Reviews for Capo Di Tutti Capi
midnitereader chapter 11 . 6/15
Nice way to help her relax. Merry Christmas indeed.
midnitereader chapter 10 . 6/15
I'm glad he's letting her return to work. She's a strong woman. I'm sure he won't let her do anything that would put her or the baby in danger though.
midnitereader chapter 9 . 6/15
I had a feeling she was pregnant because of the throwing up. But I think hormones might have something to do with the way she was acting. I'm glad he's happy she's okay. I'm sure he will have a few choice words about her behavior and attitude though.
midnitereader chapter 8 . 6/15
Edward is pissed at her for putting herself in danger, but he's relieved she's okay, though a little worse for wear.
midnitereader chapter 7 . 6/15
Edward in a normal situation would be deadly, but his wrath knows no bounds and he will take down everyone involved in his wife's kidnapping. Including Jacob Black, who will suffer for allowing it and hurting Isabella in the process.
midnitereader chapter 6 . 6/14
She was right not to trust Newton or Black. But she should not have dozed off. Newton was found dead at the safehouse, but where is Black?
midnitereader chapter 5 . 6/14
Wow, lots of questions. I don't believe Bella let herself get taken that easily. Since Jacob is missing I can only think he was a mole.
midnitereader chapter 4 . 6/14
Bella is strong. She will get to the bottom of this. I hope Edward has enough faith in his wife that he knows she has good intentions and good intuition about this situation. In her own way she will find out what happened and deem out punishment.
midnitereader chapter 3 . 6/14
Since Edward was handed control over the family he needs to remind Carlisle of his place. Isabella made a power move. I hope it served her well.
midnitereader chapter 2 . 6/14
She's so feisty and doesn't give in easily but it's so satisfying to both of them when he gets the upper hand.
midnitereader chapter 1 . 6/14
I remember this entry for the contest. It was one of my favs. Edward is very much in control and Isabella stands as an equal by his side. But when he talks like that to her exerting his authority it is so hot. The man is deadly.
Lisa chapter 11 . 8/2/2019
I love reading your story.
Lisa chapter 10 . 8/2/2019
I love them.
Lisa chapter 9 . 8/2/2019
Oh I love Edward.
Lisa chapter 8 . 8/2/2019
I hope so.
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