Reviews for Back to the Labyrinth
Furostomi-chan chapter 27 . 4/28/2018
Curious as to why the story ends abruptly at chapter twenty-seven. It was quite good, though I am surprised by Sarah's moodiness/ immaturity and Jereth's frictional personally.
Guest chapter 23 . 7/31/2017
And this concludes my perusal of this story. I had hoped to make it through all that had been posted, but, frankly, the constant inconsistency of Sarah's personality, coupled with her abhorrent and willful ignorance, makes continuing unbearable. For a supposed woman of thirty she certainly acts worse than the petulant child she was at fifteen. In fact I think she had more wit, gile, and poise then, than she does now and that's truly disappointing. It's heartbreaking really. She started off with such promise. Jareth is better off without this spoilt, bratty, and absurdly childish incarnation of Sarah. To Tiberon with her, she deserves the bottom of the barrel if she so continues to wallow in it.
Guest chapter 15 . 7/28/2017
Of for flucks sake. I don't think I could groan any worse lest I be forced to watch two hours of Days of Our Lives. I was thoroughly enjoying this story for the first five or six chapters until both Sarah and Jareth seemingly abandoned all sense. The former becoming a sniveling adolescent yet again and the latter, oh hell, running around like a beaten dog, both cowering and attacking. At chapter 15 I find myself wanting to throttle both and scream at them to grow up already. How hard is it to say you're sorry?! To rationalize, even through attraction, and explain yourself? It's not that bloody hard! Dear God I hope someone comes along soon to beat some sense into these two. With the way they're acting they're more like the lead couple in a bad teenage sitcom or are attempting a pilot for 90210: Underground edition. Ugh! Hoggle has been the best thing so far.
Honoria Granger chapter 26 . 7/17/2017
Oh, those lunkheads. I want to kick their shins with a sharp pointy shoe. Please throw them into bed together soon. Great, great chapter. And deliciously long. Though I'm tired of the stupid mustache-twirling antics of Maeve and Tiberon. "Tibby!"
Tenjp chapter 26 . 7/17/2017
Ugh this is killing me...USE YOUR WORDS! much angsty drama...come on you two...get it together lol...
Potions Failure chapter 1 . 7/17/2017
Absolutely lovely story. I hope in the end Jareth and Sarah end up together and Maeve and Tiberon get bogged permanently. Look forward to reading more soon!
elh4587 chapter 1 . 7/16/2017
I think the saying is "the way forward is SOMETIMES the way back"
LaDivinapersempre chapter 25 . 7/14/2017
Oh, no! Poor Jareth!
Tenjp chapter 24 . 7/10/2017
Yuck! What an awful land...but I guess there must be balance...poor mortals :(
Aleta Wolff chapter 24 . 7/10/2017
Ui, até eu fiquei com medo agora.
KBates chapter 23 . 7/9/2017
Sarah's behavior is a bit lacking in this chapter. Girl, you're 30 years old, not 16. First she gets jealous of something that happened ages ago, then she acts like a brat, then she's in total denial, and then she suddenly remembers feminism and gets ticked about the jewelry (where were these feminist ideals before? esp when she was clearly going out with the worst kind of douches in the human world).

Jareth slut shaming (or is it whore shaming?) his ex (no matter how annoying she is) is a bit meh as well.
Tenjp chapter 23 . 7/9/2017
oooooo so confusing for Sarah and Jareth can't have it both ways, he has to explain the situation fully to her...and I don't think the two of them can keep this up much longer before they explode!
Great job
Tanager chapter 22 . 7/3/2017
Lyres, not liars. Heels (shoes), not heals. Jareth lay atop the duvet; frustration lay beside him. Lay, not lie. Peeking out, not peaking. Dragged it, not drug it. There's a few more, but I'm tired...;)
KBates chapter 22 . 7/3/2017
I feel terribly sad for Sarah that she had to wait until she's 30 to be able to vocalize her needs during sex. (Glad that J's there to remedy that).

And J can't reach completion b/c...? I didn't understand that part. Why not? Can he really keep the fact that he hasn't...well...reached completion from Sarah?

Looks like the ball is going to be exciting.
LaDivinapersempre chapter 21 . 6/30/2017
Oh, I'm so in love with this story!
Their meeting in the music room moved me.

Thank you!
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