Reviews for The Wild Hero of Zero
GreenEggandHam chapter 2 . 1/9
please do more of this
mdhunter111 chapter 2 . 5/11/2019
Interesting take on this crossover. Though I’m sorry that Zelda had to experience heartbreak again when Ganon banished Link. Will they meet again someday? And for the harem I’m thinking Link with (the new) Louise, Siesta, Henrietta, Jessica, Tiffania, Cattleya, Kirche, Fouquet, (maybe) Sheffield, and Zelda. Anyways, please continue with another chapter soon. Looking forward to it, and have a nice weekend. :)
Galdr chapter 1 . 3/30/2019
I normally have an account but it kicked me out and I’m too lazy to sign in.

Other reviewers have pretty much said what I was going to say so I won’t repeat it. This story has promise, although please be aware of any constructive criticism you may recieve. If you can, try to spice up the plot with something different. It’s OK if you want to follow the plot of ZnT, but I’d say summarize it briefly and add new elements in it. For instance, how would Link’s appearance and presence change everything? Also, as someone said, Hylians resemble elves and if I remember right, elves in ZnT are to be feared—I believe that can be something applied here.

As for “pairings”, my opinion is sticking to platonic relationships for now; having a love triangle romance thing going on is and can be difficult if the romance genre is your weak spot. (IMO, it’s mine, haha) But, if you can manage to pull it off or want to try your hand at it, then do your best. Be careful about characterization and never be afraid to ask for help or look for a promising beta reader to help you. I also apologize in advance if my review has some typo errors; commenting on mobile isn’t a good idea, but I wanted to add one regardless.

I do like the idea and premise of this story, and I hope it appeals to others who like love triangles or the multipairings. Sadly, I’m not much of a fan of those but I know I’m not the target audience, haha. Still, I wish you good luck!
Eli Clark chapter 2 . 2/8/2018
I... Do not see the point in changing her so much. Really, the part where her body and appearance is so changed is rather full of holes and I hate it. Especially since she should have the opportunity to develop NATURALLY. This would have been an 'okay' story if she didn't change so damn much, not great or good, more mediocre than anything.
Johanson132 chapter 2 . 9/25/2017
dude did you actually put in a point in the story that's not a transition to make Louise sexier... WHY!? number one rule of writing is basically: Don't Do That!
Slavok chapter 2 . 6/22/2017
I'm pretty bad at writing romance too, and my advice is that if it's not one of your strong points, you shouldn't make it a focus of the story. Personally I'd vote for the one-sided relationship because that's what it was most like in the game where multiple main characters and countless side ones fell for him, but he was too busy fighting monsters and exploring to notice. If you did want to do a LinkxTiffania story, well, he won't even meet her until the end of the second season if you hug the plot, so it might have been better if you had her summon him instead of Louise. That might make an interesting story, because between the civil war in Albion followed by Tristain and Germania invading, there would be a lot of non-canon events to write about, but you already started and I'm rambling (still, I'll need to write that story sometime).

This is still early in your story, so I can't be sure, but so far the biggest warning sign I've seen is that you might go the route of having crazy stuff happen just because it sounds cool. Making Louise a pentagon-class supermodel because the Fierce Deity (who couldn't or wouldn't get Link out of the inter-dimensional void but could solve all of Louise's problems on a whim) decided to seems like the sort of thing you did just for the heck of it. Most stories start out with a few impossible events (like Link being summoned in the first place), but if you do this too often, the readers won't take the story seriously because it will be a series of unrelated events instead of a chain of causes and effects.

Finally, and this is the most important part, I need you to pay special attention to what makes Link an interesting character. There are countless fanfics where people write stories about their characters because they like those characters, but they replace all the character traits besides the name. This is an especially easy trap to fall into with Link because he is a silent (and possible amnesiac if you're not a completionist) protagonist whose actions mirror whoever is playing him. Since he has to talk in the story, it's easy for writers to make him a generic cool guy with a generic amount of snark and sarcasm, a generically low tolerance for bull crap, and with no character flaws. I don't know if you were planning on going this route, but if you were, now is your chance to change it because Link hasn't done anything yet. Sure, as the protagonist, he is probably going to solve the world's problems, but what are his own problems he was trying to solve? In the game, he was trying to defeat Calamity Ganon, but he was also trying to recapture his lost memories. Here, he'll be saving the world because that's what he does, but what else? How will someone who has been paragliding off mountains and fighting monsters deal with a public school? Will he want to get back home, or will he want to explore the new world he's in? What makes Link, •Link•? Because if you can't come up with an answer beyond his name, appearance, and some of his abilities, then this story isn't really going to have him in it.
Tachibana Kabuki chapter 2 . 6/20/2017
I'll say Link x Louise x Tiffania x Herieta (I think that's her name)
Tachibana Kabuki chapter 2 . 6/20/2017
. . . Holy shit. . . . . That's all I can say
Tachibana Kabuki chapter 1 . 6/17/2017
Look forward to the next update
LordFiolr chapter 1 . 6/3/2017
I am not abosolutely sure, but I think there was healing magic. If I remember correctly it was a part of water magic.
SpeedFreakRotGut chapter 1 . 5/20/2017
i think its because they know the diffrence between elf and hylians its quite obvious
Emu Thing chapter 1 . 5/17/2017
Um... Hylians look just like elves so shouldn't they all be afraid of him?