Reviews for Jaune Arc: Student of Shade Academy
Guest chapter 46 . 6/8
Greer123 chapter 45 . 5/18
Interesting twist sending Jaune into a occupied town considering how infamous he is.
Malkor13 chapter 45 . 5/5
The character relations have been solid tho I really think it is faaaar too overstated how people feel about Jaune cheating. He's participated in the breach as one of the first responders so there's national news evidence of him being able in live combat also Vacou of all places caring about a piece of paper when you've passed initiation twice and burned down a prominent bandit camp seems out of character for the setting. Even more so why would so many care about such a social faux pas to still be actively following it and opinionated? Anyway, besides leaning on that story element a bit too much, I think your writing is going well.
Malkor13 chapter 11 . 5/4
Still reading but sexual violence is always a tenuous subject to inject, especially when it's this 'everyone gets out without anything major happening despite being knocked out'. Why bring such gross discomfort up at all when not having the finesse and balls to follow thru. Just unnecessary stain with no consequence.
Also, Aura piercing rounds are THE dumbest thing I've seen in the fandom as it completely reinvents the world and invalidates huntsman completely. The whole point of the combat schools and the series is that fights happen with aura barriers which require the use of huge flashy techniques to break through that or hunt massive Grimm in the wilds where airborne enemies and rough terrain make large forces, mechas and supply chains unwieldy. Everyone and their grandmother would get their hands on the bullets if they were at all purchasable or at the least the Atlesian military which specializes in aura studies and basically runs the country and blast away decades of captain america level training, assuming they can hit as huntsman are able to dodge firearms at their best, yet all they have are gravity dust wire restraints. The only person we've seen with similar capabilities is a world-class mass murderer recruited by the immortal queen of the Grimm herself as head hunter and he still has to swipe at you first. I hate that shit cause it feels like a lazy way to introduce stakes without thinking about worldbuilding repercussions.
Rant aside your writing style is nice enough and I'll keep reading.
Lightning Lord Kaji chapter 45 . 5/2
Jaune's going to snap again at some point. He needs something or someone to help level him out. Hopefully before disaster strikes again.
Uday Sra chapter 45 . 5/2
Steelrain66 chapter 45 . 5/2
Huh, Jaune does have a point. He is rather infamous here so why use him for any political jargon. Its likely to backfire
JohnJuanRamboJr35 chapter 44 . 2/16
First off I liked this chapter for explaining what Jaune does now but honestly this chapter and the last kinda felt like filters
Steelrain66 chapter 44 . 2/16
Hmmm cool chapter bro, also since you mentioned Darkspawn it makes me want a rwby/da crossover
Call Brig On Over chapter 43 . 2/9
When I was younger than Jaune I also had a rival, a guy named Eric. Our competition only once resulted in a fight (it was a draw) but we ultimately pushed each through therapy (that's were we met and no I won't say why we were there) with such speed that everyone wondered if we were secretly best friends (we weren't).

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I hope we see even more of Malcom in the future.
Uday Sra chapter 43 . 2/8
blaiseingfire chapter 42 . 1/22
Realizing not all of your family loves you is definitely a hard blow. Hope Jaune can accept and move past it.
Pannenkoekenrage chapter 42 . 1/22
Was getting afraid with how much time there was between last chapter and this, happy to see it continue. The fluff was nice, didn't feel forced. See ya next chapter
Greer123 chapter 42 . 1/21
Looks like Jaune is dealing with his family issues by realizing that not all of his sisters want him back.
Dragon Bone Z chapter 1 . 1/1
Interesting premise. Nice choice of design since Vacuo is in the desert. Hope you will give some lore of your own. Is this finished?
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