Reviews for Meet the Family
Sapoman chapter 7 . 3/2
Would you ever consider writing the pairings meeting Jaune's family? I think that would make for a very cute companion fic.
246vili chapter 7 . 8/18/2019
Well written. I liked the fight too.
246vili chapter 4 . 8/17/2019
Well done. Though I would hav eliked to read about Blake's reaction to the books her mom gave Jaune, but we can guess what it would be like.
246vili chapter 2 . 8/15/2019
Nice Ruby-Jaune chapter.
Sooo, we can expect Raven for the Yang-Jaune chapter. Now that would be a treat. If Raven would end up liking Jaune, Qrow will have to hate him simply out of principle.
Y.Edenwoods chapter 7 . 1/14/2019
Still waiting for Ren's chapter.
Y.Edenwoods chapter 3 . 1/12/2019
Ah, gotta love a good WhiteKnight story.
cyberas chapter 7 . 1/4/2019
Eh I just like Arkos since I like Jaune and Pyrrha a lot, and I find their love story to be adorable (if it didn't get disintegrated), I don't mind other ships I just like Arkos. A lot.
Jack Simpson chapter 7 . 12/4/2018
This was another great chapter, Pyrrha finally standing up and telling Jaune to give up Weiss? That was very believable and a great step for her. Her telling Jaune why she fell for him was very sweet and made me "aawwww" honestly.

Nice to see her parents approving of Jaune and his love for their little champion, that's always a plus.
Jack Simpson chapter 5 . 12/4/2018
Another great chapter!

Summer and Tai were, as always, excellent standouts! Summer's reactions to the cage fight and how Yang got with Jaune were awesome too, very lovely. Ruby's support and protectiveness of Yang were very refreshing to see as well.

Raven was pretty well written, I have to say, you managed to make her more likable than in the show, it seems she really does care about Yang and Tai and didn't enjoy leaving them, unlike her show counterpart who just fucked off with no remorse.
Jack Simpson chapter 4 . 12/4/2018
That was wonderful, a nice little talk with Ghira gave him good reason to be protective about Blake, since he made the wrong choice once and his little girl suffered for it. Nice to see him come around.

Kali was perhaps the best part of this chapter though, she was sweet, kind and supportive. Even if her... enthusiasm for their relationship was a little overboard, it was still hilarious as hell!

Still not as funny as her giving him smut books and then telling him to use protection, though, I died at that.
Jack Simpson chapter 2 . 12/4/2018
That was so cutsie, I'm really happy you brought Summer Rose back, since her squeeing over the cute couple was just the best parts of this chapter.
I'm curious how you're gonna handle Weiss' parents, her dad's an emotionally abusive asshole, and her mother's an emotionally broken alcoholic, really hope they're not like that in the chapter, or at the very least bring her Grandfather Nicholas Schnee back so that there's at least one good parent for Jaune to meet.
MrSlendy69 chapter 6 . 4/11/2018
this is an amazing chapter, thank you
MrSlendy69 chapter 6 . 4/11/2018
JauneValeska chapter 4 . 2/11/2018
Jaune meeting either the family of Coco or Velvet. O
JauneValeska chapter 7 . 1/31/2018
Jaune with a mostly redeemed Neo visiting Roman in a safe house or prison. And meeting the rest of Neo's friends that threaten Jaune if he tries anything.
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