Reviews for He Tian's work of art: the training of his pet Mo Guan Shan
NinaLu chapter 3 . 9/15/2019
I know you may be busy, but please please im begging you finish this story
Guest chapter 3 . 2/3/2019
More please? ~ a humble admirer
graciebabe194 chapter 3 . 1/11/2019
Love this series! Please update! X
Guest chapter 3 . 11/3/2018
Please Finish the story with another chapter and please make it the ending we all want. All in all the story is really good thought
Naomi Saitou chapter 3 . 9/29/2018
can't wait, i can imagine mo crying while being jerked off. haha
Unknown chapter 1 . 8/26/2018
Why is Mo so weak
I can’t read this
Mo is not like that
Sierra chapter 3 . 6/3/2018
Omg it is sooo cute please continue! It's very good
Guest chapter 1 . 4/15/2018
So interesting! Love this!
Guest chapter 3 . 11/25/2017
Is this fic going to continue. It’s amazing and really well written. I usually don’t read unfinished works because I’m inpatient but since when I started this there was not a lot of 19 days fanfiction so I decided to read everything even if it was still a work in progress and also checking other sites instead of just ao3 which brought me to your fic which I love and hope to continue reading it in the future. Good luck with the writing.
ughh chapter 3 . 10/4/2017
I need more of that. Omg you are a good writer and it's a shame that there are only 3 chapters. I really really love this ship with all my life T~T and you did a great job.
Puriti chapter 3 . 8/27/2017
I TOTALLY LOVE THIS. Its Sooo Beautiful, I need a Fourth chapter! Ive been waiting for an update forever now, I just been reading the same story all over again. But all three chapters were so Sexy and what should I call it "Cute" So please if you still write these Id be soo happy To read a new chapter.
Bakajan chapter 3 . 7/16/2017
Please update, master..