Reviews for A Big Enough Umbrella
SeekingMyEdward chapter 22 . 7/12
I just love this story. 4th or 5th time I’ve read it and it just keeps giving.
pinkshoes81 chapter 22 . 6/1
Loved it, thanks for sharing x
Carnelian83 chapter 22 . 5/11
I've just discovered these stories now - thank you so much for writing something so heartwarming! Our world needs more stories like this right now.

You're awesome!
Cheriana-1 chapter 21 . 4/2
Oh my goodness, this was FANTASTIC! I just about did back flips when I saw your reply to my review on Old School and realized that there was a SEQUEL...and in EPOV for bonus points. I loved every second of this. Edward's devotion to her is gorgeous. I nearly cried when he offered to invest in the Orlovs. I loved his struggle with his jealousy over Riley. And the graduation proposal was beyond perfect. I could completely picture it, and I love how you made him just a flustered mess, instead of his carefully planned self, but still ready with an umbrella. It was exactly as it should have been. That entire scene was funny, sweet, and just perfect. Thank you for two wonderful stories that were just so much fun that I know I'll be re-reading soon.
EdwardJournals chapter 2 . 3/22
So, Victoria seems like a piece of work. Maybe not in a bad way? Poor Edward. I hope she doesn't make him question his amazingness and what he does too much. He seems so happy with what he does Maybe he doesn't need to upset his apple cart. I'm sure he'll talk to Bella about this before he makes any decisions. And as far as teaching someone else what he does? I don't think that would be possible. Edward is very unique in his connection with his subjects in his shoots. Things like that aren't things you can teach someone. You either have them or you don't. I'm guessing he's going to agree in some form? Thanks as always. You always make me think while reading your tales.
EdwardJournals chapter 1 . 3/22
I've been feeling a bit blue the past few days and I went stalking your stories and realized I never read this one, so here I am. I loved Old School and you know I love your writing. So my first thoughts are: "sigh" lol. Super Hero tights hmmm? I can sit here and think about that for a while. I love that you always seem to give me such a lovely visual in my head whilst I read your stories. Thanks as always for sharing your lovely words. I hope you are safe and healthy.
litmajoronleave chapter 22 . 12/8/2019
I love it! Thanks for continuing with Umbrella Man and giving us a glimpse of their future lives. I hope you never stop writing :)
myadryk89 chapter 22 . 11/29/2019
So so good. I love the way you write, is obvious for us readers that you research, that you know what you are writing about. You know how to hook us in through its ups and downs, how to make us enjoy the journey.
Thank you for writing and sharing this story with us. You are awesome.
Bex818 chapter 22 . 10/26/2019
I don’t think I’ve been genuinely sad to complete a fic. I love the way you wrote it so real. When they had problems, it wasn’t some huge, we know who’s right kind of situation. It just kinda happens: people get busy and sometimes it’s not really anyone’s fault. Definitely gonna go check out some of your other stuff now!
Kriti chapter 22 . 8/6/2019
It's been pouring here in this part of India this whole week. What a wonderful experience to binge read both of your wonderful fics back to back in such appropriate weather for it! With the rain as a constant soundtrack to the fics, I had absolutely no trouble visualizing your Bella and Edward coming together and then growing together in their little bubble world under their umbrella.
This was an absolute treat and I look forward to exploring more of your work.
Thank you for your words!
Secretrevenge chapter 22 . 5/29/2019
It’s a joy to read such a well written story that is grammatically correct and with proper spelling.
Grammar nazi, here; I can’t help it. Your character development was spot on, including Riley’s, though craftily done from a distance. You have a talent, certainly one of the best authors in fan fiction.
kmfroggi chapter 22 . 3/17/2019
I’m so happy there was a sequel! This is just and fabulous as the first! Love me some old school Edward! And I really enjoy the realism of his and Bella’s relationship, great job! Thanks for writing and sharing!
S1203 chapter 22 . 2/14/2019
Just spent last two days glued to Old school and sequel. With constant smile. Thank you very much! What a great journey... ️
S1203 chapter 7 . 2/14/2019
Love it! Thank you!
LAB1 chapter 22 . 11/28/2018
Ahhh, this was the ending I wanted! Perfect in every way! The manbun of today will be the mullet of yesteryear. Ridiculous hairstyles that some thought made them look hip, but really just made them look douchie. I guess the "meet me at McDonalds" haircut is for the current teens. I call it the llama haircut. My teen daughter will make an animal head with her hand and we bust up laughing. Llamas are very popular right now! I wonder if these boys realize that they look like llamas? My girls didn't and now it is a family joke in good fun. They do look wild and adorable!
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