Reviews for Phoenix of the Web
TigerJacob chapter 17 . 7/12
Guess I ignored the drama tag for the plot, but for the most part I try to avoid heart aches...because they hurt obviously. I'm interested to see where this one goes and who peter gets with due to these events.

Thanks for the read!
Harem lover chapter 17 . 7/2
Why is it that even though this is one of the stories where Peter arguably deserves a large harem more when compared to your other stories due to the incredible challenges and hardships he will inevitably face in the future, and yet you apparently want Peter to only have a small harem here?
I mean, obviously some women like Laura and Emma will likely be near-impossible, but given everything Peter has been through and WILL go through, it seems better to give Peter a larger harem, both as a “consolation” and because it’s actually more practical by providing loyal and supportive allies.
Besides, it’s not like Marvel (or DC and most other franchises, for that matter) don’t have an abundance of bombshell females who have messy and/or disappointing love lives.
You could definitely add a resurrected Jean, Madame Web, Storm, Psylocke, Black Cat, and Black Widow to the harem
Axrael chapter 17 . 6/20
this story was so good, i don't know if you'll ever update again but how about pairing sue storm with peter? You did hinted at kaine getting his 'own' Sue, but idk i love Sue/Peter.

great story, cheers
Phoenix-Spider chapter 17 . 6/2
The basic concept of the story is amazing: Spider-Man, the greatest and most iconic Superhero of all time (not just in Marvel, but also including DC and every other fictional franchise) and the de-facto Mascot/Face of Marvel as a whole, as well as a hero who is known for great and noble spirit and his specialty of doing the IMPOSSIBLE, now has permanent and unlimited access to the Phoenix Force, one of the greatest Cosmic Entities in the entire Marvel Multiverse whose All-Powerful Nature easily puts on an OMNIVERSAL scale and on the Top 10 (if not, Top 5) list of greatest and most powerful beings of all time.
The things he can accomplish are practically limitless, even the likes of Doom and Beyonder and Thanos would be envious.

That said, while I understand that Peter wasn’t initially a “natural” telepath and didn’t have the supposed years of training that the likes of Jean or Rachel had, and while I understand that Peter is more than a little cautious about using its power after that Dark Phoenix episode that costed him his best friend and Brother-in-arms (who I really Hope comes back later, given that Logan also has a penchant for cheating death), why is it that Peter’s progress is THIS slow?
He knows that he’ll be targeted big-time, and if he doesn’t make good headway soon, both he and everyone he cares about will pay a terrible price.
Also, if the Phoenix not only grants amazing abilities to its hosts but also permanently augments their natural abilities to infinitely higher levels, then why isn’t it enhancing Peter’s Spider-powers more?
I mean, his strength is a little higher now and can get visions of the immediate future, yes, but I imagine his physical capabilities would be well-beyond even Symbiote-enhanced level and his enhanced precognitive capabilities could exceed even Madame Web’s and those of the Master Weaver.
I also imagined that given that Spider-Man already had a decent regenerative healing factor, coupled by the fact that the Phoenix is aware of the fact of how badly its hosts are hunted and/or killed, that the Phoenix Force would augment Peter’s healing Factor to a level beyond even Logan’s or Deadpool’s, maybe even grant Peter Semi-Immortality (the Phoenix can grant permanent immortality and self-resurrection capabilities to its hosts, especially its favored and more beloved hosts).
So what’s the deal?
Spider-Fan chapter 17 . 5/28
Why is it that so many authors associate the concept of “OP Spider-Man story” with “Bad Spider-Man story”?
Because honestly, it feels like so many readers and authors feel that a Spider-Man story can’t be good unless he struggles like hell and isn’t powerful, including you, HandAssassinSpider-man, if most of your other stories are any indication.

And if Peter is gonna go through hell in terms of luck in the future, why not at least give him a LARGE harem rather than a small one?
It’s a decent consolation prize, and given the bigger challenges Peter will no doubt face in the future due to being both the Center of the Web of Life & Destiny and the New Phoenix.
And he’s gonna need all the help he can get, like maybe that of Madame Web, Jean, Black Widow, etc.

Also, if Peter being the new host of the Phoenix is supposed to be such a big deal, not only for the Earth but also for the Universe and Multiverse/Omniverse at large, then why isn’t the heroes of Earth taking it more seriously?
I mean I know that they’re hunting down the more radical Mutants like Magneto or Namor while trying to repair Human/Mutants relations via the Avengers Unity Squad, but I seem to remember around-the-clock investment and preparation from virtually every hero against the Phoenix 5 in the canon Avengers Vs X-Men storyline.
And you’d think that after the death of the “Immortal Wolverine” and the unintentional destruction of Wakanda that the Avengers would take this more seriously by providing more protection and more potential teachers to help Peter potentially master the Phoenix Force.
Like, shouldn’t Doctor Strange come to K’un-L’un come to offer Peter any training he can provide in mastering the Phoenix Force while preventing another potential Dark Phoenix episode and any potential consequences for the Multiverse?
Or any potential powerhouses to help protect Peter from anyone who would do him harm (like the f***in Shi’ar, or Thanos, or whatever else)?
Zero Gawain chapter 17 . 5/27
man when will you update this story again? .. reinspire one of the few stories you write that I read. in fact, each issue is reread from time to time.
Guest chapter 17 . 5/25
Jelroz667 chapter 17 . 5/24
Damn why aren't you working for Marvel or DC, your fics are good
Draconeis chapter 1 . 4/25
Hey I know I love all your stories but this one is definitely the on I loved the most alongside the spider God of apokolips and war world... I do really hope you continue this one day I miss see the updates for it. I also can't wait for others that I haven't checked on in such a long while I think I will go for rereadings for the most part and especially family to the end. A story were he helps out Miles and it's all about this weird family is such a joy especially during a trying time like the civil war 2 which never felt like the impact was right in the book. I am also happy to know your alright during this time I will be back and reviewing on the other stories so just watch out lol
Damobea chapter 1 . 2/9
Are you going to continue this story?
Tony McNucklz chapter 1 . 1/28
really wish these stories based off the comics were marked as such. it would save me a lot of confusion trying to grasp what the heck is happening.
SNESGenesisguy chapter 17 . 1/13
Who are the harem members so far and is there any chance that black cat could join
LegendaryMob chapter 17 . 12/20/2019
Needs more chapter! It's great though it kinda suck how easily you made Spider-Man into a firebird hulk. I mean it almost feels like you belittle 'uncle ben's death motto' anchor effect on spidey.. Anyway needs more chapter
ramasioti100 chapter 17 . 11/16/2019
Damn this story is really amazing! I really want to see Peter start mending his relationships...except with Scott and his friends, fuck them!
Karlos1234ify chapter 17 . 11/7/2019
Outstanding chapter. Kaine is about to score with Janet. Pietro and Kaine are such bros. Peter is going to meet his future stepsons.
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