Reviews for Many Hands Make Light Work
Bleu Tsuki chapter 1 . 3/28
Awww this was so cute! Hei using his powers for such everyday things seems very realistic somehow. I wish all his coworkers were as nice to Hei as Ootsuka. Geez he’s doing them a favor! Also nice detail about Hei and Misaki. I enjoy them. It seems like a very Misaki thing to do to not share his personal stuff with everyone
general zargon chapter 1 . 1/16/2018
LMFAO, this was hilarious! I loved this story! Hei is such a cinnamon roll, and all the officers making a mistake about his payment had me laughing. I really enjoyed the Hei/Misaki undertones in their part. It was so sweet. :D I wish you the very best of luck on your writing!
SomebodyLost chapter 1 . 7/19/2017
I do so enjoy these Office AUs. Moar! :D

The recruitment thing with Hei is still confusing to me lol, even after the explanation in tumblr.

You have a way with words that are somewhat quirky, yet imaginative. Sometimes it takes a bit of work to decipher, but it's half the fun, hehe. I do get confused sometimes though.

I want to ask, what's that weird divider, when Hei was speaking to Misaki? It's just seems that that divider is there since no large amount of time (like days or hours) passed between talking about his lack of price & offering the food.

Oh boy, can't help but think that this could be the least awkward interactions Hei can have with his coworkers. I mean, there are stuff out there that have the Black Reaper's touch, like cameras catching him killing/torturing someone, a doll trafficking gone bad, old war buddies/contractors he captured fleeing at the sight of him... basically lots of bad stuff in the past that bites Hei in the ass. If S4 have to go ask him about those stuff because it was needed for a case, who will they sacrifice to approach the Reaper? :D

And charging phones is probably the norm now for him. But say a blackout happens & the generators failed... everybody will just turn towards him, haha. And Hei will come back to a mountain of candy on his desk.

Hehe, sorry for rambling! It's just a fantastic AU & I can't help but think on it.

Thanks for writing. :)
Dear4Life chapter 1 . 6/23/2017
Ahahahahaha! Too funny!

It's great to see you back writing for this great fandom again. I'm glad tsuki and all them got your creative ideas flowing again for it.
pandora midnight blue chapter 1 . 6/14/2017
I loved this. Well done, I can't get enough of these AUs.
tsuki-llama chapter 1 . 5/31/2017
I always imagine that Hei must just exist in this constant state of hyperawareness, where every single goddamn thing has to be monitored for potential threats. He must be an absolute wreck at fireworks displays or concerts. Eavesdropping on coworkers is a given!

And of course they would think eating is his remuneration - sheesh, Hei, pay attention.

I love that misaki didn't tell anyone that he doesn't have a price, and especially her reasoning, and I love the buddy-cop relationship that he has going with Ootsuka - so cute!

Such a light and entertaining piece - but I really really need to know about this arrest/poisoning business...

Thanks for writing - hope to see more soon!