Reviews for Switched
FelineNinjaGrace chapter 1 . 2/25/2019
This is so GOOD! I love it! I'm so disappointed that there isn't more! 3
Levenez chapter 15 . 12/4/2018
This story is so original! And fun. Yes, some angst but we know it will be HEA in the end!
Of course the outspoken E couldn’t keep quiet. But that the proper Mr D disrespects the rules of society in such a way! Quite a (nice) surprise.
Well done to your writing and your imagination!
Thank you
eyuuri chapter 1 . 10/9/2018
First of all: Lovely story I loved to read it but man oh man did i dislike Charles and Jane xD Jane was just so goddamn boring and Charles as well they have to be to most colourless and lackluster couple of the century. Charles completely effed up for me when he began disparaging Elizabeth. No one‘s putting Baby in a corner goddamnit! XD So yeah those two can go and suck it, but I looooved E&D‘s parts, those two are so well written in your story and really enjoyable to read!
smileforsun chapter 15 . 9/25/2018
This story is FANTASTIC. It's definitely a new concept, which I appreciate, but more than that you told the story so well. I cringed as I imagined the heartache they were all going through, and how much they wanted to speak but could not. The angst was fairly realistic, in my opinion. And I will never, never begrudge two chapters of happiness at the end! You knew what I wanted before I knew it myself. Thank you for sharing, and I'll continue devouring your other stories!
SalemAnderson chapter 15 . 5/29/2018
I liked it overall. Mrs. Gardiner and Jane were not my favorite characters. I really liked the passion between Lizzy and Darcy. I am confused, though, why Wickham and Col. Fitzwilliam are even mentioned in the story when they weren't actually in it. Seemed a bit superfluous. If I was reading as someone who doesn't read tons of JAFF, I wouldn't have known who they were or why they mattered to Darcy at all.

BUT...I thought your concept was creative and well written. I hope you take my nitpicking for what it is and don't get discouraged. I am in the middle of a rather large writers block myself, partially due to some particularly harsh feedback. Haven't been able to finish writing a story in years.

You are a good writer, I hope you keep it up!
SalemAnderson chapter 10 . 5/29/2018
Yes, the martyr-like sisters are annoying in their hubris of thinking they know what the other is feeling without asking. I find myself rolling my eyes often when reading the parts in Jane's head. She's too much of a doormat. But then they are all cowards at this point in the story, aren't they?
SalemAnderson chapter 8 . 5/29/2018
So right now, I am very annoyed with the fact that your characters aren't speaking with each other, specifically Jane and Elizabeth. I'm even more annoyed with Mrs. Gardiner for her "mess-up" and subsequent actions that screwed everybody over to fix her mistake. Especially given the fact that she didn't even ask the principles if they were happy with who they were assigned, even though they never consummated. I'm sticking with it to see what happens but right now I'm very annoyed with this story. That's not to say I'm not enjoying the tender moments between Lizzy and Darcy. I just wish they'd all communicate better. But I guess that's kind of the point isn't it?
MerytonMiss chapter 15 . 4/19/2018
I think she did what she did in a blind new employee panic in fear of getting in trouble herself over a technical mistake. Shows what a bad manager the Constable is that the two of them couldnt confer and resolve the not really an error. Of course, both couples being unwilling to speak up, to her or each other or their counterpart certainly didnt help!
GuLaLi561 chapter 15 . 4/9/2018
You sure knows how to write angst! Glad it’s only 15 chapters long and all constant assurance that it’s going to be a happy ending.

Can’t help but to point out that Darcy and Lizzy got all the actions and Bingley and Jane only got a glimpse of flashback of their so-called passionate encounter. Suit them right since it’s Darcy and Lizzy who stood up for their rightful loved ones.

Captivating plot indeed...
misslin123 chapter 1 . 4/8/2018
i think this story should be rated M :)
misslin123 chapter 15 . 4/8/2018
ive been busy for more than a year,barely had time to visit fanfiction...the last time i was here,i was enchanted by Real...sadly i couldnt finish reading the fic as it was taken down by the time i revisit the story..however this story mends my broken heart and i love i love i love it a lot! u r a very talented writer,i love yr style of writing...keep on writing,im one of yr biggest fans

p/s : in my own understanding,i guess mrs gardiner purposedly switched the pair...she was a brilliant matchmaker,she knew which pair would suit one another...if she followed the gentlemen's request,they wouldnt find their HEA..however,she was bound to grant her client's request (eldest sister for mr darcy),so she took it in her own hand by switching the pair and made it look as if it was a mistake
Jansfamily4 chapter 15 . 4/6/2018
SO SWEET! I love this story! And Aunt Gardiner made a mistake! I just can't see her doing this on purpose. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us.
Kayozm chapter 15 . 4/6/2018
And for my partI think it was an accident. If she’d done it on purpose, she’d not have switched them. She’s just have pretended she didn’t notice until it was too late, unless they seemed unhappy at the confirmation. Just my opinion
PemberleyFan chapter 15 . 4/6/2018
What a completely delightful story! Every word has been a treasure. Thank you for sharing it with us.
WhimsyMom chapter 15 . 4/4/2018
Thank you for the delightful tale. Other than an Aunt Gardiner who seems more like and Aunt Phillips, it was a joy. I'm looking forward to a thorough reread when I have a bit more time.
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