Reviews for Holding onto Hope
mlea7675 chapter 73 . 9/22
This was an awesome story! I’ve read it quite a few times and loved it each and every time. I might even venture to say that I love this universe even more than canon!
Cynthia Michele Tharp Coker chapter 73 . 7/9
God this was a great story! Wish we knew how things turned out and what their next child is!
KSHeartie chapter 73 . 7/3
All I can say is wow. This story is SO SO good! I would love to see you continue it on some day (soon lol)!
Dolphinlover82 chapter 73 . 7/3
That was just so so good!
Dolphinlover82 chapter 1 . 5/19
Hi there! I haven't read a modern story before,so urs ia the first...i just finished the first chapter and I love it already...i always cry when Jack says to Abigail"u will take care of her?" I lose it every timeI love when u writers use material from the show...cant wait to read more!
RVKFan of Fanfiction chapter 73 . 4/28
Love this story! Rereading it now :) Definitely your fan Km802! Following all your JnE plots on Fanfiction! Updates couldn't come sooner! No pressure:D
Guest chapter 71 . 12/17/2019
Update maybe...
Guest chapter 1 . 12/7/2019
Update Soon maybe?
Joy Marks chapter 73 . 9/17/2019
This is one of my favorite stories. I have read it many many times. I think it may be time to start thinking about the next phase of these characters lives for us. What do you think? Its been a couple of years!
smithren chapter 29 . 6/22/2019
A weird thing when I read fanfiction is: All the characters never look the same in my mind except Charlotte is always Brooke Shields lol. GREAT STORY love every second of it.
mamahopp9600 chapter 73 . 5/31/2019
I’m sorry to see one of my all time favorite story end. I have read this story a billion times. I enjoy your writing and I love your other stories just as much. Here’s hoping that someday you decide to either update this one again or do a sequel.
twlightbella chapter 73 . 5/31/2019
Do a sequel
Guest chapter 73 . 5/31/2019
Dommage que cette histoire est terminée. Je l'ai vraiment aimée.C'est triste qu'ils doivent déménager et quitter leurs amis. Vous êtes un merveilleux écrivain. Hâte de lire d'autres aventures d'Elisabeth et Jack. Et, merci de continuer d'écrire des histoires à leur sujet.
Guest chapter 73 . 5/30/2019
I’ve truly enjoyed this story, as I do all your work. You have a gift for writing. Thanks for all the time you put into it!
Ybdavila chapter 73 . 5/30/2019
Great ending to a very moving story. Love your storytelling & your knack of moving your characters thru real life adventures... and letting us come along.
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