Reviews for Beelieve It
Guest chapter 4 . 4/25
i love it!
geekqueen2010 chapter 4 . 3/10
I love this! But ugh, Chat could've preserved his identity but the idiot was always too eager for a reveal. A shame she hadn't already known his identity and decided to give him Pollen back with a note signed "love, Multimouse" at the end of it to really mess with his head! And since Chat knew mouse's identity in cannon anyway this would make it all the sweeter that she both gave him a second miraculous and "inadvertently" confessed her feelings to him!
geekqueen2010 chapter 3 . 3/10
lol, I'm surprised she didn't figure out his identity.
geekqueen2010 chapter 2 . 3/10
I second Plagg's comment! XD
geekqueen2010 chapter 1 . 3/10
Oh, this is waaaaaaayyyyyyyy more funny than the other story with the bee miraculous, though the other one does call Pollen by her actual name.
Amused chapter 1 . 9/13/2019
Hahahahahhahahahaa Plagg knows what’s up XD
HermioneRon 4ever chapter 4 . 12/30/2018
AAHH that was too funny. I thought Marinette was going to try to give Trixx to Adrien too, but this was great!
Whovianeverlark17 chapter 1 . 10/6/2018
this was hilarious!
mnjkd765 chapter 4 . 9/12/2018
LOL! Best reveal fic ever!
Glimare chapter 4 . 9/5/2018
I was half way expecting Adrien to pout about not being able to put a bow on plagg. Ah well. Light fun and good.
Wynni chapter 4 . 8/5/2018
No, no there are not enough silly reveal fics. Do you feel up to the challenge of fixing this travesty?

because this? This was all that was good and right in the world, and i want more of it.

;) When you can, that is.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/14/2018
Adrien is /really/ smooth. Seriously, Adrien? You want her to give you her notes when she's at home? What about, say, "reminding" her about all the homework they have, and how it'll take most of the afternoon to do, which really is too bad because then they'll have almost no free time at home because of their homework load? Or something that more subtly hints to look in her bag at home?
Guest chapter 1 . 2/18/2018
Oh, this is hilarious. *rubs hands together evilly* This is going to bee good.
Yoru-no-Akuma chapter 4 . 1/25/2018
This story is just hilarious XD
vigorouslydenyingeverything chapter 4 . 1/20/2018
This would be a perfect reveal! Gahd Adrien is way too adorable, this would be so him tho. he actually would give it to Marinette and end up getting so giddy about the idea of it! XD
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