Reviews for The Friends We Used to Know
NarutoAdmirer21 chapter 11 . 8/8/2019
This was so emotionally intense!
Wow there was so much going on and I never really realised just how traumatic the Danganronpa experience could be
This was so well written and I could feel Shuichi’s confusion and pain so well!
I absolutely loved this!
gold.spenser chapter 11 . 7/27/2018
Literal tears in my eyes for the ending. I wish you can make a sequel to the story where maybe everyone is maybe a decade older and having a reunion of the ending of the killing game. Dm me if your interested in my idea, I’d love to work with you
Larom chapter 11 . 4/18/2018
What a miserable read. Everyone is so god damn unlikable.. Should put a "Heavely OOC" warning in the first chapter.
Bluezoroark chapter 2 . 3/11/2018
It took me at least three reads of this fic to figure out that the Psycologist is Athena and the doctor is Apollo from AA
epikachu chapter 1 . 1/16/2018
Wow, the way you depicted the after match of the game is amazing.
creativesm75 chapter 11 . 12/27/2017
Someone chapter 11 . 10/16/2017
If you can't handle the canon ending resort to fanfictions (like me) makes me alive on the inside since the ending killed me
TDIfanatic chapter 11 . 5/30/2017
Aw, damn, does this mean the fic is over? I really enjoyed this, great job!
ChubbyPanda10 chapter 11 . 5/28/2017
Update soon ! ;-; this is really good.
Fallenstreet01 chapter 11 . 5/25/2017
Tell me there's another chapter!
There has to be another chapter, you can't leave me like this, I have to see what's next!
Especially about Tsumugi, I can't help it, she's my V3's favorite and I kinda fell sorry for her here.
Ge4r chapter 11 . 5/25/2017
So most for them are leaving except Maki. What about Yomeno she wins the game, or did I miss the line about her.
TheRoseShadow21 chapter 11 . 5/25/2017
I've been pretty silent on this fic so far, but I've been reading each chapter as it came out, and I am really enjoying it! I like aftermath fics a lot, as it is always interesting to see the ramifications of having survived something like this, so this is really interesting to me. Keep up the good work!
KnightSpark chapter 11 . 5/24/2017
This isn't the end, right? There has to be more.
PuppetofL chapter 10 . 5/23/2017
So far all of the Executed have woken up without many problems to their memories. Most of the victims however seem to be having very many problems, with the exception of Hoshi and possibly Angie. I say possibly because telling someone they'd be better off dead doesn't at all seem like an Angie like thing to do, so it's possible something is wrong with her as well unless this is just how the 'real' Angie is like. Tenko, Amami, and Iruma though seem to be having serious memory problems, though with this chapter's ending I'm hoping Tenko's are gonna get better. Ouma though I do not doubt will have some problems, what with him being crushed by a hydraulic press and all that, if he ever wakes up that is. I get the feeling Shinguuji will not be fine like the rest of the Executed though, as his death was being boiled alive and then exorcised, not to mention the memories he had put in him were absolutely nuts, making him out to be a serial murderer. If those weren't memories that were implanted though, then he's going to be absolutely insane when he wakes up. If I'm remembering correctly those are the last two to wake up. As for what I think of Shirogane right now, the fact she had bars on her window like Saihara and Hoshi is very telling. And everything she's said up until this point has led me to believe she may suffer from either a Dissociative Identity Disorder like Toko did, or something where her personality continually changes like Junko's did. If it's not either of those though, I believe it may be that she wholeheartedly regrets what she did now, but she can't show that to Team Dangan Ronpa. I think she may also be suicidal what with everything she's said it almost looks like she wants one of the other's to kill her. Add in that her window has bars on it, and it's very likely that she is suicidal.
Another Guest chapter 1 . 5/20/2017
Oml guest you're right! It's on Archiveofourown! Ouma-Kunnnn
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