Reviews for Hellsing Witch Hunter 1616
Shadowpyro13 chapter 32 . 7/19
Well I didn't see the demons going at all, though it dies make sense and was foreshadowed. The question being is are they really gone are now all in one place? Also what kind of fish is for lunch at the estate? Those two are clueless. What is going on with the Whitehall widow? Questions are buzzing in my head!
Shadowpyro13 chapter 31 . 7/18
Casull is so freaking awesome! Hopefully Dam gets her sword back. Where the heck did Integra have to go? And is she going to put Sam's plan into action? What is Seras planning? Yay easier way to get things uploaded!
Shadowpyro13 chapter 30 . 7/18
I totally didn't see that coming! Poor Sam but she kind of had it coming. Taunting is the worst way to get your point across with Integra. Also leave it to Alucard to make a sword that could kill him. He was wrong when he thought that she would find a way to kill him. Can't wait to see what is next!
Shadowpyro13 chapter 29 . 7/18
The end of this chapter about brought me we tears! The slap that Sam gave Integra was a good make up for not having a fight scene. I love the small moment between the two of them. Who ever decided to try and kill the king is going to wish they didnt cause they don't know what is coming! My heart strings were plunked with the end of this one! I just want to stand quietly with her cause a hug may get me stabbed.
Shadowpyro13 chapter 28 . 7/18
Also I am wondering if Sam and Seras will ever come around. What will happen to our sweet precious little Seras? What will Sam do next?! The excitement is building!
Shadowpyro13 chapter 28 . 7/18
Dump witch underestimating our hunter! What did she think, that Alucard would just let her kill his Queen? No way!
Shadowpyro13 chapter 27 . 7/18
I was so excited to see an update on this story! And more than one chapter ! I love that Bahamut is so protective of his master and will to stand with her no matter what! Seras is definitely to pure to enjoy anything as violent as torture. Also love how Sam is so uncaring on the outside but caring on the inside! Also loved the thought of Integra relaxing on the couch smoking. We don't get to see that side of her very often! Will it be a near death experience that bring our hunteress together and more untied than ever? What will this creation story bring into the world? Will Seras finally have a break down and yell? Can't wait to find out! To the next chapter!
Shadowpyro13 chapter 26 . 1/27/2019
Lol I always love the dresses you put Integra in. Maybe now Wendy will think better of the Hunters, or rather one. I can just see very happy demons after being fed and a good fight. Can't wait to see what will happen next time!
chadtayor020 chapter 26 . 1/23/2019
Integra really needs to work on her people skills... good on Seras, saving the Queen though. I wonder what her reward will be...
Shadowpyro13 chapter 25 . 12/5/2018
This gala should be interesting to say the least!
Nadinakalee chapter 25 . 12/4/2018
Why do the reviews keep showing "down with the critics United?"
chadtayor020 chapter 25 . 11/26/2018
I want to feel sorry for Queen Wendy, I really do. But she is setting herself up for a merciless proverbial smack down, I think.
ThasukeII62 chapter 14 . 10/16/2018
Down with Critics United!

They are the cancer to our society.

The root of heresy needs to be burnt to crisp

with over thousand innocent souls without remorse or guilt thereafter.

No sacrifice is too great and no treachery too small.

Remember, we all are walking under the immortal shadow of Him.

His light shines so brightly, it will guide us to our foreseen destiny that is in our grasp.

A great moment we all should not pass.

Praise Be The Emperor of Mankind!

If you are on the same page, cp this message.

And Bella119 is dumb.

Hybrid of Fate is nothing. She needs mental help.

cathrl, do u want to be my daddy? I won't promise to be a good girl :D

CrystalRei should quit.

Now onto the actual review:
"I have been called many names, but you may call me Alucard, my master."

As for the accusations of heresy: here, the evidence is much weaker. O_O
LLituriaX2 chapter 10 . 10/16/2018
Down with Critics United!

They are the cancer to our society.

The root of heresy needs to be burnt to crisp

with over thousand innocent souls without remorse or guilt thereafter.

No sacrifice is too great and no treachery too small.

Remember, we all are walking under the immortal shadow of Him.

His light shines so brightly, it will guide us to our foreseen destiny that is in our grasp.

A great moment we all should not pass.

Praise Be The Emperor of Mankind!

If you are on the same page, cp this message.

And Bella119 is dumb.

Hybrid of Fate is nothing. She needs mental help.

cathrl, do u want to be my daddy? I won't promise to be a good girl :D

CrystalRei should quit.

Now onto the actual review:
She killed her uncle. She was only twelve-years-old and already had blood on her hands. It had only been three days after her father's funeral, when the lawyers came and read the will that Arthur Hellsing left. In it, he had left everything to Integra. All the accounts, the many real estate, businesses and the title of the next King's Hunter. She had been training for years in weaponry, tactics, the occult and the existence of witches. Integra had no clue why any of this was necessary, but now it was being explained. The last thing that Integra inherited was a sword, a sword she had only heard about from her father when he was sick. A blade that her ancestor Abraham Hellsing, had used a thousand years ago to fight a powerful demon. That demon now inhabited the sword, by way of several layers of powerful seals. If Integra's will was strong enough, she would learn to master it and that would make her a true hunter. Now she just had to find it. This all astounded the young girl and she took time to process it. But Integra was not the only one surprised, her uncle Richard Hellsing was completely floored; "What is the meaning of this!? The title of King's Hunter should be mine! Not this little girl's! I have been training for years! I have waited for years! IS THIS SOME KIND OF JOKE!?"

The plot twists were predictable. :D
ShumrumphX74 chapter 15 . 10/16/2018
Down with Critics United!

They are the cancer to our society.

The root of heresy needs to be burnt to crisp

with over thousand innocent souls without remorse or guilt thereafter.

No sacrifice is too great and no treachery too small.

Remember, we all are walking under the immortal shadow of Him.

His light shines so brightly, it will guide us to our foreseen destiny that is in our grasp.

A great moment we all should not pass.

Praise Be The Emperor of Mankind!

If you are on the same page, cp this message.

And Bella119 is dumb.

Hybrid of Fate is nothing. She needs mental help.

cathrl, do u want to be my daddy? I won't promise to be a good girl :D

CrystalRei should quit.

Now onto the actual review:
Hellsing: Witch Hunter 1616

There is nothing worse than doing something in a half-hearted manner. T-T
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