon. I hope Ashley tells the team what happened.
lolyncut chapter 2 . 2/1
Some profilers they are. I hope they feel doubly bad about not knowing Ashley and Reid are dating.
Guest chapter 16 . 10/9/2019
This chapter sucked! What's the point of half the dialogue being in Italian?
lolyncut chapter 1 . 5/31/2019
This isn't a review, but I didn't know how else to contact you. You don't have a PM

Anyway, my pen name was tannerose5, but now I am lolyncut. I was wondering if you are planning on completing this marvelous story? I would LOVE to know how it ends. That's all. I'm going to spend the evening rereading this. Please think about my request.
Countryboy12 chapter 16 . 3/28/2018
Hope you write couple more chapters excellent story but come on don't leave me hanging with a cliffhanger
gohan108 chapter 16 . 2/19/2018
I just found this story, and I must say it's had me hooked since the first chapter. I always hated how the show glossed over the whole Emily/Hotch/JJ debacle. Please update soon and I hope that Ashley is able to walk again.
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