Reviews for In My Head (And In My Heart)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/25/2019
soo good
Pugsley chapter 1 . 6/4/2019
At first I really liked your story, but it went on and on with Iruka not telling Kakashi who he really was, and by the time we got to the Hokage's death, I couldn't read any more. I found it very unfair that Iruka would not tell the truth to Kakashi, and I could never see Kakashi allowing the relationship to go one for so long. without knowing, once he found out they "Voice" was a real person, and he cannot even figure out who he is after all this time. Seriously!? It was all wrong.

While you are a good storyteller, the aspect above and that this is the longest one chapter story I have ever read, has made it so I cannot finish this. The redundancy of Iruka not telling Kakashi, and Kakashi being okay with it, was just too much for me.

Plus, Iruka has always been honest to those around him, except if the truth would hurt them, as it would've hurt Naruto to find out about being the 9-tails vessel, but in this case, telling Kakashi the truth of who the Voice really is would not hurt Kakashi at all, so I could never see Iruka not being honest to Kakashi, especially if he cares about him .
Celebrindal01 chapter 1 . 3/26/2019
I loved it!

It's amazing how you managed to fit your story in the real Naruto timeline without a problem.
I really like the explanation of what is happening, that it is a bloodline limit, I must say at the beginning I was wondering what would be the explanation for Iruka talking in Kakashi's head!

They're so cute and perfect together, and that they are meant to be together forever is even better héhé.
I really wanted Kakashi to found out on his own it was Iruka, but apparently he need the help.
And I was so wanting them to kiss, anytime, they're so close physically constantly kissing each other and only at the end do they share a kiss, Kakashi is so long to understand that they share love... Maa...

The only little thing that bothered me a bit was Iruka maybe blushes and cries a bit too much?
(I can see him blushing sometimes and being more sensitive, but when it's almost constantly it's a bit too cliché no? Anyway that was my feeling, it doesn' change anything at all to the story, which I thank you for writing, always good to read good stuff, especially after not finding anything for a while! : D)
Vgrimm17 chapter 1 . 3/6/2019
Oh my God, one of the best love stories I've read on this site. Great job! You are one very blessed and talented soul for this masterpiece. Never stop writing!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/12/2019
Omg ist so cool i love kakaruka omg i love i love i love
Minifuzball chapter 1 . 11/8/2018
This is beautyful it had me feling so much I love it one of the best yet can't put words to describe this story it's just ... Its just just so so ... So much, good job
Doesn't matter its a chapter it was a worthy chapter
I like how you did the story in time line how it followed the true story you put them both together perfectly
Nath Tsubasa Evans chapter 1 . 11/2/2018
This story is marvelous! I enjoyed every word, and I sure don't mind to read this as a single chapter, and honestly, I enjoyed it so much. If you ever continue this where it stopped to see what it goes with other canon happenings, I will enjoy it so much.

Thank you so much for this wonderful story, it was so beautiful, sweet, compelling, and it made me root for them and their friendship turns to love. I loved also the other characters relationships and reactions, and I wonder how Naruto will deal with Kakashi and Iruka being together. Because I know that despite all his attitude, he likes Kakashi a lot, he is one of his precious people. But Iruka, Iruka is in another level XD.

See you around!
Tenshi chapter 1 . 10/13/2018
What a wonderful story! The pacing, the characters, everything! If anybody complained about the length, who cares. It is a beautiful Story and the most important is, it is finished! Thank you! I always enjoy well written story and yours is one of them.
Megusiq chapter 1 . 9/18/2018
wow. perfect. I cant find any other other word. Just perfect.
It's a lovely story.
Thank you so much for this great piece
Guest chapter 1 . 3/6/2018
This was absolutely beautiful. I kinda wish that story never ended.
Yani chapter 1 . 2/7/2018
Guest chapter 1 . 1/29/2018
I absolutely ADORE this story! Made the time fly by while I was in the airport. I loved it from start to finish. Took Kakashi long enough though!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/25/2017
Yes. Yes yes yes yes. This is fantastic and I would read drabbles of their lives if you ever posted them. Holy Hades yes.
afairysghost chapter 1 . 9/2/2017
GreekMythGuardian chapter 1 . 8/29/2017
Any chance there's a shorter sequel where Naruto finds out they're together? :) It was quite a long read, but eh, who am I kidding, I love it!.
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