Reviews for Double Knotted
twlightbella chapter 11 . 9/12/2018
twlightbella chapter 2 . 9/12/2018
Frank and Callie married and are having a son
Guest chapter 1 . 8/30/2018
ok so I love frank and Callie how you've written them, they're so good for each other, and I'm gonna give this a shot while waiting for a unquiet bones update:) it's a little hard for me to get into the story since Joe and Nancy aren't the main characters but I'll read anything you've written honestly, this series is so good and you're writing really brings everything to life! Also random question, where do you picture bay port/river heights to be?
DusktoDawn21 chapter 12 . 8/8/2018
I absolutely love this story. Character development is one of the hardest things to do but you have fleshed them out very well here.
I can see how Callie derives her strength from Frank despite coming from a controlling family. Frank's love for Callie shines throughout and love how worried he is everytime she goes to meet her parents. It was especially nice to read that Frank will put up with almost everything but if his in laws mess with his child he will cut them off. The slow anger burning through him will find its outburst. I guess your next story would show how that goes.
It was a little sad to see that Callie's mom loves her but can't be there for her because of her husband. At the same time you show how Callie learned a lot from her father so they do love her even though they don't come across as being supportive of her relationship with Frank. I do wonder what drove them to hate him so much. Will that be answered in your next stories?
All in all, this was an incredible journey and Thank you for writing it. I have to go back and read all your other stories.
RadiantEyes chapter 12 . 7/11/2018
wow this was such an amazing story. Loved Frank and Callie as always. Dunno why Callie's parents have problem with Frank, but I'm happy Callie grew strong and independent despite the toxic environment back home. Frank and Callie are meant to be. I adore miles and Nancy are hilarious.

I hope Frank get back to detective work. He is required more there than police station. Though I envision his handsome self in that uniform.

It was romantic funny and blissful story.

can we continue this? please?

Maybe there we will get closure to Callie and her relationship with her parents. Nancy and Joe's future cause here we could see Ned coming back in picture too. And yes ! entry of lil Miles would be great.

Think about it.
RadiantEyes chapter 1 . 7/11/2018
wow this was such an amazing story. Loved Frank and Callie as always. Dunno why Callie's parents have problem with Frank, but I'm happy Callie grew strong and independent despite the toxic environment back home. Frank and Callie are meant to be. I adore miles and Nancy are hilarious.

I hope Frank get back to detective work. He is required more there than police station. Though I envision his handsome self in that uniform.

It was romantic funny and blissful story.

can we continue this? please?

Maybe there we will get closure to Callie and her relationship with her parents. Nancy and Joe's future cause here we could see Ned coming back in picture too. And yes ! entry of lil Miles would be great.

Think about it.
Greywolf chapter 12 . 6/26/2018
They are never going to get that lunch! Hehe
Ritu chapter 12 . 6/19/2018
Please update soon. We are missing you.
Newtothis351 chapter 12 . 6/2/2018
You are a tremendously talented author. You make time and write stories for your readers for free. I seriously feel a writer like you should start charging people.
I hope you write another Frank and Callie story. Of course you dont owe anyone anything but one can hope and dream.
drumboy100 chapter 12 . 5/7/2018
Nice, Frank, I was just getting impressed by your ability to relax and then I see that you've been reading the Maltese Falcon. Mentioning the Kama Sutra, my boyfriend would be thrilled! :) Beach towel with cows, black-and-white spotted travel mug-yes, I did catch those hints! What a wonderful present/surprise. "That is much better [sex] advice than what I got from Biff." haha! I had to look up Block Island to see that it really exists-sounds like you've been there and had a good time (unless you researched what is close to the fictional Bayport!). "Happiness is more important than accuracy"-yes. "saccharine," very nice keeping up with Frank, Cal. Seeing more hope of Callie entering the "Emma" matchmaking role in your next story! "Suspiciously altruistic," nice! "Two little tugs," these hints you give are so alluring! "Why do you need the print when you have the originals?" also nice. Grey Man: reminds me of the Raven YA series, also could have been a published book that you read. Ah, yes, that's how Russian is used, very romantic "translation." Please give us the scene of Joe giving Frank lap dance pointers! And that the happiest time of Frank's life makes him hope for the same level of happiness for Joe. "Comfortable as his oldest jeans and thrilling as the start of a mystery"-beautiful closing line. I agree with the decision to keep this chapter entirely between Callie and Frank, also leaving the parental tension at bay (and realistic) by the peacemaking rose between Callie and Margaret. YAY YAY YAY I loved this story so much. Never stop writing-you are very, very good.
drumboy100 chapter 11 . 5/7/2018
Callie and Frank end up in bed together-glad there's no twist ending to this story-but how did Tony make out with the single bridesmaids? Love your descriptions, pacing, how you follow short paragraphs with long ones, long sentences with short. I've heard that "relief" is a common way people feel after weddings! I wonder if Ned's gazing at Nancy was a foreshadow of the Unquiet Bones? Callie trying to hustle a marriage proposal out of Joe on the dance floor of her own reception makes me hope that she has an Emma role in the Unquiet Bones, trying to hook people up and learning things about herself in the process. Marco Polo, hehe! "She was like the moment he solved a case"-That's the biggest compliment a Hardy could ever give! "I will spend the rest of the night investigating you"-ooolala! Frank-"there's no shame in sounding stupid in front of Joe"-loooove the relationship between brothers, how Joe has to accommodate for Frank's macho beliefs. "Miles between us"-was the baby names Miles seriously for that gag? :) "Very Cinderella" of Callie's mother to leave; an appropriate metaphor (if only there were a prince chasing after her!). Callie/Frank leaving early, Frank's nervousness (very romantic!) and "contented" kisses, ordering room service bc they were too excited to eat downstairs-all the right choices for them at this time. The way to unhappiness is focusing on what a wedding/reception SHOULD be, rather than living each moment as it comes, so food for Callie and Frank to let it be what it will be. Ravioli in a wedding dress? I have a new respect for Callie's artistic dexterity skills. The hysterical Christmas caroling in the hallway is bringing back fond memories of shortsheeting my brother's hotel room bed. Frank sure got them with the ice water, precisely because they figured he'd be indisposed and unable to stop them! OMG Frank telling facts. "Even death won't stop our love"-yes yes, and Frank wouldn't say it if he didn't mean it. Hey, come on, Nancy and Joe would keep the consummation onscreen! :)
Drumboy100 chapter 10 . 5/5/2018
I'm enjoying the lack of mystery here-you keep the characters fresh, funny, and likable enough to hold my attention without additional tension! Classy, Bess, "makeup sex" in front of HER kids! Another beautiful sea metaphor, this time more elaborate and balanced than the metaphor in a previous chapter-showing character growth. And the "short stuff" nickname of George to Myra, don't expect your biggest fan to not notice these cute continuities. "Communal tote bag of snacks," that bag is probably the unsung hero of why this day went so well! Laura-"your husband spit up all over my dress before church," hahaha! Aunt Gertie's bird's nest, yes, yes, yes! Hope she went back to taking those pills with the side effects so her sassy side comes out again! Joe's matching mood ring-soooo sweet-is Chet wearing one as well? "Nancy helped me find it"-yup, Nancy is a better girlfriend than I am, and this shows how confident she is in her relationship with Joe and how she cares enough about him to encourage a healthy remembrance. Must have been a hard realization for Joe to realize that Iola wasn't his soulmate, as we have a tendency to worship the dead or feel guilty. Joe's nephew kicking him, looking forward to this dramatic uncle/nephew relationship! Callista and Francis, very nice! Frank lecturing about pheremones? I hate to type this, my fingers are betraying me, but within the context of this story, Nancy chose the right man-pardon the sexism but Nancy is more malleable than Frank, and his intensity might have tamed some of that spark that Joe helps bring out. "Reigning queens of Bayport High," hehe. Cow clue, Nancy and Joe are trying to recreate the marriage night, or recreate the cute cow on Callie's yogurt? LOVE LOVE that Miles will be walking Callie down the aisle! "Fear and worry and hope"-yup, Margaret was brave in this chapter-what a powerful symbol of handing her a peace rose-"don't lose me" emphasizing that it is her PARENTS' choice if their relationship suffers. Still not understanding why parents approve of perfect Frank, as his black and white thinking is surprisingly similar to Callie's parents', so it is seriously ONLY because of premarital sex that they hate him? "Weaving a new knot into the cords that bind us," I caught that allusion to the title. I like your beautiful descriptions of the ceremony, but the play-by-play of the getting ready-girl power is such a powerful and not-boring and strong theme of your stories. Love this!
drumboy100 chapter 9 . 5/4/2018
Nancy and Joe were looking at a picture of a cow? Whoa, now I'm intrigued. But they know that Callie will cry! :) Puzzle of the Tower Mansion, nice easter egg! "Joe gave me a nudge. I jumped." Excellent truth by Frank that we are all responsible for our own actions. "Does [Callie] really need you to [rescue her]?" Fenton knew just what to say, which is why Frank found himself driving to his parents' house on autopilot. "[Dad] you don't think I'm weak?" Frank was JUST starting to annoy me with how intense he was getting (he was feeling guilty for taking 5 minutes to work on a puzzle!) but that line let me know how desperately he wants to do good in the world, do right by Callie, and get his father's approval (father's approval also because Fenton is an appropriate ethical soundboard for him-they are so similar). Loved the juvenile headlock! "How bad was the rehersal dinner, from a scale of spilled ice cream to the sinking of the Titanic?" HEHE except spilled ice cream is a very big deal if you were really looking forward to it. Frank "missed her even though she was right in this car"-profound. Yes, Frank saw a sensual pic of Nancy! Glad Frank and Callie fought-a sign of a healthy marriage. What a "long and aching" day right after awesome parties. Was that a public makeout? Frank wondering how Miles will transcend his parents' shortcomings like Callie transcended her parents'-I love how highly he thinks of his wife!
drumboy100 chapter 8 . 5/4/2018
Joe's mechanical OCD with the windshield wipers takes over right where Frank's general OCD leaves off! Love the real-life ending to the bachelor party. "The word wife was still a novelty, a pleasant shock." Beautiful. Frank would "punish Joe later"? My twisted mind is easily triggered, you know. Joe Sensible Hardy, hahaha! Frank's refusal to sort the mail was significant character growth, in my mind, how he forced organization to the back burner in favor of getting errands done for Callie. "I'm so tired of watching you pour love into that void"-powerful. "This weekend was supposed to be all about their love, their commitment"-yup, Frank, that is what this weekend is about, which means that you have to love Callie by letting her make her own decisions. Loooove how Laura's and Fenton's voices in Frank's head balance out the love/etiquette/decent behavior vs. practical detective sense. I still like Callie's parents because, like Callie, I can't help but pity people who create their own prisons, but it really is ridiculous to think that Frank and Callie have been together ten years since when they were kids and Frank only married her to save face. If they had encouraged Callie to marry Frank years ago, she would have been a married woman when she got knocked up. "She bit off every word sharply, tossing each one out like a weapon." Damn, Callie, and yay! Makes sense that Margaret would yell, trying to balance out the power dynamic-out of the entire world, only Callie had been "beneath" Margaret in power, and now Margaret doesn't even have that. Thanks, Frank, for saying "Neither did I" regarding the choice to conceive Miles, reinforcing that Callie did not get pregnant by herself (even though the woman is always the person who gets blamed). Frank saying "Call me if you want me, even if you don't need me"-excellent. Great chapter.
drumboy100 chapter 7 . 5/4/2018
Another un-skanky bachelor(ette) party, just Callie's style. Good for Callie for making Iola's "presence" a good thing, a reminder through the mood ring to never take one minute of this life for granted. Whoa, I would LOVE a Callie/Chet ship (Callet?) and again it shows Callie's character that she only cares about what really matters. "I'll take making mistakes over living in fear." Excellent speech, Callie. "Salacious Easter egg hunt," I knew the women would be raunchier than the men! These hints are giving me hope for an engagement in The Unquiet Bones. Hopefully that tissue box didn't have a picture of a cute cow on it? :) Comparing Frank to Nancy in bed, be still my Francy heart! Between dinner, drinks, dessert, champagne, chocolates, anatomically correct cookies (very appropriate for creative Callie), and a bag of chips at the end, I'm stuffed just reading this. I agree with the interpretation of George as asexual-and there are a lot more asexual people out there than our western culture admits to. Callie has mentioned Frank losing control several times now so I'm thinking she enjoys that more than her own pleasure. :) It's finally coming together now, Bess's obsession to lose those five pounds, and very touching that it was only Bess that could relate to Callie in that convo about fathers and give the comfort Callie needed. "I'll have plenty of family there"-yup, Callie, as an adult you are allowed to choose your own family, and they are your in laws.
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