Reviews for Promises Unbroken
XMoOnlighTLilyX chapter 40 . 7/21
This is such a sad story... I mean, its mainly fighting, and destroying Death Eaters. I just wish there was a bit more fluff:) And i also noticed that Harry, Rona and Hermione weren't much in the story at all. But i enjoyed reading this Fanfiction! Hope you're well, MoonlightLily!
XMoOnlighTX chapter 30 . 7/20
Aww such a sweet chapter! Im really glad Sirius and Julia got together again :)
XxxLilyxxX chapter 26 . 7/20
Lovely! :) What a great fan fic!
XxxLilyxxX chapter 22 . 7/20
I really want Lily and Severus to have a conversation together, and for Harry, Ron and Hermione to overhear.
LunaFlos chapter 1 . 7/11
Ok, by 1960-1981 I already had tears in my eyes. Can't wait to read more
Guest chapter 40 . 6/27
this story was great! can’t wait to read the sequel
Alyce Reide chapter 37 . 6/7
Which begs the question, why no quick Killing Curse when Voldemort was unconscious?
Alyce Reide chapter 35 . 6/7
I think that, since there's evidence that points to Voldemort basically seeing everything Sirius does, they should proceed with caution. Trust Sirius, but maybe don't trust him to lead super-secret missions-maybe even don't tell him he's going on the secret mission until five minutes before. That leaves very little time for Voldemort to put together an ambush.

I'm over a century younger than Dumbledore. Why hasn't he thought of this yet?
Alyce Reide chapter 34 . 6/7
Alyce Reide chapter 33 . 6/7
Nice twist on that pesky/useful prophecy!
Alyce Reide chapter 25 . 6/6
So Sirius almost got the wand Harry would have gotten in canon-land. Wonder who does get it?
Alyce Reide chapter 20 . 6/6
So now I'm completely confused as to which side Pettigrew is really on. Is he an agent, a double agent, or a triple agent? Quadruple?
Alyce Reide chapter 19 . 6/6
Alyce Reide chapter 14 . 6/6
An odd thing happens to the newspaper articles. There's a line break every line and a half, usually in the middle of a sentence, which makes it rather difficult to read. Is there any way you could fix that?
Alyce Reide chapter 12 . 6/6
-and Bill just spoiled the plan.
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