Reviews for The Cat and his Father
MarkerDragon chapter 4 . 11/30/2018
It's really good I love it so far
Periwinkle Party chapter 8 . 7/27/2018
It was really good. As bad as this sounds I can relate to Kyo (not in the 'I was an abused child' kinda way but in a 'I have panic attacks at stores because someone is too close to me' kinda way). (I know you said people who weren't stable shouldn't read it but I swear I'll never kill or hurt myself!) I really felt as if I was each of the characters which is hard to find in published books and it was good. Keep up the good work! You are great and you can only become greater!
RainbowStarMountain chapter 8 . 6/25/2017
What? Last chapter! No! Please write a sequel - I'll be very interested!

OMG, Kazuma rocks! He's just great with all his fatherly feels.

I really love the part where Kyo was imagining his mother was there and believing that it would best for everyone if he just disappeared. Love it. Poor Kyo. He must have been really hurt by the idea that the only person he loves in this world suddenly hates him and wants to abandon him to the point that he's gone suicidal.

It's great! I really hope that you write a sequel!
OfRosesProudandsad chapter 8 . 6/24/2017
these last two chapters were really good, all the characters were in character, and handled all that was thrown them realistically. I don't know whether it should be in this particular series or not, but I'd love to see you write more of these characters, you do it really well.
Thank you so much for giving us this series!
MarieHer15 chapter 8 . 6/22/2017
No that can't be the end... this is too cute to end like this... good job... i really like it
RainbowStarMountain chapter 7 . 6/19/2017
Gah I love this chapter! The angst in here is just great.

Typical cruel, little Akito.

I really like all the voices that are going around Kyo's head when he's trying to run away from everybody. Can't wait to see how Kazuma is going to react now that Kyo knows that he has seen him.

Man, Kyo is going to be a wreck for awhile now that everybody has seen him. And yayyy love the mention of Hatori, Shigure, and Ayame in here. I hope Haru will keep on playing with Kyo after this.

Please update soon! It's great!
RainbowStarMountain chapter 6 . 6/19/2017
Aww, that's cute. They're friends now. Ohhh, Akito is involved.
Neko-fire demon tempest chapter 6 . 6/16/2017
I really like the pacing of this story sometimes with stories like this people like to have big time jumps & half the time that makes the story less enjoyable to read. The pacing of this story is perfect.
StarliteWyrm15 chapter 5 . 6/13/2017
I love this story! I haven't read Fruits Basket in about eight years or so, so this story is helping me to remember some things and now I wish I had all the books so I could read them again. Kyo is my favorite character and I just love that, other than Tohru, Kazuma was there to really, truly care for Kyo! You have captured their personalities so well. Please update soon!
RainbowStarMountain chapter 5 . 6/13/2017
Ahhh, interesting. I was not expecting for that to happen. Haha. I thought it was adorable that Kyo asked about Kagura. Pffhhh. Kyo might pretend to not like her, but he probably adores her like an older sister.

I love Haru, but, damn, boy definitely doesn't have his black side under control which is totally understandable since he's young in here. I'm happy that Haru dropped by later to apologize, though. Yayyy! Friendship. lol. Oh, and Haru's full name is spelled "Hatsuharu" not "Hatsiharu". It's no big deal, I get names spelled wrong all the time.

Ah! A glimpse of Kunimitsu! Yayyy! I like him. I kind of always imagined him as an older brother to Kyo since they grew up at the dojo with each other pretty much. How old is Kunimitsu anyway? I don't know if they ever mentioned it in the manga. He's probably like a teen in here? He seems a bit older than Kyo and the others.

I like how you correlated Haru's attack to Kyo's father attacking him. He like totally had a panic attack. lol.

Please update soon! It's great!
RainbowStarMountain chapter 4 . 6/12/2017
Gahhh! I was like grinning so much when I was reading this! I mean, the angst is just so delicious.

Kyo's dad is terrible, but I like it. I like how his dad is all like "I don't want to kill it... I want it to suffer to the point that it destroys itself".

Ah! And the part where Kazuma ask him "What did you do to punish it" but he answers with the question, "What didn't I do?" Ah! That's genius. It's witty in an evil kind of way. I think I like that sentence the most in the chapter. :)

Aww, Kyo can cook! I love that he can cook, shows how fast he had to learn certain survival skills. And Kazuma's awe when he sees Kyo give him a genuine smile. I like that Kyo's smile drops though when he mentions his mom - it's realistic.

Ah, curious Kyo is so cute with his big eyes and swinging feet. Yayy! Kyo can see the dojo! I can't wait for the others students to see Kyo. I bet they will think he's adorable - the male and female students. How adorable.

It's awesome! Please update soon! You rock!
OfRosesProudandsad chapter 4 . 6/12/2017
can't wait to see where this goes!
James Birdsong chapter 4 . 6/10/2017
Good four chapters
RainbowStarMountain chapter 3 . 6/6/2017
Awww, so cute and satisfying.

I just love how Kyo got so excited when Kazuma suggested going outside. Kyo is still so innocent and just the thought of going outside makes him pleased.

And I thought it was super sweet of Kazuma to point out that it was nice to hear Kyo's voice. I mean, how adorable is that? Sweet, quiet, and little Kyo. He's like totally introverted when he's younger.

Really love the part where Kazuma doesn't even hesitate to refer to Kyo as his son. I like how you point out that Kyo does not think he's good enough to be Kazuma's son and deserves better - it's a nice correlation to the manga and the anime. Angst, angst, angst everywhere. We all love the angst.

Yayyyy! Enters Hatori! Now that Hatori has seen how badly abused Kyo been, maybe he will feel more inclined to talk and comfort Kyo. Hatori is quiet himself, so I think he would probably need more of an incentive to talk. Maybe when Hatori first talks to Kyo, Kyo will be really quiet. I don't know why, but I just love the idea of shy and quiet Kyo. It's just so cute.

Please update soon! Love it!
RainbowStarMountain chapter 2 . 6/6/2017
Ah! I like this so far! Why has it been so long since the last update? Please update soon, because I think it's great.

I just love the Kyo whump in your story and just how quiet and defensive Kyo can be. I mean, he's just tarnished from abuse. I really like how you mention that Kyo flinches a lot when people try to touch him to show how much he's used to just getting beaten when people touch him. I really like that Kyo is quiet most of time too. Kyo's dad must have hit him a lot if he noticed Kyo's presence so Kyo got used to being quiet in order to not get hit.

Kyo's father practically starved him. Poor Kyo. He had a really tough childhood. Kyo must be malnourished too.

Will the doctor be Hatori? Or Hatori's dad or somebody? I hope we can see Hatori, Shigure, and Ayame tag along. I think that even though Kyo is the cat, I think those three would be really sweet and gentle with Kyo unlike Kyo's dad. In the anime and the manga, Shigure and Hatori are really gentle to the younger cousins like Kisa. I like to believe that they were really sweet toward Kyo when he was young too. Could you write something with those three coming to visit Kyo, but under the pretense of coming for some other reason. I think it would be uber awesome and cute. If you do, maybe Kazuma tries to get advice from them on how to interact with Kyo.

Oh, if you're having trouble on figuring out what to write next, maybe you can write a chapter where Kyo watches Kazuma teach his martial arts class. And with Kyo being so used to getting beaten by his dad, he gets scared when he sees the martial arts class at first but eventually comes to get fascinated by it. Oh, Kyo can probably even meet Kunimitsu. Heck, maybe some of Kazuma's older students will see Kyo and think Kyo is a cute kid. Maybe you can have a scene where Kyo gets nervous with all those older kids around him and he unconsciously clings to Kazuma's kimono and Kazuma is pleasantly surprised by Kyo's dependence on him. Wouldn't that be cute? Of course, it's your story so you don't have to do any of this. Just a little suggestion that came to my head.

I really hope that you continue this story, because there aren't a lot of fanfic that write about Kyo's childhood.

I just love your story! It's just so awesome. Update soon. I look forward to it!
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