Reviews for On That Day
Nyota Scarlet Starfire chapter 1 . 9/24/2018
Just came across this story. Beautiful and deeply touching. Thank you so much.
The Fanfic Genius chapter 1 . 7/6/2017
Ignore the guy below me, he obviously has never read the bible or met a Christian before. Because if he did he would know that
1). Christians don't make anybody believe them, we simply tell them about our religion
2).Free Speech, everybody has the right to express their beliefs or rights
3).The bible was made during ancient times so their was slavery and woman, you're right, BUT Jesus disagreed with them and thought everyone was equal
4). Their is MASSIVE amounts of evidence towards God; not just blind faith 5). Christianity is different than Any other religion, it's not the same. Mostly because nearly all religions people become Christians while all other religions you have to be born into
6). Multiple accounts of people going to Heaven and Hell and back, people who were once ATHEISTS (Don't believe me look it up)
So rethink your argument please. I understand you have the right to express your opinions however that's all this person did writing this story.
Logic chapter 1 . 4/22/2017
I have something against someone using the Doctor for religion, considering he's from another planet, and is highly more moral than humans who worship a deity that requires human sacrifice in order to forgive others. ('Lemme kill my son then I can forgive you for lying to me/stealing/killing others/hurting others/not believing in me.' - Yeah that makes perfect sense if you've been indoctrinated into a belief system that tells you human sacrifice, babies are born with 'sin', and thought crime are all a thing. For the rest of us, you sound immoral.) If you don't want criticism, then don't bring your beliefs out in public. 'To the privileged, equality feels like oppression' suits this situation. As a christian person you want to be able to share your beliefs without being questioned or criticized, but no one else must have an opinion, much less an opposing opinion, or you just can't handle it. Sorry but that's not how reality or the Internet works. Also, why would anyone with a sane and reasonable mind who can think critically, NOT question these things? The cruelty of the bible, full of pro-slavery, anti-women, pro-violence sentiments, and it tells you to believe in it because it says so. You wouldn't use blind faith for any other part of your life. You wouldn't use it to blindly trust a stranger with your purse, or your house key, or to take care of your needs, or tell you to jump off a building and they'd catch you so why put blind faith over evidence, reason, logic, and reality, in this one area? Just because you dislike the idea of dying and there being nothing? Doesn't make your beliefs any more real. And it really is cruel and horrible for you to think that human sacrifice is good. When you read about ancestors sacrificing children to volcano deities and whatever have you, you surely think they were barbaric and disgusting even though they loved their children too and just believed it was necessary. Like you seem to. Even though you are just like they are. Believing in human sacrifice. That's messed up. For you to think a non-existent deity and your version of him is any more likely than the millions of other versions of the same and different deities that people have and do believe in.
Miss Stella Black chapter 1 . 4/16/2017
I love you so much for writing and posting this. I always feel awkward and uncomfortable whenever the Doctor says something vaguely athiestic, or in episodes like "The Satan Pit" (goodness, I hate that episode so much), so seeing a story where he discovers that the truth of the matter, that Jesus is truly who He says he is is incredible.

This story is so perfect. I love it so much. I love how it fits right in with the Gospels. Do you mind if I share it with people?
Zarius chapter 1 . 4/16/2017
The Doctor is rarely ever at peace, but he should learn that this moment brings peace to us all
Autohumans chapter 1 . 4/15/2017
Thank you for the true Christain message