Reviews for Arsonist's Lullabye
Jezabelle31415 chapter 35 . 6/7
I haven’t been reading many fics lately but I’ve been trying to catch up, and I must say that you’re a is the only one that I truly want to see more alerts for chapter updates, I love their relationship and your characters and plot line, plz plz plz update as often as you can3
Maddie chapter 35 . 6/7
Can I just say props to you for that author's note? I really appreciate you bringing attention to the Black lives matter movement using your story (also I'm sorry to heat about the bill there, I'll do what I can to help!) As for this story, I can't believe I read this only now! I absolutely love your writing and each of Jovan and Erik's inteeactions! I can't wait to personally see Jovan go back to being a comtesse while still beinf friends with Erik. Sincerely, Maddie! Update soon please~
Kawaii-Shishiza chapter 35 . 6/3
First of all thank you for your response! Ah I don’t event know where to begin with this comment! I got the notification of the update right before I was going to go to bed and now it is almost midnight when I finished reading. I’m currently wiping the tears from my eyes, and don’t worry these are happy tears haha! I’m just completely blown away from this chapter! I never thought a scene like this could make me cry. It was just so heartfelt and beautifully written! It’s just astounding how you capture feelings and convey them in such a beautiful way! And although I will always enjoy an update from you, please feel free to take what ever break you need!
The Sharpened Pencil chapter 34 . 5/30
This was one of my first fics that I read, ever, and it’s so nice to find out that after so long, it still makes me so happy! The story is impeccable, the characters are on point, the dialogue is poetic and thought provoking. There’s nothing I don’t love about this fic. When the new chapter came I out I was SO excited. It had been too long since the last time I had read it, though. So I had no other choice but to read it again. And I might have to read it again after this, just to make sure I have the story down. And maybe once more after that.
Also, this review is crazy long but I feel like I should let you know, that before I started rereading this for the third time, I was reading an old fic I had posted. Then I started reading this, and I realized that I had taken all my favorite bits from this and put it in my own work. Like the whole apple thing? That’s in there. When the managers had just received Erik’s note and everyone’s flipping out and he just shows up like “Lovely morning, isn’t it?” That’s in there too. And a few other things as well. (Versions of them anyway, I don’t like to plagiarize.) But I thought you should know that you help influence me and grow as a writer.
Lovely job on the new chapter! Keep up the wonderful work! ~TSP
le fantome chapter 34 . 5/22
I GASPED AND LOST MY BREATH WHEN I SAW A NEW CHAPTER. I’m so grateful that I waited a year for this to be continued! I checked every week since the previous chapter came out and I re-read your story up until ch. 33 as often as I could.
I, too, just finished my first year of university. It’s crazy and very time consuming! Now that my country is in quarantine (very tentatively reopening? not that I’m heading outside anytime soon XD), I have lots of time to catch up on fics that I had stopped reading to focus on school. I’m doing some spring/summer courses to keep myself busy and get ahead of my degree reqs too. Ahhhhh.
I’m just so, so, so happy that I can read a new chapter. It was absolutely excellent and the emotions felt so real between Erik and Jovan. I’m so glad that Jovan is feeling at least a little more courageous to spread her wings but by bit. I can feel her awakening and it’s so refreshing to see her believing in what she needs to do. Now I just hope it doesn’t backfire. I’m still uncertain in my feelings in regards to Laurine...I have a lot of hope for her character development since the previous chapter and with the way this one has ended. I do have a feeling of both nervousness and optimism that Laurine will change and become someone who will genuinely help Jovan...BUT...there is also this nagging part of me that says Laurine will go back to her old ways despite knowing what Rémi is truly like and what he has done (as far as we, the readers, know).
I really want Erik to figure hisself out and truly know what he is feeling. Haha! I’m so happy I don’t know if I have all my thoughts down in this review, but I hope you are safe and well.
I eagerly await to read your next chapter. Your writing never ceases to enrapture me and bring me into the story.
Kawaii-Shishiza chapter 34 . 5/22
Also can we just have a moment to appreciate Erik’s development in this story! I think I have re-read this story at least 3 times and I love how you stay true to his character and yet you show a bit of development! Especially with him starting to come to terms with his feelings in this chapter! Seriously can not wait to see what more this story has to offer!
Kawaii-Shishiza chapter 34 . 5/22
What an amazing update! I was so excited to see the notification of the upload! It was well worth the wait! I swear with each chapter I read I only want to read more! Thank you so much for posting and glad to hear you are doing well in these crazy times! This update was truly the highlight of my day!
elsiereads chapter 33 . 4/22
this is amazing! i hope you dont lose the motivation to continue writing this ️ looking forward to what’s in store!
Lucy CP chapter 33 . 4/9
Very interesting story!
Lucy CP chapter 33 . 4/9
I really want to see remi like mud under Jovan's shoes. Despicable monster he is! And people called Erik one! HA!
Lucy CP chapter 9 . 4/5
Well, when it's movie verse. Just love that 2004 film snd cried too.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/5
Caramba, what an intense man! Ooph! I always pic GB when read POTO fanfics
The Sharpened Pencil chapter 33 . 8/9/2019
This fanfic has been one of my favorites for a long time. It was actually one of the first I’d ever read, and I was blown away by how much I enjoyed it. I actually lost it a year or so ago (the tab on my phone got deleted or something) and I was devestated when I couldn’t remember the name. But, some how, I found it again, and of course I had to binge read it in 2 days. I hope you’ll post more to it. Once again, this work was simply stunning. Throughout the time I had lost this story, the plot and the characters and the way things were described always stuck in my memory (especially the opening lines), and I think bits wormed their way into my subconscious. I started writing my own fanfic about a year ago (man I can’t believe it’s been that long) and as I was reading this I recognized details I had worked into my story. Like the whole thing with Erik giving Jovan the apple for the first time? I had totally forgotten about that but a very similar scene is in my work (Écrivain de Mensonnges by TheSharpenedPencil on archiveof our own). Simply beautiful job. Can’t appreciate this enough. Bye! ~TSP
crimson.blood.witch chapter 33 . 5/25/2019
they should call reported and have a press conference
crimson.blood.witch chapter 33 . 5/25/2019
I hope there is more. please tell there is at least one more chapter.
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