Reviews for The Darkness Inside
Jen chapter 2 . 5/23/2017
Another great chapter! Chris was found! (And you didn't magically make Chis able to stand up quickly after the attack). Thanks for writing!
Jen chapter 1 . 5/19/2017
Okay... so I wan't paying attention and didn't notice this wasn't complete... and I got to the end and was like "what? Only one chapter? And it ended there? No~!" And then I saw when the story was posted and sighed in relief.
Anyway, great job! You have me hooked. I will not rush you, because you should take the time you need to keep up the good work! Great flow and good detail! I'll be sure to bookmark it!
I love that you report the temperature is in Celsius. It didn't register at first because I am more accustomed to suing Fahrenheit, but then I did notice and I was pretty excited because I know enough about Celsius to know what it means (temperature wise)!