Reviews for At the Water's Edge
kelleyj17 chapter 12 . 8/30/2018
yay, I'm so glad to see an update on this again! I've never been too attached to elmyra as a character, but my heart ached for those people. I really hope denzel can find someone to help him help cloud. he might be the only person who can help pull cloud out of the hell he's made of his life!
kelleyj17 chapter 11 . 3/18/2018
This makes my heart hurt! I'm so glad Denzel got to see this and cloud's not totally gone, but now they're separating again and it's so painful! I wish this was already finished so I didn't have to wait so long to find out what happens. I really love seeing cloud through denzel's eyes, though. Absolutely marvelous how you portray them both and make me so invested in their story.
CloudyWolf05 chapter 8 . 10/26/2017
So the time was 1 A.M., I had just checked my e-mail to make sure that my class was cancelled for that day. I still needed to drive home from school, which is about an hour away. I'm scrolling through my e-mails and I see this notification: . Damn. What story? At the Water's Edge. Damn it. Should I go home and just read it there?


It was about 3 A.M. when everything was said and done, and wow! That chapter was awesome! Really starting to see things pick up more momentum here! I love how Denzel is having major conflict within himself with Cloud! I can only imagine what Cloud's going through, he probably wants Denzel to stay, but he feels like a familial life is way beyond him now; getting Denzel out of there is the only option. I hesitate to say, but the one scene where they're 'caught' in the dead end, Denzel kind of turns into a little side-kick for a second there. And the cliffhangers! Darn you! *shakes my fists into the air, collapses to my knees* Just Was Cloud poisoned too?! Will he be as effected as Denzel? Cloud is much stronger, so maybe he might be able to stave it off...(lol probably not, but hey! I can dream.)

I can't wait 'til this next story update. (And also your other stories too. :D ) Keep up the awesome work! I can't imagine where all this could lead!
Denebola Leo chapter 8 . 10/25/2017
Ah, it's getting suspenseful!
kelleyj17 chapter 4 . 6/4/2017
omg this is killing me! i read the other prequel stories so now i understand what's going on with cloud, and it's just painful what you're doing to him. i can't wait to see how this turns out, although I've read a lot of your stuff and i know there aren't a lot of happy endings. But you're such a talented writer, and I'm always so invested in your characters, so i have this compulsion to find out what happens, even if the ending is hard for me to read. can't wait for the next chapter!
kelleyj17 chapter 3 . 5/19/2017
Noooo! What a terrible place to end the chapter! I really want to know what's going on with cloud. This is great, though. The flow is wonderful and intense. please update again soon!
KD14 chapter 2 . 5/14/2017
Wow, this is so different! I almost didn't want to read this with Tifa being dead but your ideas are very interesting! Curious to see how you develop this.
kelleyj17 chapter 1 . 5/11/2017
I love this! Your portrayals of Reno, Rude, and Denzel are so perfect! Can't imagine why he's so mad at Cloud tho.. poor kid.