Reviews for Temporary Mate
ThaMaddox chapter 29 . 22h
Eu amei essa história! Eu sou apaixonada por histórias com veela e a sua ganhou um espaço reservado no meu coração. Muito obrigada por todas as sua história maravilhosas.
Um beijo diretamente do Brasil
HoneyBear84 chapter 29 . 5/2
Love it
Skay Grey chapter 29 . 2/5
Fic mais fofa! Amo veela! Tem um quê de romance antigo, um sentimento primitivo, talvez intocado e mais permanente! Enfim, não ligue para meus devaneios! Kkkkkkkkk... Só estou aqui para dizer que amei! Que você é demais e sua estória me fez suspirar! Parabéns, você escreve muito bem... Embora já tenha dito nos outros comentários, em outras fics, vou repetir nesse de novo: leio com o maior esforço através de um tradutor para meu idioma: pt-br! Não sei ler em outro infelizmente! Que 2020 traga mais Darry preciosas como essa e sua inspiração voe livre mais que as asas de Draco! Kkkkkkkk...
Andrew Hackard chapter 29 . 11/30/2019
More unsubstantiated male veela speculation. Single sex species, all female only. Well established in folklore - I wrote two splashbooks on European magic races.
Does set tale off on a unrealistic vibe, which detracts from whole plot afterwards. Sorry but it's gotta be said.
Tajala chapter 29 . 10/27/2019
Very very nice!
Loved every chapter of the story.
rell chapter 29 . 7/14/2019
I'm glad this story finished, a lot go incomplete. It was enjoyable.
North of the North chapter 29 . 12/9/2018
Why did you choose alchemy as Harry's future interest?
Satanisafangirl20 chapter 28 . 11/6/2018
I'M NOT CRYING YOU ARE! I read this again because this is my favorite fanfiction. I swear, out of all the fanfictions I've ever read (I have a file stuffed full in my computer from Ao3, not to mention the hundreds from this website I've read) and this is one of the best. I find myself comparing others that I read to this one. Thank you so much for putting your work out here for us to read. I love this so much. The detail in the descriptions and the creativity of it makes me feel like I'm reading directly from a book. Thank you again, so much. (By the way, I'm only allowed to post one review per chapter so I'm leaving it here.)
NaNaChan95 chapter 29 . 11/5/2018
I love the way you play with the more obnoxious parts of Hermione's character every time I see her. Another excellent story.
NaNaChan95 chapter 27 . 11/4/2018
Their banter never gets any less fitting or cute. I love these boys.
NaNaChan95 chapter 25 . 11/3/2018
The fact that Rita Skeeter never faced any consequences was always one of the biggest sins of the original series. Thank you for delivering me this sheer satisfying slice of justice.
aida-m chapter 29 . 10/14/2018
Ok it made me wish for a bond like that all through the story! And I wish I could be like them so careing and kind and loveing. I read some one say it and I repeat it that you write the best creature fics. I’ve recently read the amazing books captive prince series by cs pacat, I don’t know why but it made me want to read your originsl stories if you ever wrote one.
mysticalgems chapter 29 . 8/18/2018
I just finished reading all of this story! I LOVE IT! My mind is full of feathers from reading all of this. XD


I just thought I would review it. :)


Rekboi chapter 29 . 8/11/2018
I finally got around to read more of your lovely stories and this has been yet another incredible adventure I was glad to be apart of. Thank you for this beauty and all the hard work you've put into not only the world, but it's characters. I'll never grow tired of how you transform the series as you have.
Janie-ohio chapter 1 . 6/20/2018
I always love your stories. your characters are never flat or totally OOC, and there is so much that makes me smile. thank you!
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