Reviews for A Love Through Time
Guest chapter 13 . 7/18
Hey, there I love this story. I think you're a fantastic writer you should keep it up! I was wondering if you could maybe either keep updating or make a sequel to this story, please. If you do I will love you forever because I have been reading this story since it first came out so as you know I have been waiting for a while for an update/sequel of this story. Please try your best lol
NightHuntress91 chapter 13 . 10/24/2018
Hey, there I love this story. I think you're a fantastic writer you should keep it up! I was wondering if you could maybe either keep updating or finish this story, please. If you do I will love you forever because I have been reading this story since it first came out so as you know I have been waiting for a while for an update/completion of this story. Please try your best lol
NikkiS71 chapter 13 . 5/21/2018
Setting aside that cute little typo you have there, 'Naraky'? LOL for that one, it was so cute!
I was quite surprised that Naraku hadn't tried to hurt Kagura in any way, after finding out she told their father, King Kumo about Naraku's plans. Even though, he knew what his son was thinking. I was even farther surprised by Sesshomaru's calmness after hearing Naraku's proposal. Offering himself for Sesshomaru's use, I thought he had signed his own death warrant. However, judging how calculating Sesshomaru is, I should have expected nothing less. It's my guess that Sesshomaru will not only inform his father of the late night visit, but would watch Naraku very closely from now on!

Great chapter!

B reading U!
Nala1220 chapter 13 . 5/17/2018
I'm curious because this chapter. Just what are you trying to make Naraku of? What kind person you making him? I admit, I don't like him, and this chapter makes me insecure on how you gonna portray him...Still, it's kinda exciting to have a nice Naraku once if that's what you are trying...

Thanks for the update! It's so hard to have new or updates those days, I been rereading all my favorites. I hope your job get better. Again thanks for update and I seriously can't wait to see more!~
Mssenidia chapter 13 . 5/16/2018
Good to hear from you again! Congratulations on your job! :) Thanks for the new chapter.
Of course Sesshomaru would send Naraku back to hide in his daddy's bed by just being his perfect self, ha, that was great.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/16/2018
Yea, your not dead
Guest chapter 12 . 5/1/2018
This is a wonderful story. Very well written as well. The passing feels a little slow for me but the time jumps make up for it. I was wondering if you will be continuing the story and when we,the audience, can expect another chapter. It would be a shame if this story was unfinished, this happens to be one of my favorites, the interaction between Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, both spirit and reborn, are great. Also will there be an explanation on how and why Inuyasha was reborn. I didn't pick that up. It would be nice to know but not necessarily necessary unless there is another larger plot going on that makes to knowledge extremely important to know. Thank you for this excellent story!
darklightening chapter 12 . 3/3/2018
This story gives me life. I love InuSess and i think you've written this very well. I'll be honest, I'm spellbound. Definitely looking forward to your updates!
Nightwing'snight chapter 11 . 12/11/2017
Post soon.

Nightwing'snight chapter 12 . 11/10/2017
Please post soon
denizen of the night chapter 12 . 11/4/2017
I really really enjoyed reading this fic! I love the SessInu interactions! They're so sweet! I can't wait for the time when they both realize that they have already found each other. Huhuhu. Please update soon! I'm looking forward to reading the next chapters!
astralien chapter 12 . 10/31/2017
I'll wait patiently for their destined true meeting! I csn't stop gushing at the beauty and angst of this tale *hugs*
Seirenn chapter 12 . 9/14/2017

J'ai trouver les 11 premiers chapitres magnifique, les derniers m'ont meme fait verser des larmes.
Beau et triste.

J'aime aussi le chapitre 12 et 13 mais ils me fruste au possible! J'attendais tellement de la rencontre entre Sess et InuYasha! Et dire qu'ils ne se reconnaissent même pas alors qu'ils s'aimaient si fort...

Je suis triste! Je veux absolument qu'Inuyasha se rappelle et que Sess le vois en forme yokai.

J'espère pouvoir lire la suite rapidement, merci encore.

~ Sei
Wolf'sVine chapter 12 . 9/7/2017
I just got my internet back and was pleasantly surprised when I saw that this freaking wondrous fic had updated! Twice since I've last read it! You sure are keeping us readers in suspense, huh? It's hilarious that Sesshomaru if feeling bad for being drawn to Inuyasha cuz he thought he was opening himself to someone other than Inuyasha... though he really wasn't! And, I wonder why Inuyasha hasn't figured out that his missing 'thing' is Sesshomaru? Surely no object could cause such intense feelings? Shippo's a cutie! And not super annoying! I liked the part where Inuyasha had to run from the human village women the kept trying to bed him! I also liked when Kouga got intimidated at the very thought of what Sesshomaru would do to him if he started panting after Inuyasha! So, Inuyasha is the pup this time? Oh, the switching between who is older in this fic between Sesshomaru and Inuyasha is surprisingly enjoyable to read for some reason I can't pinpoint. I'm seriously looking forward to the next chapter and I love this fic!
Guest chapter 12 . 8/30/2017
Definitely yes I enjoy their encounter, it was so cute, I was just thinking "just fuck already" can't wait till they figure out who each other are empress Tatiana
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